Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 751: August, the Flaming Moon

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? August, Yanyue.

This is the hottest month in summer. The sun hangs over the head like a furnace all day long, scorching the earth and everyone, bringing unbearable heat and making people sweat profusely.

But at the same time, this is also the harvest season. Numerous crops on the main continent are gradually maturing, and the wild fruits in the woods and fields have become red and heavy. In this month, no matter how poor people are, as long as they are willing to take a walk in the wild in the early morning, they will be able to eat well. When the sun comes out, the temperature rises, and after eating and drinking, jumping into the pond is an excellent enjoyment.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Li Cha. Whether it's the extreme heat or severe cold, it's hard to force Li Cha out of the Blue Lake Manor. During this time, Li Cha has been staying in the manor, studying various things in an orderly manner according to the many plans he made.

For example, the improvement of miniature spell-seeking missiles, such as the improvement of fighter mode, such as the spell cracking in "The Secret of Vaishya", and so on.

Some of them encountered problems, and the other part got a breakthrough very smoothly.

In this regard, Li Cha did not have much emotional fluctuations, and it is clear that these are the most common during the research process. Therefore, those who encounter small problems should find ways to solve them, and those who have achieved breakthroughs will continue to work hard every day.

During this period, Popo Bovich often came to visit, in the name of visiting, and then kept asking to exchange combat skills. Li Cha knew that the other party just wanted to regain the face of the fiasco in the previous battle.

And because of the improvement of the miniature spell-tracking missile, he also needed actual combat testing, so he simply agreed.

Naturally, the results of the exchanges were without exception, and Popovich was a fiasco.

After many attempts, Bobobo Weiqi finally recognized the reality, and he was determined to save face. If he continued to visit, he would be a real visit, and talk to Richard about various things.

During the discussion, Richard learned about some background of Popo Bovich.

For example, Popo Bovich is different from many wizards. His body has been transformed with special transmutation spells, and he belongs to a genre called "Potion Wizard". This brought him benefits as well as disadvantages.

The advantage is that he can use some medicines to quickly improve his strength in a very short period of time, and the side effects are very small and almost non-existent. The disadvantage is that once the effect of the medicine wears off, his strength will continue to decline, falling back to the level of a first-level wizard, or even lower.

With this transformation, Popo Bovich has also made some fame before, and has the title of "Blue Pigeon".

Also...the reason why the other party came to Jialan City was because of a friend...

Li Cha was a little surprised by what Popo Bovich was talking about, but it was just a surprise, and he didn't pay too much attention. In most cases, they nodded after listening, and spent more energy on thinking about various problems in the research. Thinking about how to break through, how to improve the miniature spell-seeking missiles, how to torture Popo Bovich even worse... um no, how to use it to better deal with the enemy.

If there are no accidents, such a life may continue for a long time.

But as the saying goes, peace is meant to be broken.


A day in August, a night.

The hot day finally passed, and night fell, with a cool night breeze.

When the night wind was getting stronger and stronger, Popovich finished another visit to Li Cha, left the stone building where he talked, and walked towards the gate of the manor.

After walking a few steps, Popovich stopped, turned his head to look at Li Cha who was standing at the door of the stone building, and said with some complaints: "Hey, Li Cha, are we considered friends? Even if it's not good Friend, it's a step further than acquaintances. In this case, you are not going to send me off? I know your time is precious and you have a lot of things to do, but it's not good to just watch me leave by myself, right?"

Li Cha listened to Popo Bovich's words,

Thoughtful, he nodded his head lightly, and said to himself: "What you said makes sense, I really shouldn't just watch you leave by yourself, then... goodbye!"

The next moment, Li Cha lightly waved his hand, closed the door forcefully with a "bang", and went straight upstairs.

Bobobo Weiqi, who was left hanging in the yard, had a dumbfounded expression. After a while, he touched his nose and shouted: "Hey, this is a bit too much, I can't be treated differently just because I am only a first-level wizard. The reason why I am at the level of a first-level wizard is only because I did not take medicine today..."

After shouting, Bobobo Weiqi also knew that Li Cha would really not see him off, so he shook his head and turned to leave.

Stepping out of the manor, Popo Bovich walked along the road towards the Ashes Academy. He was not walking fast, and while walking, he was thinking about what he should talk about in class tomorrow. Recently, Li Cha told Harry and Cathy a little too little, and he wanted to seize the opportunity to pull the two children back to his side.

After thinking about it for a long time, Popo Bovich only walked halfway.

Finally figured out the content of tomorrow's lecture, Bobobo Weiqi fixed his eyes, and was about to speed up to return, but the next moment his footsteps stopped suddenly.


Popo Bovich stopped, looked around, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, he was on a small road with no one in the wild, and the roadside was overgrown with trees, shaking slightly in the night wind, like a ghost running out of the underworld. In the distance, there is a dense darkness, and the pitch-black color is like sea water continuously floating up, without any light.

The atmosphere is a little weird.'s just weird, other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

"Is it too sensitive?" Bobobo Weiqi said to himself, "Well, it seems that it is indeed sensitive..."

Just halfway through speaking, Popo Bovich stepped on his feet and ran away, rushing towards the field on the side of the road.

As a result, as soon as he ran more than ten meters, he heard the sound of breaking the wind, followed by a few "puff puffs". Three flat ice picks that looked like blades were precisely nailed in front of Popo Bović. On the ground, only a few centimeters away from the toes.

"Damn it!"

Popo Bovich yelled, reacted quickly, changed direction abruptly, and fled towards the grove in another direction.

As a result, before entering the woods, a person had already flashed out of the woods.

It was a middle-aged male wizard in his forties. He didn't wear a robe, but a set of tight brown clothes. The left shoulder was tied with a thick white cloth, as if he had been injured. After walking out of the woods, he stood still and looked at Popo Bović with cold eyes.

Bobobo Weiqi couldn't help being taken aback, stopped subconsciously, and then looked at the other party.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The scene suddenly became weird, and for a moment, it was the middle-aged male wizard who spoke out first, breaking the deadlock.

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