Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 764 Murder from the Sky

The genius remembered the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Shande pursed his lips.

In terms of his strength, Dolan is only a low-level third-level wizard, and he might indeed kill him with a desperate blow. But it is inevitable that Dolan will not have some special life-saving means, which can be seen from the process of chasing him down. So if he wanted to really kill the other party, there was a high chance of failure, so it would be safer to choose to take another person away.

But the attack has already been sent out, and there is no chance to change it, so we can only fight.

Then let him use the last strength of his life to teach the other party a lesson. Even if he can't kill the other party, he must severely injure the other party and leave an indelible shadow on the other party.

This is for Sofia!

Sander was roaring in his heart, his body speed increased sharply, and the nails formed by the black air on his fingers became extremely slender, piercing Dolan.

Then with a "poof", it penetrated Dolan's body with almost no hindrance.


Sandro raised his head in surprise and looked at Dolan, just in time to see a strange smile on Dolan's face, and his whole body blurred and dissipated little by little.

It's a phantom!

Sander was shocked, and then reacted.

Yes, what he pierced was indeed a phantom. Specifically, it was a substitute disguised by some kind of magic. It looked very similar to the main body, but had nothing to do with the main body. This is a method he often used before to deceive the enemy. He never expected that Dolan would deal with him in reverse, and he was tricked!

In this case, he would never have a chance to impress Dolan again.

Shande's heart turned cold, feeling the killing intent coming from behind his body, he could clearly guess that it was Dolan's counterattack, closed his eyes in despair, and waited for death to come.


A few seconds later, instead of waiting for death, he heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing his body.

It wasn't him who penetrated, but the person who attacked him - Dolan!


Sandro opened his eyes suspiciously, turned his head and looked behind him. Then I saw that Dolan was staring at him with wide eyes, and one hand was almost pressed on his back. There was a terrifying purple destructive energy in that hand. As long as it hits, it will definitely kill him .

But at this moment, the purple destructive energy was slowly dissipating, Dolan's body softened, he swayed, and fell hard to the ground. A blood hole with a diameter of more than one centimeter was exposed between the eyebrows, which was extremely obvious.

This is? !

Sander froze.

The wizards around were also stunned, and then quickly reacted, guessing according to the most logical reasoning, that Sander must have used some insidious means to kill Dolan.

Guessing this possibility, many wizards roared and attacked Shande unceremoniously.

But before their attack had time to make a move, there were several "puff puffs" again.

Seeing that the several wizards who were about to unleash the attack shook their bodies and fell to the ground in unison. There was also a blood hole between their eyebrows - it directly penetrated the back of the head, taking away most of the back of the head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Many wizards who died fell to the ground one after another. Everyone was shocked and looked at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

Amidst the doubts, the sound of "Puff puff puff" continued to sound, and one after another, the wizards were shot through their heads and fell down.

"There is an attack, defend!" Finally, a more sober wizard realized the situation, shouted, and raised his hand to release the spell shield.

It's just that his movements were a little slow. Just before the magic shield was about to be successfully released, with a "poof", the center of his eyebrows was pierced, and his body fell down.

And after him, the people who successfully released the shield had nothing to be happy about.

The sound of "噗噗" continued to sound, and most of the shields of the first-level wizards shattered after a violent shaking, and the brows were still pierced. Only the shield fully exerted by the second-level wizard can barely resist an invisible attack,

But under the next or next two attacks, death is still unavoidable.

The atmosphere in the arena froze, and the temperature dropped to freezing point. Everyone was frightened, and they didn't know what was going on, let alone what to do.

It looked as if someone was attacking them, but they couldn't find the existence of the attacker at all, and they didn't know where the attacker was at all.

How could a sneak attacker hiding in the dark attack all of them?

Could it be...

A tall and thin third-level low-level wizard was puzzled, suddenly guessed a certain possibility, raised his head suddenly, and looked up. Then his eyes shrank suddenly, and he vaguely saw a black light, approaching him rapidly.

Is that so!

The third-level low-level wizard figured everything out in an instant, and was about to release a spell to counterattack with a wave of his hand, but the black light was too fast, almost as soon as he raised his hand, the black light sank into his eyes with a "poof".

The tall and thin wizard swayed, feeling that the whole world was going dark in order, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

The tall, skinny third-level wizard's last thought was: If I hadn't attacked me so early, I would have had a chance to escape, had a chance...

Following the death of the tall and thin third-level wizard, the rest of the crowd endured to the limit. Someone screamed and fled towards the surroundings, but before running for a long time, it turned into a scream.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

One scream, two screams, three screams...

The people in the field died one after another, and the number continued to decrease. No matter how vigilant, defensive, or dodged they were, they could not change the result.

What made them most desperate was that most of them—first-level wizards and second-level wizards, didn't know who was attacking them and how to attack them before they died. Because their strength is too weak, facing the attack that suppresses them, they have no power to fight back.

Only very few people—a few third-level low-level wizards, noticed something. If they were given a certain amount of time to digest and understand, they would have a chance to resist the attack. They might still be killed, but it would never be so easy. But it was also for this reason that they were on the kill list at the very beginning of the attack.

"Puff puff!"

The voice continued to ring, and the people in the field became more and more sparse, and their emotions also changed, from surprise to doubt, to fear, and finally to numbness.

Yes, numb.

Faced with an attack they cannot detect and resist, they are numb.

A few minutes later, the few remaining people stood stiffly on the ground, completely giving up resistance. Occasionally, he looked around, then let out a breath, silently waiting for the attack that belonged to him to arrive.



In the end, the last person fell down, closed his eyes with some relief, and there was silence in the field.


At this time, the night wind blew gently, the air surged, and a figure slowly descended from the sky.


The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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