Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 745 Your casting distance limit is my starting point

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Night sky.

Popo Bovich's body was suspended, his eyes kept looking around, and his brows were tightly frowned.

Suddenly his ears moved, his head turned slightly, and he looked in one direction, feeling a strange sound coming from him.


As Bobobo Weiqi thought about it, he saw a slender black shadow flying towards him like an arrow. There was a faint light flickering on the surface of the arrow, exuding dangerous mana fluctuations.

This is Li Cha's attack?

Popo Bovich became serious, and was about to cast a spell to stop him, but just halfway through the spell, he saw the flying arrows suddenly brighten, and the speed exploded, closing the distance to him like lightning.

If he insisted on releasing the prepared spell, he would definitely be pierced by this weird arrow before the spell was released.


Popo Bovich was sweating from shock, and reacted quickly. He immediately stopped the spell, and when he raised his right hand, the ring on his middle finger lit up.


A khaki energy shield appeared, like a wall, blocking in front of him.

The next moment, the arrow roared and hit the shield, and there was a "bang", a huge explosion sounded, and a ball of light was born. The destructive force blasted the energy shield to the point of collapse, almost shattered.

This attack actually has the power of a three-ring spell.

Popo Bovich had this thought, and he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly cast a spell. The next moment, a crimson shield was born, blocking him, replacing the khaki energy shield.

After doing this, Bobobo Weiqi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the place where the previous attack flew, and guessed that Richard should be there.

Without much hesitation, Popobovich flew south while maintaining the crimson shield in front of him.

Ten seconds later, Bobobo Weiqi's eyes lit up, seeing Li Cha appearing in front of him, he immediately shouted: "Ha, I found you, Li Cha!"

Who knows, after hearing what he said, Li Cha ignored him at all. As soon as his body turned, his whole body was wrapped in light gray energy, and he flew diagonally upwards rapidly, before he could close the distance, he disappeared again.

"This..." Bobobo Weiqi was stunned, never expecting that Li Cha would do this.

Could it be that Li Cha was afraid of fighting him? Not at all.

Then... why on earth did you not compete with him face-to-face?

Popovich was puzzled, and then saw another bright and strange arrow, flying towards him from the direction where Richard disappeared.


The arrow hit the shield and exploded. The shield trembled violently and was full of cracks, but it seemed that it could block another similar attack.

Of course, it was only blocked once at most.

Popo Bovich looked at the place where the strange arrow was flying, bit his lip, and was about to continue chasing after him, but at this moment a strange arrow flew from his side.

Popovich was quite surprised, and quickly controlled the shield to block it. There was a "boom", and the explosion sounded again.

With a "crash", the shield was shattered, and Popovich was exposed to high altitude, feeling the hot air around him, and his brows frowned into a pimple.

He understood a little now that Li Cha was going to fight him in this way similar to a sneak attack. While hiding himself, he continued to consume his mana, which eventually made him unable to hold on.

It's just that Li Cha obviously underestimated him by doing this.

He is no ordinary wizard!

"Wait, I'm going to catch you." Popo Bovich whispered, took a deep breath, mana surged out of his body, and a special spell was released.


There was a golden light in his eyes, and the black pupils expanded rapidly, almost occupying more than half of the eyeballs. Then the "thorn" suddenly split into three pupils, hanging in three different positions of the eyeball - two on the top and one on the bottom, which looks a bit like a skull pattern, which is quite weird.

Changing Structural Spells: Pupils of Spiritual Vision!

"let me see,

where are you. "

Popo Bovich whispered, scanning the surroundings with eyes with three pupils.

The next moment, he yelled "I found you", and quickly locked on to Li Cha who was hundreds of meters away, and immediately approached at high speed.

In the process of approaching, Han Fu released a wind spell and started the first counterattack.


The surrounding air gathered wildly, compressed into an extremely heavy air siege cone, and blasted towards Li Cha.

Unexpectedly, when the air siege cone was approaching Li Cha, light gray energy flashed on the surface of Li Cha's body again, moving towards the distance.

The compressed air siege cone was chasing after Li Cha, but it was still unable to close the distance, but it was getting farther and farther away from Popovich.

At the end with a "poof", the air siege cone shattered, and in a violent air fluctuation, it changed back to its original state - the distance for the spell to take effect reached the limit.

Popovich's face darkened, but he didn't want to give up just like that. He used the "Pupil of Spiritual Vision" to re-lock on Li Cha, gritted his teeth and chased again, preparing to release a new attack spell.

As a result, just in the middle of the pursuit, there was a whistling sound, and for the fourth time, Popo Bovich saw strange arrows flying towards him and exploding.


Popovich quickly activated the spell shield on another ring to resist it, and felt the surrounding air fluctuate violently, and the high temperature spread, almost scorching his robe.

Heck, I can't believe I can't deal with that guy.

Popobovic thought to himself, waved away the spell shield that was about to collapse, passed through the scorching air, continued to chase Li Cha, and raised his hand to cast spells.



In the night sky, there were explosions from time to time. The light and the sound of the explosion spread to the surroundings, and spread so far that people who didn't know it thought it was thunder.

After about five minutes...


Popo Bovich blocked it with a shield. After another attack, Li Cha looked at the night sky in the distance, frowning, with a desperate expression on his face.

Yes, despair.

After a period of fighting, he discovered a problem that was difficult to accept, but he had to accept it.

That is, he couldn't hit Li Cha.

Yes, he couldn't hit Li Cha.

Let alone whether he can deal with Li Cha, what is in front of him now is that he has no chance to deal with Li Cha, and he was completely attacked by Li Cha unilaterally.

The reason for this is simple.

Li Cha moved faster than him, and his attack range was farther.

Generally speaking, the normal spell attack range is about 50 meters to 100 meters. At this distance, the caster can precisely control the spell.

Of course, some wizards can increase the casting distance to 200 meters with the help of some magic equipment.

No matter how far away it is, it is not impossible, but the hit rate will plummet. At a distance of 300 meters, ten fireballs may be released, and at most three or four fireballs will hit the target, or even less.

It's still far away, if it's 500 meters, after the spell is cast, it's entirely up to God's will.

After all, a distance of 500 meters is one mile. At this distance, the naked eye of ordinary people can hardly distinguish the object model. Even ordinary wizards can only see the outline of objects clearly with the help of spells.

Popo Bović's casting distance is farther than that of many wizards. After all, he is a third-level wizard and belongs to the high-level existence among wizards. But he used the pupil of the Spirit Vision, at most within a range of 300 meters, to ensure that the spell can work normally, and within a range of 500 meters, to ensure that the spell has a certain degree of threat.

As for the distance of 500 meters, that is a blind spot for spellcasting.

For spells with entities, such as ice picks, ice spears, etc., the deviation of 500 meters will be unbearable to look directly at, even if the enemy does not move, it is difficult to hit. And like energy spells without entities, there is a high probability that they will collapse directly 500 meters away.

And what about Li Cha?

From the very beginning, it was three hundred meters away, and in most cases, five hundred meters away. When encountering an attack, he retreated to a distance of 700 meters, and then unhurriedly unleashed a weird attack.

Popo Bovich understood that this was not a fight at all, but that he was being ravaged unilaterally.

Too much, too much!

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