Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 772: The Glass from De Lan

After finishing the story, Popo Bovich didn't stop talking, looked at Richard, and continued with a trance: "Do you know, Wizard Richard, the missing guy is called Mike. He can barely be regarded as a friend of mine. , In fact, it is very difficult for me to deal with it. We have taken two completely different paths.

If he's really dead, that's fine. But he owed me a lot of money, so I had to figure out if he was really dead or if he just hid the money and didn't want to pay me back.

He is different from the others, and the others are dead when they die, but when he dies... he still cheats on the corpse. In short, I must figure out his situation, I can't... let him go lightly, I can't! "

At the end, Bobobo Weiqi lost his composure, but he quickly returned to normal. He looked at Li Cha and asked solemnly: "Okay, Wizard Li Cha, I will tell you the real reason why I came here, you You should also tell me your real reason, right?"

"I told you." Li Cha responded calmly, "I just couldn't sleep, so I just went out for a walk."

"Your manor is not close to here at all. It's farther than my Ash Academy." Popobovich frowned, pointing out the problem.

"What does that matter?" Li Cha remained calm and unhurried, "There are no rules and regulations. Walking must be at the door of the house, right? As a person, I like to walk farther when walking. Is there any problem, Wizard Witch ?”

Bobo Bo Weiqi's serious and solemn expression couldn't hold back for an instant, and he couldn't help being speechless for a while. He could see it, Li Cha just didn't want to tell him, he didn't even want to make up a reason.

In this case, why did he take the initiative to tell Li Cha the reason just now?

Is it an idiot?

Seems like a little bit.


At this time, Li Cha said again, and said to Bobobo Weiqi: "Wizard Weiqi, the reason why I came here is not important. Because no matter what, our purpose is the same, that is to want To understand this clue called the Truth Society, I want to enter the other party's interior and inquire about some information."

"It's... indeed." Popo Bovich agreed.

"That's fine. In this regard, we can cooperate temporarily." Richard said.

Popo Bovic frowned: "But how to do it? Originally, I thought this castle would be a temporary stronghold of the other party, with many clues, but now it seems that this is not the case. All the people in the castle are gone. It’s not enough to arrest someone for interrogation, so how can we find clues and inquire about details?”

"This is actually simpler than you think." Richard said, "It doesn't matter whether their people have disappeared now, but there were many before that. Such a large number of wizards suddenly appeared in Jialan City. It can't be too secretive. If you investigate carefully, you can learn a lot of information.

In addition, you also said that this is only a temporary stronghold for them, and we can use some details to try to deduce where they came from. Go where they came from and look for clues. "

"Really?" Popovich asked with half doubt and half surprise.

"Of course." Li Cha confirmed.

"Like?" Popovich asked.

"For example this." Richard said, and picked up a glass from the table as he spoke, which was left by the wizard of the Truth Church.

Turning the glass slowly in his hand, Li Cha asked Bobobo Weiqi: "Wizard Weiqi, what information can you see from this glass?"

"This..." Bobobo Weiqi looked at the glass and tried to analyze, "First of all, the workmanship of this glass is very fine, which means that the price is not low. I... I should not be able to use it. In addition, this glass The surface of the cup has a lot of wear and tear, and it seems that the person who used it didn't cherish it very much, which means that he is indeed richer than me. The conclusion is that there is a rich wizard who has used this glass for a long time."

"That's all?" Li Cha asked strangely.

Popo Bovich was a little embarrassed,

He hesitated and said: "For the time being, I can only see these things. Why, do you have other discoveries that are good?"

"One obvious thing is that the material of this glass is special, and it was not produced by Jialan City." Li Cha said.

"Ah, that's right." Popovich suddenly realized, and then frowned, "But it's nothing, it doesn't explain anything."

"No, this explains the problem very well." Richard said, "Glass is very fragile. In the current main continent, except for some high-value glass craft products, the rest of the low-value glass products are rarely processed remotely. Therefore, there are obvious regional differences. Based on this, it is possible to find out where the glass comes from by analyzing the specific glass material.

Before, in order to build some things, I knew about the glass in Jialan City and many surrounding cities. Therefore, if you read correctly, this glass is from Delan, and the people of the Truth Society are also very likely to be from Delan. "

"De Lan?" Bobo Bo Weiqi's eyes lit up, but he couldn't believe it. After all, it is really unbelievable to deduce so much information just by relying on a glass. After watching it, Li Cha confirmed again and again, " Are you really sure?"

"Of course." Richard said, reached out, took out a small glass bottle from his arms, put it together with the glass, and asked Popo Bovich, "Do you see the difference between these two glass products? "

"This..." Bobobo Weiqi looked at it carefully for a while, pointed to the small glass bottle and said, "This one seems a little green."

"Very correct." Richard said, "The green glass bottle is produced by the glass factory of the Marquis of Wei'an in Jialan City. In the Marquis of Wei'an glass factory, the raw material for making glass is silicon dioxide, which is sand The sand also contains some iron elements, which are difficult to remove during the production process, and the final glass will show the color of ferrous iron—green. Although this does not affect the use, it will affect the appearance, so that high-value glass craft products cannot be manufactured .

The glass industry in Rand is better developed than here, and this problem has been initially solved. You see, although the glass is still a little light green, but if you don't look carefully, it is similar to white. The reason for this is that on the one hand, they should have used sand with higher purity, and on the other hand, they should have added some kind of purple dye, such as manganese dioxide.

Purple can be regarded as the complementary color of yellow, mixed with green, using the principle of the three primary colors of color and light, it will eventually look white. Of course, purple and yellow are not completely complementary colors, so the final white will also deviate.

In addition, the amount of dye input cannot be controlled perfectly, and the glass will be an undetectable light green. Considering that this is not considered a high-value artwork, it is acceptable. In short, this kind of glass is indeed only produced in Rand. "

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