Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 765 Make a deal

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With a soft sound, Li Cha's feet landed on the ground, and he looked at Shan De not far away.

At this time, Shande had lost most of his combat power, and he couldn't even stand up. He sat slumped on the ground, gasping for breath. Seeing Li Cha appearing, he raised his eyebrows, guessing that it might be Li Cha who rescued him. But he didn't have the luck of surviving after the catastrophe, nor did he feel grateful after being rescued. Instead, he was extremely vigilant.

His previous life experience had taught him a truth, which he kept firmly in his heart, that is: no one would casually show kindness to him. The dumb bear from before might have been an exception, but that was a bear, not a man.

So Shan De stared at Li Cha for a while, and asked aloud, "Who are you?"

"Why, don't you know me?" Li Cha said, looked at Shande and said softly, "We should have met each other. In Blue Lake Manor, I killed the person who was going to ambush you, that's me I helped you the first time, and now it is the second time to help you."

"It turned out to be you." Sander reacted, pursed his lips, his voice eased a bit, but his vigilance still did not drop, and asked, "Then what are you trying to do by helping me?"

"Don't be too hostile to me. The reason why I help you is very simple. I want to make a deal with you."

"Deal? What deal?" Sander asked seriously.

"I think you should have a teacher." Richard said.

"Teacher? Do you want to be my teacher?" Shande was stunned for a moment, consciously guessing something, and then refused expressionlessly, "You'd better not do this, because in my eyes, no one is qualified to be my teacher."

"You misunderstood me." Li Cha explained, "I don't want to be your teacher—I don't have the time, the energy, and the interest."

"Then what do you mean?" Shande asked strangely.

"When I say this, I mean that you need the identity of a teacher to cover you." Richard said.

Shande frowned, puzzled.

Li Cha looked at Shande and continued to explain: "You were hunted down by the Truth Society, right? You are only one person now, and your strength is very weak. It is difficult to survive under the pursuit of the Truth Society, so you need to get a stronger one." The shelter of a powerful person. Whether this person is real or false, it is better to have than to have nothing.

Assuming that you have a teacher in name, then the truth will be afraid and will not attack you easily. Because you are no longer the focus, the focus is the teacher behind you. In this way, the focus of the Truth Society will be diverted, and you will be safe.

And the deal we have to make is that I will not really be your teacher, but I will temporarily pretend to be your teacher to help you do something, such as killing some people like now, to help you get out of the current predicament. "

"What's your purpose?" Shande asked.

"My purpose is very simple, and that is to use your false teacher status and some other means to break into the Truth Society and learn something." Li Cha said.

Shan De still couldn't understand Li Cha's words, but he realized something, and asked Li Cha: "Do you have hatred for the truth?"

"I can't say there is any enmity, it's just that I had some insignificant conflicts with them. Of course, the most important thing is that I think it will help me to get to know each other better." Richard said, "No matter what, As long as you agree to this deal, you will be safe and get rid of the plight of being hunted down by the Society of Truth, of course, on the premise that you will not provoke the Society of Truth again.”

After hearing this, Shan De raised his eyebrows, thought for a long time, and said to Li Cha: "I'm afraid, I can't do this. I will have a grudge against the truth. They killed my lover Sophia." , I hate them to the core, if they don’t look for me, I will look for them, this is my motivation to live!”

Li Cha asked calmly: "This is the only motivation for you to live?"

Sander was taken aback,

He murmured, "Resurrecting Sophia counts as one, but..."

Li Cha interrupted Shan De, and asked: "Revenge, and resurrection of your lover, which is more important to you? If you could only choose one, which one would you choose?"

"Of course it is the resurrection of Sophia." Sander said almost without thinking, then hesitated, thinking about the contents of the book, and said aloud, "Reviving Sophia is very difficult, the hope is very slim, and it is accompanied by great uncertainty , I don’t even know if it will be successful or not.”

"Difficult and slim, but it still means there is a chance, right? I advise you, you can try to work hard. If it really doesn't work, it's not too late to choose revenge, at least you won't regret it." Richard said.

After listening to Li Cha's words, Shan De fell silent and thought deeply.

After a long time, Shan De looked at Li Cha and said, "What you said makes sense, I really should try it, let's talk."

After a pause, Sander became serious: "But now, it seems that everything is in my favor. I have nothing to pay. This is very unreasonable. I want to know what I should pay. Because I know, One of the principles of trading is equivalent exchange.”

"What you have to pay is very simple, and that is to help me perfect the existence of your teacher as a character. It is best to have something to prove it, so that people will not be suspicious." Richard said, "And I will help you Solve all the troubles in Jialan City.

For example, I know that a stronghold of the Truth Society has just been built here in Jialan City, and some members of the Truth Society are threatening you. I will help you kill them all—in the name of your teacher.

This can also strengthen the character image of your teacher, so that the truth will know that your teacher cares about you very much, and will be angry because of you, and will not be soft when killing people. "

"Compared to what you did, I paid too little." Sander frowned after hearing this, "It doesn't seem to conform to the principle of equivalent exchange."

"In my opinion, it fits." Richard said.

"But in my opinion, it doesn't fit." Sander insisted, "What you do for me is to save me. And what I do for you is more like assisting you, which is very unbalanced. Since it is a transaction, then It requires a fair deal, I don't like to owe favors to others, and I don't like to owe you favors from a stranger."

"That's how it is." Li Cha thought for a while, "You are not strong enough to help me now, why not wait for you to grow up and be strong enough, and promise to do one thing for me. For this matter, I am currently Not well thought out, but it won't be easy. Of course, it won't make you violate the principles."

"Principle?" Sander smiled self-deprecatingly after hearing this, and waved his pale palm, "I don't even know whether I am a person now, so what principles are there— — I can help you with anything."

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