Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 752 Pursuit and counter-pursuit

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? "You know, you shouldn't be here." The middle-aged male wizard, looking at Popo Bovich, The voice was slightly hoarse.

Popovich responded after hearing this: "Actually, that's what I thought too—you shouldn't be here either."

"But it doesn't matter anymore." The middle-aged male wizard continued, "Since you are here, don't think about leaving."

"Ha." Popo Bovich looked at the middle-aged male wizard and said, "Are you sure? What I think is exactly the opposite of yours now. I really want to leave here. And if I want to leave, you will absolutely stop it." Not mine."

"Really?" The middle-aged male wizard stared at Popo Bovich for a while and said with a sneer, "You seem to be at the level of a first-level wizard, but I am a second-level wizard. Do you really think that I Can't stop you?"

"Who told you that I'm a first-level wizard?" Popovich raised his head and said, "I'm just pretending to be a first-level wizard on the surface, but in fact, I'm a third-level wizard!"

"A third-level wizard?" The middle-aged wizard's mouth curled up in disbelief, "If you are really a third-level wizard, then I would like to try my new spell. Why don't you just show me your spell?" It's up to you."

After the middle-aged male wizard finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and made a fist, only to hear the trees in the woods behind him "cracking", and many branches broke, like dense spears, flying towards Bobo Bo Wei at high speed. strange.

If you look carefully, you can see that every branch is wrapped in faint blue energy, exuding an extremely sharp aura. If you really treat them as simple branches at the beginning, you will obviously suffer a big loss.

Bobobo Weiqi was not careless. Seeing the branches flying towards him, his expression froze, and he cursed secretly, quickly activating the bracelet spell props on his wrist. An energy shield was born, facing the branch to meet it, then turned and ran.

While running, he took out a finger-thick glass bottle from his arms, opened the stopper, quickly poured the medicine inside into his mouth, and swallowed it quickly.

"Don't be complacent, I warn you, I'm really a third-level wizard! As long as you give me a minute, no, half a minute of preparation time, I can beat you like a dog!"

yelled Popo Bovich, running faster.

After hearing this, the middle-aged wizard snorted coldly when he saw that his attack was blocked by Bobo Bo Weiqi's spell props. He jumped up high and slid towards Bobo Bo Weiqi like a big bird. Vicky approached quickly.

"Are you really a third-level wizard? Then I am a fourth-level wizard! I want to see how many times your third-level wizard can block my attacks!"

After saying that, the middle-aged male wizard waved his hand, and a purple thunder fell towards Popo Bovich on the ground.

Popo Bovich rolled over, dodging the blow without looking embarrassed at all, then took out a medicine bottle from his arms again, opened the stopper and poured the medicine inside into his mouth.

"Hoo hoo..." Popo Bovich cast spells, running and dodging at high altitudes on the ground, looking for a chance to drink a bottle of potion from time to time, looking very embarrassed, but kept saying cruelly: "Damn guy , you don't believe I'm a third-level wizard, right? It's okay, wait a minute, I'll give you a big surprise.

Um, you sneak attack me with the wind blade? Ha, unfortunately, missed, idiot... Gudong! Damn, fireball, I dodge... Well, I didn't dodge all of them, Gudong! "

In this way, after some chasing, Popo Bovich became miserable.

I saw that the clothes all over the body had become tattered under the attack of the middle-aged male wizard. Some places were corroded by acid, and some were burned by flames. It can be said that if you take off your clothes and give them to a beggar, the beggar will not take it.

The exposed skin on Popo Bović's face was also covered with dust and dirt. The back and side ribs each had a wound cut by the wind blade, bleeding continuously.

But Popo Bovich continued to dodge, like a stubborn and cunning mouse,

With the spell bombardment of the middle-aged male wizard on his head, he tried his best to dodge and find every opportunity he could find, and poured bottle after bottle of medicine into his mouth.

The middle-aged male wizard in the sky frowned. He didn't know what Popovich's purpose was and why he insisted on escaping, but he had slowly worn away all his patience, and he didn't want to waste a night like this time.

Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged wizard yelled, and said to Popo Bovich: "I advise you not to struggle, your level is indeed a first-level wizard, and you are definitely not my opponent! You The best end is to die under my attack, understand! So, go die!"

After saying that, the middle-aged wizard clenched his fist violently, and saw a blue thunder column the size of a bucket, aiming at Popo Bovich and slamming it down.

This is obviously a killer blow!

At this moment, Bobobo Weiqi on the ground suddenly stopped running, did not dodge any more, and looked at Lei Zhu with a smile on his face.

"Finally exhausted me until now, and finally gave me a chance! I'm just short of the last bottle of potion, and I'll let you know soon, whether I'm a third-level wizard or not!"

While talking to himself, Bobobo Weiqi was swallowed by the lightning, but just before being swallowed, he successfully took out another bottle of potion from his arms and poured it into his mouth.


The golden light shot out through the thunder pillar, and with a loud roar, it shattered the thunder pillar.


Popo Bović's body, wrapped in golden light, soared into the sky, leaping into the air higher than the middle-aged male wizard. Looking down at the middle-aged male wizard, Popo Bovich exuded a powerful aura, and said loudly: "You want me to die? Ha, I'm still a little weak! Now, I want to see how dead it will be. who is it!"

"You——" the middle-aged wizard looked at Popo Bovich, obviously a little surprised, and was even more shocked when he seriously felt the mana fluctuations emanating from Popobo Vichy's body, and asked with wide-eyed eyes, "You... ...Are you really a third-level wizard?"

"Otherwise?" Bobobo Weiqi looked up at the middle-aged male wizard with his nostrils, "I said, I am a third-level wizard, so naturally I am a third-level wizard, and I never lie!"

"Then why did you keep pretending to be a first-level wizard just now?" The middle-aged male wizard came to his senses, looked at Popo Bovich like a fool, and said angrily, "Are you sick!"

Popo Bovich was even more annoyed: "Why do you care so much! Now, you are in my hands, do you know? Now I give you a choice: tell me why you attack me for no reason. The answer is clear, I can consider and let you go."

The middle-aged male wizard heard Popo Bovich's words, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking seriously, and he didn't speak for a long time.

After waiting for a while, Bobobo Weiqi lost his patience, squinted at the middle-aged wizard and said, "Hey, you are not delaying time on purpose, are you? I warn you, if you don't say anything, I will really do it!" ! Of course, before doing it, out of kindness, I can let you run for a while."

"Really?" The middle-aged male wizard looked up and asked.

"Of course." Popo Bovich said with somewhat vindictive eyes, "Anyway, my strength is far superior to yours, so I can catch up with you if you run for a while, and I can also let you try what I just did Feeling. Hey, you're running now?! Run, no matter how far you run, you can't escape... Damn, why are you running so fast! Wait a minute, stop, stop!"

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