Time moves forward a little.

Outside the woods where the castle was located, there was a soft "bang", and Popovich fell from the sky.

He looked around and made sure no one was there. With a "crash", he took out a map from his pocket, unfolded it, and looked at the content on it.

I saw that there were several places near Jialan City marked on it, most of which were crossed out, and only the last one was marked out with a circle.

After looking at it for a while, Bobobo Weiqi nodded, put away the map, looked into the woods seriously, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "If there is nothing wrong, that organization of the Truth Society, a temporary The stronghold is inside. Then let me take a good look at what this Truth Council is going to do."

After speaking, Popo Bovich walked towards the woods, but within a few steps, he heard a roar in the center of the woods, followed by a flash of colored lights from spells.

This is!

Popo Bovich was startled, and couldn't help but speed up and rush over.

But rationality prevented him from doing this. After thinking for a while, he cast a number of spells to conceal his aura, and approached cautiously.

Little by little, little by little, little by little...

Finally, Popo Bovich approached the scene of the sound. Here he saw an old castle, and the outside of the castle was covered with traces of battles. Obviously, a fierce battle broke out here.

It's just a little strange that there was no corpse left at the scene, only an exaggeratedly large black stone piled up.

what happened?

Popo Bovich glanced at the huge black stone, full of doubts, thought for a long time, and turned his eyes to the inside of the castle.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?" Popobovitch murmured, frowning, "If you go in and take a look, it is very likely that you will find some clues. However, it is completely unclear what is going on inside, in case there is an ambush ..."

After struggling for a long time, Popo Bovich finally decided to sneak in carefully and have a look.

Because he has put in too much energy to investigate this matter, if he walks away now, he really can't accept it.


Taking a deep breath, Popobovich stepped on his feet, and his body quietly swept towards the castle, climbed over the city wall, and entered the interior of the castle.

After entering the castle, Popo Bovich quickly hid in a corner, carefully listening to the movement around him. After listening for a long time, I found that there was no sound, and the whole castle was surprisingly quiet, as if there was no one there.

This is strange!

Something is wrong!

Popo Bovich walked out of the corner where he was hiding, checked several places one after another, and found that there was really no one there, his brows were deeply frowned.


Popo Bovich called out tentatively, observing the reaction in the castle, but no one answered except his echo.

"Is it really an empty castle?" Popo Bovich was skeptical, but as he continued to search the castle, he gradually confirmed this point.

Well, it seems that there is really no one in this castle, so there is nothing to worry about.

Popo Bovich's eyes were fixed, he completely threw away his fear, and searched wantonly.


The door was kicked open.


The cabinet was knocked down.


A hole was stamped out of the plank.

After searching for a long time like this, Popo Bovich discovered a serious problem, that is, most of the clues were useless.

Yes, nothing works.

What the hell is going on here?

Popo Bovich frowned into a pimple, pushed the door with a cold face and entered the main hall of the main castle, quite angry in his heart.

After all, if he couldn't find any valuable clues here, then his efforts for so long would be in vain.

"Damn it!"

Popo Bović couldn't help cursing, holding on to the last glimmer of hope, he looked into the hall of the main castle. Then suddenly froze in the next moment, eyes widened suddenly, mouth slowly opened,

Hold this movement for a full ten seconds without moving.

There is no other reason. At the position where Bobobo Weiqi was looking at, a person was sitting at the table. He sensed someone entering and slowly looked up.

It was Li Cha!

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, Li Cha was full of meaning, and Popo Bovich's expression ranged from stunned to surprised, to puzzled, and finally embarrassed.

"Ah, that..."

Ten seconds later, Bobo Bo Weiqi said dryly, and asked Li Cha: "That wizard Li Cha, why... are you here?"

"It's very simple. I couldn't sleep at night, so I went out for a walk, so I came here." Li Cha explained softly.

After hearing this, Popo Bovich was stunned and dumbfounded, completely unaware of such an explanation.

Could there be a lazier, worse reason?

Popo Bovich complained in his heart.

At this time, Li Cha made a sound and asked Bobo Bo Weiqi: "Wizard Naqi, why are you here?"

"I..." Bobobo Weiqi opened his mouth to explain, but found that finding a reasonable reason to explain all this was really not as easy as he imagined. So, he opened his mouth for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and said, "Believe it or not, I am the same as you—I also couldn't sleep at night, so I came here for a walk."

"Such a coincidence?"

"It's such a coincidence."

"Does Wizard Navic know that this place is related to the enemies you brought to my manor?" Richard said.

Bobo Bo Weiqi's face changed suddenly, he looked at Li Cha for a long time, his eyes became serious, and said: "So, you know everything?"


Popo Bovich pursed his lips, thought for a long time and said, "In this case, I might as well tell you the real reason why I came here, so as not to misunderstand you. Speaking of it, this is a very long story."

At this point, Bobobo Weiqi paused, thought of something, looked at Li Cha and said, "Um, I almost forgot, you belong to the 'non-listening faction', and you probably don't want to hear my story."

"It doesn't matter. When there are important matters, I really don't listen to the faction, but now, if Wizard Vicki really wants to say something, I can listen to it." Richard said.

"Then... alright." Popo Bovich straightened his expression and started to tell the story...because his story was enough.

It was really a long, long story. There were not many key plots, but it was full of moisture. A large number of irrelevant plots and emotional expressions were mixed together, which made people dizzy after listening.

After listening, Li Cha found that the whole story can be summed up in three sentences:

Popovich has a friend who disappeared here in Jialan City many years ago. For this reason, Popobovitch came to investigate.

During the investigation, the clues were cut off, so Bobobo Weiqi had to suspend the investigation, but he did not give up completely, and simply stayed in Jialan City.

Recently, Bobobo Weiqi found new clues from the people of the Truth Society, and launched a new investigation, leading to the current meeting.

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