Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 739 Vaishya secrets

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Early morning.

Not long after Li Cha got up, just sat down in the study of Blue Lake Manor, Gallie walked in and whispered that there was a wizard from Ashes Academy visiting.

"Bobo Bo Weiqi?" Li Cha asked.

"It seems to be the name." Jia Lie scratched his head, not very sure, "Just remember, his name is very tricky."

"That's him." Richard said, "Then let me go out and see what answer this knowledgeable wizard can give."

Talking, stepping out.


A few minutes later.

At the entrance of the Blue Lake Manor, next to a carriage, Popovich and Richard looked at each other.

Popo Bovich spoke out first, and said in a straight-forward manner: "Ahem, let me tell you first, I have found the answers to your four questions, but they are not very accurate, so I will not tell you for now. Correspondingly, I would like to hear what your opinion is on those four questions."

"What is my opinion, Wizard Vitch." Richard said, "Actually, I don't have an accurate answer."

"Ha!" Bobobo Weiqi stared, "So you don't even know it yourself, so you came to ask me!"

"It is precisely because I don't know that I want to explore, research, communicate and think." Richard said slowly, "I believe that it is difficult for someone to know everything, so it is correct to keep an open and accepting attitude. Isn't it?"

"This..." Popobovitch opened and closed his mouth several times, but was speechless and speechless.

After being silent for a while, Bobobo Weiqi looked at Richard and exhaled: "Well, I admit that what you said makes sense—it makes sense, but I don't think what you said is right. How about it, from now on After that, I agree that you will continue to teach Harry and Cathy, and of course I will continue to teach them, and let them choose what is right."

After hearing this, Li Cha frowned slightly and said, "Wizard Vicki, I never applied to you. I want to teach Harry and Cathy the rights, right? The one who asked me to teach them is the other party's father—Marquis Vian, you should have no right to interfere."

"It's late!" Popovich shouted, "Anyway, I've already agreed. Goodbye, Wizard Richard!"

After finishing speaking, Popobovich turned around quickly, strode towards the carriage parked aside, and urged the groom after getting into the carriage: "Go, go!"

The groom quickly started the carriage and drove towards the distance, and he was a hundred meters away in a short time.

Popo Bovich carefully raised the corner of the curtain behind the carriage, glanced at it, and quickly put it down again. After making sure that Li Cha hadn't caught up, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Phew, it's a good thing I didn't catch up."

After finishing the sentence, I felt that something was wrong, looked at the groom, and explained with a serious expression: "Well, actually, I'm not afraid of that guy, it doesn't matter if he catches up, anyway, I'm confident, he must be wrong in the end. It's just that I don't like trouble, and I don't want to make things difficult for Harry and Cathy, you know?"

The groom didn't change much in his expression. He looked as if he had understood it a long time ago. He pulled the horse's rein without responding, and drove the carriage towards Ashes Academy.


At the entrance of Blue Lake Manor, Li Cha watched the carriage go away, shook his head lightly, turned and walked into the manor.

Through this contact, his understanding of Popo Bovich has strengthened a bit, and he found that the other party and a rigid and mean image are getting farther and farther away. However, it is also certain that the other party should not make trouble, and that is enough.


In fact, Harry and Cathy were the two most affected by this matter.

When Popo Bovich returned, he began to give special counseling to the two students, hoping to use his profound knowledge to bring the two students back to his right path. This greatly increased the pressure on Harry and Cathy to study, making them miserable.

However, Richard still kept the appearance of Harry and Cathy as they were. Most of the time, he was in the stocking mode, and occasionally told the two of them something, such as the views of various philosophical schools on the world, and then let the two think for themselves.

Even so, it was too hard for Harry and Cathy to run on both sides. But the two of them were indeed better than the rest of the students, without any complaints, they worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge. Whether it's from Popovich or Richard, as long as they think it's useful to them, try to remember it.


In this way, a month passed quietly.

It's July, Yanyue.

On this day, Richard did not stay at the Blue Lake Manor, but appeared in the Garden of Eden.

Eden, Machining Sector, Research Office.

Li Cha was sitting at a table, studying a book - the book from the "Queen Victoria" home.

After getting the book for such a long time, he has almost studied it thoroughly. This book is called "The Secret of Vaishya", which is a wizard book similar to "Chapter of Monroe", but there are also differences.

In contrast, "Chapter of Monroe" is biased towards popular science, with comprehensive and detailed content, but not complicated. Although high-end content exists, it is very rare.

"The Secret of the Vaishya" is just the opposite, and it is biased towards the more taboo content, that is, some unorthodox, lost, and feared advanced spells, among which there are many extremely evil spells.

Therefore, "Secrets of Vaishya" is very useful to him now. When he encounters some problems in research, he will read this wizard book to see if he can find a solution or idea to solve the problem.

However, now he is not trying to solve any problem, but is confirming whether the magic pattern of a powerful spell will work.

This is a three-ring evocation fire-like spell recorded in "The Secret of Vaishya". It is called "Baruch's Flame", and it has powerful explosive destructive power. He is going to use this magic spell to inscribe it on the warhead of the latest miniature spell-seeking missile in the form of magic patterns. Thereby increasing the power of the warhead and truly perfecting this big killer.

"Papa papa..."

Looking at the content on "Secrets of the Vaishya", Li Cha tapped the table with his fingers, and the lines and lines about the magic patterns in his mind flashed one by one.

After a long time, with a "snap", Li Cha closed the book, put it in the space iron ring, collected himself, with confidence in his heart, and walked towards the processing table not far from the research room.


When the button is pressed, the shadowless lamp lights up, illuminating the research bench brightly, but not dazzling, so as to ensure long-term work.


There was another crisp sound, and Li Cha fixed the pre-processed miniature spell-seeking missile warhead on the special iron frame above the processing table. I saw that the warhead is the size of an apricot, and its appearance is close to a cone. After that, the extremely cumbersome three-ring magic pattern will be carved on the surface.


Taking a few deep breaths, Li Cha tried his best to adjust his body to the best condition, put on the microscope glasses, pulled the mechanical arm inlaid with the space iron ring from one side, and began to draw the magic pattern.

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