Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 766 Future Promise

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? "Are you sure?" Li Cha listened to Shan De's words, looked at Shan De and asked, "I asked you to kill, you can do it completely arrive?"

"Did I kill less?" Sander glanced at the surrounding corpses, and said contemptuously, "Although I'm not as good as you here, but if I really kill people, I don't have any psychological barriers anymore."

"I'm not talking about them."

"Who is that? A woman?" Sander guessed, then smiled, "There is no shortage of women here, right?"

"What if it's not a witch, but an ordinary woman without extraordinary power?" Li Cha asked.

Shande was taken aback, pursed his lips, and said, "Yes. If she offends you, and she does a lot of evil, I can still help you kill her."

"Suppose the other party is a pregnant woman? She has a husband who loves him, and there is a child who is about to be born in her womb. If I ask you to kill her whole family, will you do it?" Li Cha asked.

Shan De's expression froze instantly, and the muscles on his face twisted. He wanted to answer yes, but for some reason, he couldn't say anything. Sweat dripped out, and he stared at Li Cha, gritted his teeth and said, "You...don't force I."

"Heh." Li Cha suddenly smiled, looked at Shande and said, "It's not me who is forcing you, but you are forcing you. In fact, you see, you have principles, but you didn't realize it. Don't worry. , I will not let you do this kind of thing, it is a waste. As I said, what I will let you do is relatively difficult, but it is in line with your principles, and I hope you can grow up as soon as possible. "

Shan De stopped talking. After a long time, he looked up at Li Cha, stared into Li Cha's eyes and asked, "I want to know, if you were to kill the pregnant woman you assumed just now, would you do it?"

"Of course." Li Cha said with a calm expression, as if he didn't have any psychological burden.

Shan De was cold, and suddenly felt that Li Cha in front of him would scare him more than the truth.

"Why?" Santos asked.

"Because the pregnant woman I assumed might be surnamed Tan, named Peipei, Beibei or something like that." Li Cha said softly.

"Bei Bei Tan?" Shan De was stunned, wondering why a weird name and a weird surname could be the reason to kill the other party.

"Okay." Li Cha didn't want to get entangled in another meaningless topic, and said to Shan De, "Let's conclude the deal, I will help you kill the people in the Truth Society stronghold, and you will help me prove that your teacher The identity of this character."

"I have one condition." Sander said suddenly.

"What?" Li Cha asked.

"I want to go to the stronghold with you to kill people."

"Reason." Li Cha asked.

"First, I hate the people of the Truth Association very much. Since I will not provoke them again, let me take the final revenge. Second..." At this point, Shan De looked at Richard without any fear Said bluntly, "The second is, I don't believe you, so I have to see you do this with my own eyes."

Li Cha pondered for a moment, did not refuse, nodded and said: "Alright, I can agree to your request, but before you go, you have a small problem that needs to be resolved urgently."

"what is the problem?"

"Can you move?" Li Cha looked at Shan De and asked seriously.

Shan De's expression froze suddenly, realizing the point of the matter.

He is now seriously injured and has lost most of his fighting power. Not to mention walking, he can't even stand up. If you really act together with Li Cha, it will definitely be a huge drag.

After thinking it over, Shan De didn't give up easily, and said: "I really can't walk now, but as long as you give me enough blood, I can recover quickly, and then I can act with you and help you .”

"you sure?"

"Sure." Sande said, turning his head to look at the surrounding corpses, his Adam's apple twitched. To be honest, he is very resistant to sucking human blood. He feels that sucking human blood is like eating human flesh, even if there is no negative feedback from his body,

In my heart, I felt extremely disgusted.

However, for the people of the Truth Society, he has no resistance at all.

Because this is his enemy, this is the murderer who killed Sophia, he can't wait to drink the other party's blood every day!

Shan De moved his body with difficulty, and was about to climb to the nearest corpse, but Li Cha stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Shan De looked at Li Cha and asked.

Li Cha reached out and took out a flat wine jug from his pocket, threw it to Shan De, and said, "Try this."

"What?" Sander took it, opened the lid of the jug, and sniffed. I thought it was wine, or some kind of potion, but I smelled a faint smell of blood.

But it's not blood. Compared with blood, the liquid inside has a bit less rust smell and a bit more sweet taste.

"What is this?" Shan De didn't drink it lightly, and asked Li Cha with vigilance.

"This is a special drink I prepared for you. You will know after you taste it. Don't worry, I didn't poison you." Richard said.

Shan De still hadn't completely dispelled his guard, but after thinking about it seriously, if Li Cha really wanted to harm him, he wouldn't have to go through such trouble at all, so he finally took a tentative sip of the light red liquid in the jug.


As the liquid flowed into the body along the throat, Sander's eyes widened suddenly, feeling that the whole body was desperately absorbing the liquid, and then began to recover from the injury quickly.

Compared with the effect of ordinary blood, this liquid is more than ten times stronger!


Shan De grasped the flagon tightly, looked at Li Cha, and asked with some gaffe: "You...what exactly did you give me!"

Seeing Shande's appearance, Li Cha twitched his eyebrows, and said softly: "It seems that the effect is very good, then I should not be wrong. The reason why an existence like you sucks blood does not need all the ingredients in the blood , just need the ingredients that your body can no longer synthesize.

For example, heme, such as globin, is somewhat similar to porphyria, but it is not porphyria. In short, as long as specific ingredients are added, not only will there be no waste, but the effect will also be enhanced. "

Shan De frowned, he only understood a little of Li Cha's meaning, and said: "You mean, I can live without sucking blood?"

"Of course." Richard said, "Your current body is indeed a bit special, but it doesn't mean that you must suck blood. If you are interested, you can do your own research, what components in blood are needed, and see if you can extract them separately Come out and get used to your body."

Shande nodded, thinking about everything.

"Okay." Richard said, "Hurry up and drink the drink I prepared for you, and recover as soon as possible, we still have things to do."

"En." Shan De responded, without any hesitation, he gulped down the light red drink in the jug.

"Gudong, Gudong..."


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