Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 746: I belong to the disobedient faction

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Popo Bovich understands it, but after he understands it, he doesn't want to just admit defeat, at least not so directly.

Otherwise, where is his face? How to explain to the female apprentice Jessica after returning to the academy?

"It seems that we must use some real strength."

Popobovitch bit his lip and said, the next moment the three pupils on the eyeballs slowly turned, a faint purple light appeared in the eyes, he turned his head suddenly, and precisely locked on a strange arrow flying from a hundred meters away arrow.

"Blast me!"

Bobo Bo Weiqi shouted, and with a wave of his hand, he released more than a dozen fist-sized fireballs towards the weird arrow, and precisely bombarded the weird arrow.


Tens of meters away, the strange arrow was detonated ahead of time, its power was released, and the air was turbulent, but it could no longer cause substantial damage.

After solving a strange arrow, Bobo Bo Weiqi recovered a lot of confidence, turned his head again, and spent more than ten seconds, locked on Li Cha who was more than 500 meters away, and shouted loudly: "Li Cha! Watch Wizard, I admit that your skills are great, but I'm not weak either.

If you want to defeat me with the current method, it's still a bit close. Your weird arrow is indeed very threatening, but it's just one that I can completely block. On the contrary, it's you, I don't know if you can block my next spell. "

After saying those words, Bobobo Weiqi was wrapped in a strong wind and approached Li Cha. A dark blue electric arc was born in his hand, flowing slowly like a liquid.

Six hundred meters, five hundred meters, four hundred meters.

Popo Bovich and Richard kept getting closer, and they were about to reach the best range of his spellcasting, but they heard the whistling sound, and when they fixed their eyes, they saw strange arrows flying towards them.

I don't know if his words were heard by Li Cha before, but this time Li Cha sent out not one weird arrow, but three.


There is a distance of more than ten meters between the three arrows, so it is difficult to be affected by the same spell.


Popobovic's expression was a little stiff: it was just one weird arrow, he could indeed block it, but it was hard to say three. Hell, what he said just now didn't mean that at all.

Just as Popo Bovich was thinking, the three arrows had approached dozens of meters away.

Popo Bovich didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and quickly threw away the blue arc accumulated in his hand, detonating a strange arrow in advance, and then met the other two strange arrows, ready to resist.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two explosions sounded, and a bright light flashed like the sun. The terrifying power quickly destroyed the two spell shields in front of Popo Bović, and was finally stopped by the third and last cyan spell shield.

However, after stopping the remaining power, the cyan spell shield was also crumbling and would break at any time.

Also on the verge of collapse is Popo Bovich. At this time, his eyes are wide and his teeth are clenched. It is not anger or hatred, but... distressed.

Yes, distressed!

In order to resist the attack just now, he used most of the magic props on his body, and he was so distressed that he was about to bleed.

Before allowing him to be distressed for a long time, there was another whistling sound, and three strange arrows that were almost exactly the same as before flew towards him, but Li Cha didn't know where to hide again.

There is no end! Can you change the pattern! It's just this kind of attack, is it annoying?

Popo Bovich roared in his heart. During the roar, he felt the extreme danger. The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and the next moment he took out a glass bottle the size of a finger from his bosom. It was too late to remove the stopper, so he threw it into his mouth, bit it hard, smashed the glass bottle, and sucked the medicinal liquid inside into the depths of his throat.

After the liquid medicine entered his stomach, Popo Bovich's aura surged. Originally, his mana fluctuated at the middle level of a third-level wizard, but instantly reached the high-level third-level wizard.

An incomparably dazzling blue light emerged from the surface of Popobovich's body, illuminating half of the sky, like a small sun.

Popo Bovich waved his hands, and the frightening energy gathered, quickly gathering in front of him into an extremely thick energy giant shield, five or six meters long and wide, facing the strange arrows flying.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three explosions, the shield fluctuated, but it was not broken, and then recovered to its original state, obviously with amazing strength.

"Wizard Li Cha, have you seen that, I'm not afraid of you!" Popo Bovich said, maintaining his shield and scanning around, trying to re-locate Li Cha's position, and at the same time said "Pah, blah, blah" Constantly spitting out broken glass slag from its mouth.

But before he could spit out the broken glass in his mouth, a strange arrow flew towards him.

One after another.

One after another, continuously.

Moreover, these arrows flew in different directions, and the angles were extremely tricky, almost attacking at 360 degrees.

In Bobobo Weiqi's feeling, it seemed that Li Cha was spinning around him at high speed, and then he kept attacking.

In this regard, he was not too afraid, and kept resisting with his energy shield.

One, two.

He has a lot of momentum.

Three, four,.

He wavered slightly.

Five, six.

He frowned.

Seven, eight!

With a "crash", he used the energy shield displayed by the trump card at the bottom of the box. After blocking eight consecutive strange arrows, he finally couldn't hold it and broke directly.

Bobobo Weiqi was stunned for a moment, and saw the ninth and tenth strange arrows appearing and attacking him. His face changed, and the next moment he decisively turned around and fled, shouting: "Stop beating!"

But the weird arrow didn't stop. Instead, it got faster and faster. It caught up behind him in the blink of an eye, and then exploded.

Feeling the terrifying energy pouring towards him, Bobobo Weiqi couldn't help but think, could it be that Richard didn't hear his shout? Or, Li Cha has already moved to kill him, wanting to kill him completely?

But no matter what, if he didn't do something, he would surely die next. After figuring it out, Popo Bovich grabbed the pendant hanging around his neck - the last life-saving spell prop, and crushed it hard.


A solid energy shield was born, and in the violent shaking, it blocked the attack.


The aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated. Bobobo Weiqi, who had recovered his life, let out a long breath, then thought of something, and continued to shout: "No more fights, no more fights, really no more fights!"

A voice sounded: "Are you admitting defeat?"

Bobobo Weiqi raised his head suddenly, looked up, and saw Li Cha floating a hundred meters above him.

"Are you admitting defeat?" Li Cha asked Popo Bovich again.

"Uh, that..." Popo Bovich said with a drawn out tone, blinking his eyes, "I can't say I'm admitting defeat, but I suddenly feel that it's meaningless to fight. It's better to stop."

"Stop? Temporarily, or forever? Wizard Vicky, you should know that I hate trouble." Richard said, "If you plan to end this time hastily and find a chance to continue fighting with me in the future, I don't mind continuing to play and getting a longer-term result."

Bobobo Weiqi understood what Li Cha said, and said dryly: "I said stop, of course it is forever. Well, stop forever, I promise. Of course, I also have a small request."


"How about we treat this fight as a tie?" Bobobo Weiqi asked a little nervously.

Who knows, Li Cha responded quite simply: "Yes." It seems that he didn't take it seriously at all. After responding, the body quickly landed towards the ground, as if there was something important to do.

Popo Bovich followed and fell towards the ground, his brows raised slightly, he was a little puzzled, wondering what Richard was in a hurry for.


After a while.

With a soft "bang", Popovich landed on the ground, shaking his body slightly before adapting to the stability of the ground. Then he looked forward, looked at Li Cha who was about to enter the stone building, and said, "By the way, there is something that you will not forget, right, Wizard Li Cha?"

"What?" Li Cha stopped and asked.

"My real name." Popobovitch said, "Weren't you curious before, but I can tell you now. My name is indeed not Popobovitch, but Hanslow Anan. "

"Hanslow Anan? This name seems to be more unusual than Popo Bovich." Richard said.

"But this is my real name." Popo Bovich shrugged, "I can tell you more things, such as my real identity, my purpose of coming to Jialan City, are you interested in listening? ?” As he spoke, Popobovic blinked vigorously, as if to say: Please, please, I will tell you.

Li Cha shook his head and said, "Knowing your name is enough, forget about the rest."

Bobobo Weiqi's expression froze: "Why... why?" He was still thinking about getting back a little face from the narration.

Richard said: "Because I have some data to record, and time is precious. In this case, I am temporarily not listening to irrelevant information. So, good night, Wizard Vic... um no, yes Good night, Wizard Henslow."

Li Cha waved his hand and walked into the stone building.

Bobobo Weiqi stood there in a daze, and said slowly for a long time: "Don't listen to the school? What kind of school is this? Didn't you call yourself the research school before?"


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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