Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 750: The Experiment of Immortality

Then Raymond thought of more things.

For example: The man is the key target of his organization and must be killed, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Because of his arrogance, he chose to act alone this time. It is really difficult to deal with the failure of the plan.

Just thinking about it, Lei Meng raised his eyebrows suddenly, and saw a man moving at a high speed in the distance, and the next moment he seemed to hit a transparent wall of air. His stature froze at first, and then he bounced high with a "bang".

The man was obviously very surprised, but he reacted very quickly. He quickly adjusted his posture in mid-air, preparing to land smoothly.

But at this time, the sound of "swiping, swishing" sounded, and beside the man, three spears of pure energy shining with golden light appeared, piercing into the man's body like lightning.


The man screamed and looked in pain, shaking violently all over his body.

But this was of no use. Then one after another, golden energy spears appeared, piercing into the man's body continuously, almost turning the man into a hedgehog.

After a while, with a "bang", the man fell from mid-air to the ground, the energy spear on his body dissipated, and he remained motionless and breathless.


Footsteps sounded, and a tall, thin, stern-faced middle-aged man appeared beside the dead man.

The middle-aged man's eyes were blank, as if he had lost all human emotion, and nothing could surprise him.

Walking slowly, he walked to the side of the dead man and checked it. The middle-aged man stood up and looked at Lei Meng.

Lei Meng pursed his lips, with a slightly nervous expression, and quickly approached the middle-aged man, saluted and said, "Kanon is doing well. You...why are you here?"

The middle-aged man named Kanon didn't answer Raymond's words, but grabbed the dead man's leg with a hand with a silver ring, and dragged him towards the open tomb.

Raymond followed.

"Swipe, swipe..."

Accompanied by the drag, Canon moved the dead man's body to the tomb, threw it into the coffin, and closed the coffin to death before turning to look at Raymond and making a sound.

But still did not answer the previous words, just said: "Raymond, I am very optimistic about you, but you should be careful in doing things in the future. You should know how dangerous this target in the coffin is. He has given us too many times." Surprised, the level of risk assessment has been raised three times in a very short period of time.

It was hard to catch him this time. If he really ran away, it is really hard to predict what he will look like in the end and what troubles he will bring us. I can help you this time, but it will be difficult to say later. So, have to be careful, hope you don't let me down, and don't let Director Rommel down either. "

"Yes, Kanon is in charge, I will definitely remember your words." Raymond bowed to be taught.

"Yeah." Canon responded, without any change on his face, and said, "Just remember, you can deal with the next trivial matters, I'll leave first."


Kanon slowly raised his head, looked towards the sky, his feet lifted off the ground a little bit, and flew towards the sky. The speed was getting faster and faster, and it disappeared into the night in a short time.

Raymond watched Canon leave, turned around, looked at the coffin and the messy ground, raised his hand, uttered a spell, and began to deal with it.

Not long after, the coffin containing the dead man's body sank back into the ground, the soil returned to normal, and the stone tablet that was knocked into the air was also re-erected in its original position.

Everything seems to be unchanged from the beginning.

Apart from……

The corpse of a beautiful woman.

Yes, the woman's body.

Since the dead man was put into a coffin and stepped into the ground, then the woman's body naturally became more, and was kept on the ground without moving.

I don't know if it was negligence or intentional.


Lei Meng, who had cleaned up all the trivial matters, let out a long breath, and turned his head to look at the woman's body lying flat on the ground.

At this time, the woman looked a little pale and her posture was too stiff, but she still had a unique sense of beauty.

Most importantly, it's fresh.

Yes, very fresh.

Because the woman's death time was very short, and some special treatment was done, she didn't become corrupted.


Raymond's Adam's apple moved, he squatted down slowly, and reached out to touch the woman's body.


The darkest moment of the night has passed, but the day has not yet ushered in.

The darkness is still lingering before dawn, trying to deduce the last madness.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

In the field, the cold wind kept blowing.


Footsteps sounded, and Lei Meng appeared, carrying a huge iron box more than one meter long, and stepped forward. Finally, he stopped in front of an inconspicuous three-story stone pagoda, and knocked on the wooden door of the stone pagoda.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a "squeak", the door of the stone tower opened, and an old wizard in a purple robe appeared. He glanced at Lei Meng, and then at the huge iron box in Lei Meng's hand. Could it be..."

Lei Meng didn't speak, and walked straight into the stone tower, and put down the iron box heavily in the hall on the first floor of the stone tower, making a muffled "bang".

The purple-robed old wizard followed Lei Meng step by step, rubbed his hands, and asked Lei Meng again: "Could this be..."

"Yes, these are the materials you want, Master Lukes." Raymond finally answered, and opened the lid of the iron box with a "crash", and saw that the iron box contained the body of the previous woman.

The purple-robed old wizard's eyes were bright, and he almost threw himself in front of the iron box, carefully touching the woman's body with his hands, checking with some small spells from time to time.

After a while, taking a deep breath, the purple-robed old wizard said with unconcealable excitement in his eyes, "Not bad, not bad, very good, this is exactly the material I need, perfect, too perfect. This is different from those ordinary corpses." Not the same, completely different, but just in line with the requirements of my experiment.

Mr. Raymond, don't worry, give this material to me, and I will definitely make her contribute the greatest value to the truth. As long as there are ten more perfect materials like this, I am confident that my experiment will make a comprehensive breakthrough. At that time, it is absolutely possible to replace the internal organs of the human body at a very small cost, so that the life span of the human body can be greatly extended. "

"Very good." Raymond said, his expression seemed interested in chatting, "Then wish Master Lux success in advance. By the way, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first, Master Lux."

After the words fell, Raymond stepped out.

The purple-robed old wizard enthusiastically sent Lei Meng to the door, and then stopped at the same time as Lei Meng.

Lei Meng turned around, looked squarely at the old wizard in purple robe, hit his chest with his fist, and said solemnly: "Truth will last forever!"

"Truth will last forever!" The purple-robed old wizard also hammered his chest, followed.

Only then did Lei Meng really leave, and the old wizard in purple robe turned around, quickly returned to the stone tower, closed the wooden door, and started the experiment.

In the night before dawn, the wilderness was very quiet, as if nothing had happened.


In the cemetery.

It is also quiet here, as if it is really a place where the dead sleep forever.


Suddenly, there was a sound of "crash", and on the ground behind a tombstone, the soil slowly raised, and a hand stretched out from under the soil, and then clenched into a fist...


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