Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 763: The Final Attack

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Sander walked to the half of the hive left by the black bear, and felt a violent impulse in his heart, wanting to kick the hive away—he never wanted to see anything related to the hive or the black bear in his life. thing.

As soon as he lifted his foot, he changed his mind again.

Shan De slowly retracted his feet, pursed his lips, and suddenly sat down beside the hive. He picked up the honeycomb, dipped his fingers in the honey inside, and brought it to his mouth to eat.

He still couldn't feel the sweetness of any honey, but could only feel a cool viscous liquid flowing down his throat.

And as the honey flowed into his belly, the irritability in his heart gradually calmed down and became peaceful.

Shan De kept eating honey, and suddenly thought of something, a rare smile appeared on his face, and he really felt the sweetness of honey.

Just about to take another bite of honey, Shande stopped and turned to look in a direction in the forest.

In his perception, dense whistling sounds sounded, and many wizards surrounded him and approached him.

Have you found him yet? It seems that the last moment is coming.

Put the finger dipped in honey into the mouth, suck it hard, suck it clean, Shande calmly looked in the direction of the person coming.

At this moment, his heart was very quiet, because he had already expected this result.

Turns out, death isn't all that scary either.

Shande said in his heart.

With a sound of "swipe", the next moment the branches in the forest shook, and a figure came out. It was Dolan, a woman with short hair. Behind her were a dozen or so wizards of all levels.

In the other directions, wizards continued to come out, tightly surrounding Shan De in the open space.

At this time, Shande didn't seem to see these people appearing at all, and continued to dip his fingers in honey and eat.

Dolan, a short-haired woman, was taken aback for a moment when she saw Shande's appearance. The rest of the people also became cautious. After surrounding Shande, they did not attack rashly to prevent any traps.

When Shande saw it, he couldn't help laughing, and said hoarsely to Dolan, the short-haired woman, "Why, are you so afraid of me? I only have one person, but you have dozens of people. I'm completely surrounded, and I still dare not make a move, don't you feel a little ashamed?"

"I don't feel ashamed." Dolan, the short-haired woman, looked at Shande and responded seriously, "Your strength is indeed strong. What we are doing now is just giving you a corresponding amount of attention. Isn't it reasonable?"

"Maybe." Sander murmured, "I was just a little surprised. I really didn't expect that you would value me to such an extent. Dozens of people besieged and killed me. Ha, it's too much face for me."

"Because we don't want to have any more accidents." Dolan, the short-haired woman, said solemnly, "We have seen how quickly your strength has improved, and given you enough time, you will develop into a very big trouble.

Then why not, when you are still relatively weak, do everything possible to kill you. Doing so may be a bit of a waste of resources, but it is safe. "

"It makes sense." Shande nodded, agreed, then thought of something, and asked Dolan, "By the way, you don't think I will give up resisting, do you? There are indeed many people here this time. may be killed by you.

But before I die, I still have the confidence to drag many of you to follow me on the road. Guess, will you be among the people on the road with me? "

Dolan snorted coldly after hearing this: "I'm not afraid!"

"I know you are not afraid." Sander said softly, "But what about your companions? I can take away more than just one person."

As he spoke, Sander's gaze slowly swept across the many wizards surrounding him.

Swept by Shande's gaze, everyone's body trembled slightly, a little terrified. They have seen Shande's strength, and they have no doubt that Shande can do what he says.

Seeing the appearance of the people,

Dolan couldn't help but change his expression. He didn't want Sander to take the initiative, so he looked serious and shouted: "Everything is for the truth! The truth will last forever!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, but they reacted in the next moment and shouted in unison: "Everything is for the truth! The truth will last forever!"

The momentum suddenly became one of prosperity.

"Attack!" Dolan ordered.



"call out!"

The wizards surrounding Shande immediately took action, unleashing a dense spell attack, blasting towards Shande.

Shande's eyes were fixed, a little surprised, he didn't expect Dolan to be so decisive. In the face of many attacks, he did not dare to resist. The next moment he released the spell, his body was wrapped in black air, and he moved at high speed in the open space, trying to dodge. For some attacks that are really impossible to avoid, use the black air to condense into a shield to resist.

At the same time, he condensed the black air into a spear and threw it hard, counterattacking the wizards who surrounded him. Although most of the time, his attacks would be blocked, but occasionally he could successfully hit the target, causing a scream or two.

In this way, after a while, there were four more corpses of wizards on the surrounding ground—all of them were killed by Sander, and Sander inevitably suffered more serious injuries under the attacks of many wizards. The state is extremely bad, almost dying.

I saw that the black air wrapped around his body was already insignificant, his face was as dark as ashes, and he had to use all his strength to make every movement.

But even so, Shan De still did not give up resistance. After evading a series of attacks again, he shook his right hand and threw a spear made of black air forcefully, successfully injuring a first-level wizard.

Turning his head, gritted his teeth and looked at Dolan, the short-haired woman, Sander said: "If there is no accident, you will win soon, and you will succeed in killing me immediately! However, with my last strength, I can still take away one more person It can be a first-level wizard, a second-level wizard, or a third-level wizard. Guess who it will be?"

"It doesn't matter who it is, and I don't care at all, as long as it can kill you!" Dolan said with a very clear purpose, and his reaction was very rational. He didn't give Sander a chance to breathe, and waved his hand vigorously, ordering Everyone made a final attack on Sander.

Sander got a little more angry, and shouted at Dolan: "Are you okay? Don't you care? Well, if this is the case, I will use my last strength to take you away!"

After the words fell, Sander rushed towards Dolan at high speed, and the black air at the end of his right hand condensed into sharp nails, stabbing into Dolan's heart, trying to dig out Dolan's heart.

And just after making this move, Shande regretted it a little.

The reason for regretting it is very simple, that is, he is not sure enough. After all, Dolan, as the leader who hunted him down, was a little different from the rest of the wizards.

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