Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter seven hundred and thirtieth eight flexible Bobo Bo Weiqi

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? What Li Cha didn't know was that the degree of flexibility of Popo Bovich was actually much greater than he imagined.

"Da da da……"

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the groom drove the carriage back to the ancient castle built on a mound outside Jialan City - Ashes College.

As soon as he entered the gate of the academy, before the carriage stopped, Popobovich couldn't wait to jump out of the carriage and hurriedly ran to the attic on one side.

But while running, the corner of his eyes caught sight of a person in the distance, just as he took a step, he stopped abruptly, quickly changed to a steady pace, and walked towards the attic in a calm manner.

People in the distance saw Popo Bovich and ran over quickly, only to see that it was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with freckles and twin ponytails.

The other person's name is Jessica, and she doesn't look very pretty, but she has a unique vitality all over her body. She is a wizard apprentice from Professor Popovich. some trivial matters.

"Teacher, you're back!" Jessica ran to Popo Bović, obviously knowing what Popo Bovichi was doing, and asked with concern, "Teacher, have you successfully refuted the question?" Leigh, Kathy's other teacher?"

"Of course." Popobovich replied calmly after listening to the words, "You don't know, once I open my mouth, that person dare not say anything."

"The teacher is the best! Then for dinner, let me cook your favorite fresh water fish?" Jessica said excitedly, "When the time comes, tell me in detail while you eat, how can you refute the other party?" of."

"Uh, this...cough cough." Popo Bovich coughed twice, hesitatingly said, "Let's forget about today's dinner, don't wait for me to eat together, refute the other party's details, and talk to you when you have time." You said, I have something to do right now."

"What are you busy with?"

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter, well, you go first." Popobovich waved his hand.

"Oh, okay." Jessica responded, looking at Popovich with some puzzlement, but turned and left.

Popo Bovich watched Jessica leave, and as soon as she saw Jessica disappear around the corner, he ran towards the attic and ran straight to the top floor of the attic.

Here, there are tall bookshelves one after another.

Popobovitch looked around the bookshelf, pursed his lips, and muttered, "The source of time? The edge of the world? Life? Consciousness? Well, which book has the answer?"

After muttering for a long time, Popobovitch walked to a bookshelf, took out the last book from it, and flipped through it quickly.

After reading less than a third of the content, I threw it away.

"This book is useless."

Popo Bovich was talking, and pulled out another book from the shelf.

Turned it over a few more times and threw it away again.

"Still not. I don't have any relevant knowledge. I don't believe it. I will definitely find the answer."

said Popo Bovich, flipping through the books on the shelf.

"Clatter clatter..."

There was a sound, and one by one books were taken from the bookshelf, opened, and then randomly thrown on the ground.

I can see that as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer books on the bookshelves, and more and more books on the ground. After a while, several layers have been densely covered. Only the place where Popo Bovich stood was no more than a few tens of square centimeters.


After a long time, a voice sounded, and Popo Bovich finished flipping the last book in his hand and threw it on the ground. Frowning tightly, teeth clenched, he said to himself: "It shouldn't be, it really shouldn't be, why can't I find the answer? There are so many books, but there is no answer? Then... By the way, it must be the book. Not enough, there are several boxes of books in the basement."

After finishing speaking, Popobovitch stepped on the books all over the floor and ran outside. After a while, he moved three heavy wooden boxes covered with dust.

Blowing hard, blowing off the dust on the wooden box, revealing a complex pattern on the wooden box.

Looking at the pattern, Bobobo Weiqi was stunned for a moment, but then he opened the wooden box as if he didn't see it, took out many old books from it, and read them one by one.


That night, Bobobo Weiqi stayed up all night, and the voice of gnashing teeth came from the attic from time to time: "I don't believe it, I can't find the answer if I don't believe it!"

"There is definitely an answer! It's just missing, yes, it's missing!"

"If not all four answers, at least half—two answers?"

"Neither answer? Then there should be an answer."

"An answer! Don't give me an answer?"


The night passed, and the morning came.

It's quiet in the attic.

The female student Jessica got up very early, and walked carefully to the top floor of the attic with some curiosity and worry. Holding the door frame with both hands, his little head poked inside, then his eyes widened, and he saw an unforgettable scene.

I saw that in the room, a large number of books were randomly discarded. Popovich sat on the floor with books under his buttocks, his back against a wall, his eyes wide open, unfocused, motionless, like a dead man. Occasionally, a round of red, bloodshot eyeballs indicates that there is still life.

Jessica was startled, and hurried into the room, stepping on the books, ran to Popo Bovich with great difficulty, shook Popobo Vichy's body and shouted loudly: "Teacher, teacher, Are you OK?"

Popobovitch slowly came back to his senses, and after more than ten seconds, the focus of his eyes appeared and fell on Jessica, as if he realized something.


Popovich stood up like an electric shock, tidied up his scattered clothes, cleared his throat, and said, "Ahem, Jessica, what's the matter with me? I don't have any matter!"

"But why are your eyes so red? Also, when I came in, you were motionless, so scary." Jessica said.

"It's all just a misunderstanding." Popo Bovich explained, "It's... um... I was reading too late last night, and I accidentally fell asleep, and as a result... as a result... forgot to sleep My eyelids are closed, yes, I forgot to close my eyes. So when you see me, it's a little scary."

"Asleep, still forget to close your eyes?" Jessica was startled.

Popo Bovich said: "What is this, Jessica, when you can become a real wizard, you will understand that there are too many things a wizard can do."

"Oh, is that so?" Jessica nodded suspiciously, and then asked, "Then teacher, do you still have class today?"

"Of course I have to... um no." In the middle of the sentence, Popobovich suddenly changed his words, "This morning, help me teach those students first, I have something to solve."

"What's up?"

"Uh, it's a small matter, it's just a small matter." As he spoke, Popo Bovich walked out the door.

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