Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 753: The Power of One and a Half Inventory

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Bobobo Weiqi was talking calmly, but he was not calm when he was talking. Because he found that the speed of the middle-aged male wizard who suddenly ran away was somewhat faster than he expected, so he didn't dare to delay to catch up.

After he used all his strength, he found that he was still a little faster than the middle-aged male wizard, and kept getting closer to the middle-aged male wizard, so he was relieved.

After reassuring, Popobovitch frequently shot and threw various spells to harass the fleeing middle-aged male wizard. On the one hand, it is to find a way to slow down the speed of the middle-aged male wizard, so that he can catch up faster. On the other hand, it was pure revenge, retaliation for the attack on him by the middle-aged male wizard before.

Because during the flight, it was difficult to release powerful spells that required a long time to prepare, so what Popo Bovich threw out were some low-level small spells, which were not powerful, but enough to be annoying.

While attacking like this, Popo Bovich said to the middle-aged male wizard: "Watch me burn your hair, watch me shock your butt, watch me shave your ears..."

After such a long time, Popo Bovich chased the middle-aged male wizard within a few tens of meters.

The middle-aged male wizard managed to become more miserable than Popo Bovich. His clothes were not only tattered, they were completely broken, almost unable to cover his body, and his entire back was exposed.

Popo Bovich shouted behind the middle-aged male wizard: "You just surrender! Let me tell you, I haven't done my best, otherwise you won't know how to die."

As soon as Popo Bovich finished speaking, he heard and saw the middle-aged male wizard's body quickly fall towards the ground.

"Huh? Are you really going to surrender? Isn't it?" Popo Bovich was a little suspicious, but he didn't want to be underestimated, so he fell to the ground together.

With two "pops", the middle-aged male wizard and Popo Bovich landed on the ground respectively.

Popo Bovich looked at the middle-aged male wizard with some vigilance, and said, "Hey, are you really going to surrender? Let me tell you first, I have a bad temper. If you dare to lie to me, you must Pretty. So, you better not play any tricks!"

"How dare I." The middle-aged male wizard originally turned his back to Popovich after landing, and now he turned around slowly, looked at Popovich, and said seriously, "Actually, I just I just want to lead you to meet my companion."

"Huh? Companion?" Popobovitch was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly changed color.

"Swipe, blah, blah..."

There was a sound, and at the place where the middle-aged male wizard landed, more than a dozen figures appeared, both male and female, with extraordinary momentum, vaguely surrounding Popo Bović in the middle.

Although Popo Bovich was a third-level wizard, he had no advantage at this time, because among the dozen or so figures, there were third-level wizards. Although the opponent is not as strong as him, as long as he is restrained, the remaining people are enough to kill him ten times.

The opponent's number is only half, or only one-third, and he may still be able to fight. But now there are too many opponents, and everyone is staring at him. If there is anything wrong, they will attack him mercilessly. He is not an opponent at all.

Then you can only run.

Popobovich thought to himself, his eyes quickly scanned the dozen or so people surrounding him, and the next moment he didn't talk nonsense, he quickly took out another medicine bottle from his arms, threw it into his mouth, and crushed it in one bite.

With a gulp, he swallowed the potion, and with a bah, he spit out the broken glass. Popo Bovich's aura has once again increased. He was originally a middle-level wizard of the third level, but now he is an advanced wizard of the third level.


As soon as Popo Bovich stepped on the ground, he flew high and rushed out from the weakest point of the encirclement.

Naturally, the crowd surrounding him would not let it go, and quickly pursued him.

Out of the corner of his eye, Popo Bovich saw what the crowd was doing, turned sharply, and flew south. The next moment, an energy ball hit him, and he quickly threw out a thin energy shield to block it. Then another ice pick passed over his body,

If you don't hide in time, you will be pierced.

After evading two attacks in a row, Popobovich was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he felt numb all over his body and was hit by an inconspicuous lightning spell. Immediately afterwards, there was another pain in the back, and he was hit by a powerful air missile, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood with a "wow".

There is no way, there are too many enemies, and he can't deal with them all.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Popo Bovich thought very clearly, whether he was fleeing or stopping to fight with the enemy, he would most likely die unless...


Popovich raised his hand, activated a magic bracelet on his body, used the magic shield to block the enemy's wind blade, and then flew towards the west with all his strength.


The time was short, but Popovich felt like a century was a long time.

When Popo Bovich saw the destination he was going to - the Blue Lake Manor in front of him, his whole body was bloody and his clothes were stained red with blood, like a blood man.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the enemy was still chasing after him, and Popovich yelled, "Li Cha, help!"

As he spoke, he lowered his altitude and flew over the Blue Lake Manor. As long as Li Cha makes a move, he will be safe.


"Boom boom boom!"

Chasing after his enemies, he unleashes multiple spells that scrape his body and fall.

The spell landed in the Blue Lake Manor, a strong explosion occurred, and raging flames were born, but there was no movement in the manor, and there was no sign of Richard at all.


Popobovich was taken aback for a moment, and had already left the scope of the Blue Lake Manor. Watching the enemies behind him getting closer and closer, he felt a little chilly in his heart. Just as he was thinking that maybe he could only fight with the enemies chasing behind, at this moment, a sharp whistling sound sounded.

Popovich turned his head and saw a scene he would never forget.

I saw dense and countless strange arrows falling from the sky, some big and some small, some short and some long, some thick and some thin, with extremely fast speed, falling around many people who were chasing, and exploding in unison.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

For the first time, Popovich knew that when countless explosions occur in a very short period of time, it is difficult to distinguish clearly with the naked eye, just like an explosion.

In the blink of an eye, his field of vision was occupied by the dazzling flames produced by the explosion, and a group of flames with a radius of more than 100 meters appeared in the entire sky, like a real "burning cloud".

In "Huoshaoyun", the people who were attacked screamed and resisted, releasing spell shields one after another.

But then more weird arrows appeared, passing through the fire cloud, hitting the spell shield, tearing up the spell shield in an instant, releasing terrifying power.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

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