Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Seven hundred and seventieth chapters still need to prepare

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? After listening to Li Cha’s long explanation, Bobo Weiqi’s expression was stiff and he was speechless for a long time: “… ..." He admitted that just from the expression on Li Cha's serious speech, it can be seen that what Li Cha said is very convincing. But why after he listened, it was almost as if he hadn't listened, um, no, it was even more confused.

Popo Bovich tried to put on a "very reasonable" look to hide his shallowness. However, he is not an ordinary person after all, but a wizard, the best among wizards. After thinking hard, I still understood a little bit, and said tentatively to Li Cha: "

According to your meaning, is it possible to say so. Different places have different glass-making techniques. Jialan's production technique is relatively backward, while Rand's is relatively advanced.

The reason why De Lan is advanced is that when they choose the raw material for making glass, the sand is relatively clean, and they will also remove the... iron inside. During the production process, a special purple dye will be added.

For some reason, the purple dye mixes with the little leftover... iron, and there is another change, which ends up being white.

Through this difference in color, it can be determined that the glass is produced in Lande, so the people of the Truth Society naturally have a high probability of coming from Lande. And even if the people from the Truth Society are not from Teresa, they must have been there, so we can find further clues when we go to Teresa, right? "

Li Cha listened to Popo Bovich's words and nodded: "That's right."


Popo Bovich let out a long breath, raised his head slightly and said, "Sure enough, ha, isn't it very simple, you can understand it as soon as you hear it, I just didn't think of it just now."

Although it was easy to say on the mouth, it was very empty in the heart. Even if you kill him, you won't admit it. He actually has a lot of doubts: For example, how can there be iron in the sand? What is ferrous iron, why is it green? What kind of dye is manganese dioxide, why have I never heard of it?

In addition, the most important thing is that when the purple dye is mixed with the green ferrous iron, it will become white. Is this a special reaction, or are all purple and green things mixed together?

Bobo Bo Weiqi rolled his eyes, looked at Richard again and said, "Okay, now that it is confirmed that the other party is from Delan, should we rush there as soon as possible? Or start now ?”

"No." Li Cha shook his head and refused.

"What?" Popo Bovich wondered.

Li Cha explained: "Wizard Vicky, you have to be clear about one thing. That is, finding the real gathering place of the Truth Society is not the key, but whether you can penetrate the opponent's interior and understand the opponent deeply is the key.

The other party is a very large organization. Even if we go to Delan now, it is useless to find the other party successfully. Because it is impossible for the other party to simply trust us. If we try to contact or investigate the other party, there is only one result, and that is a conflict. To avoid this, we have to do some preparations. "

"Ready? Prepare for what?" Popovich asked.

"You will know when the time comes." Richard said without answering.

Popo Bovich: "..." I suddenly wanted to hit someone.

Li Cha didn't say anything anymore, and walked towards the castle. Although Popo Bovich was itching with hatred, he could only keep up.

Outside, a beam of moonlight pierced through the clouds and was projecting onto the ground.


Under the moonlight.

deep in the forest.

A hungry black bear tried to twitch its nose, sniffing the air, looking for possible food.

"Bang bang bang!"

The black bear stepped forward with heavy steps, his stomach was rumbling non-stop, and he felt like he was going to faint from hunger.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, and it saw a huge beehive at a tree branch right in front of it.


At this moment, the black bear is like a person who has been hungry for three days and three nights,

I saw a piece of deliciously toasted bread placed in front of my eyes. Thinking of the sweetness of honey, the saliva dripped down uncontrollably, and fell to the ground with a "patter-patter".

Without any hesitation, the black bear quickly ran under the tree, stood up and grabbed the hive. Unfortunately, the hand is too short, even if it is stretched to the limit, there is still at least three gaps away from the hive.

That's okay.

The black bear was not discouraged at all, and then slammed its body towards the tree trunk heavily.

With a sound of "dong", the black bear backed up several steps, while the trees remained motionless.

The black bear scratched its head, and then realized one thing: the tree trunk in front of it was so thick that it couldn't be hugged by an adult. So although it has great strength, it is still impossible to make the beehive fall down by hitting the tree.

So what to do?

The black bear's eyes flickered as he thought about it. After a while, the big eyeballs rolled a few times in their sockets, and he had an idea.

what idea?

Very simple, climb a tree.

Yes, climb trees.

It's a bear, born to climb trees, okay?

Just doing what he said, the black bear walked up to the tree, stretched out its claws, grabbed the tree trunk fiercely, and climbed up with all its strength.

One rub, two rubs, three rubs...

Because the body is too heavy and the movements are too clumsy, the black bear is almost like a wriggling bug, approaching the hive with difficulty.

But anyway, the distance is getting closer.

Five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters, one meter...

Almost, almost...


Suddenly, the black bear's paw slipped, and the whole bear slid towards the ground uncontrollably. The claws plowed a series of dents on the surface of the trunk, and then with a "boom", it hit the ground so hard that the buttocks were numb.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The black bear grinned twice, partly from pain, but more from anger—looking up at the hive, the more angry it became.

Damn the hive, why can't it fall down and let it eat, it is very hungry and has no strength to climb the tree for the second time.

Just thinking about this, the black bear's eyes widened, and it seemed that an unknown god heard its wish, and the beehive above its head suddenly shook and fell straight down.


The hive hit its head, cracked, and the bees inside flew out "buzzing" and attacked it angrily.

The black bear didn't care so much, waved its paw, drove the bees away, opened the hive, and quickly licked the honey in the hive.

After licking it hard, the black bear hugged its head and ran away quickly. Running to a small river, "Plop" jumped into the river, isolating the attack of bees.

After a while, the black bear's head popped out of the water, and found that all the bees had flown away, snorted and climbed ashore.

After climbing ashore, the black bear shook off the water droplets on his body, shook his butt vigorously, and was content to find a tree hole to sleep. After all, it is no longer hungry now, and its body has been washed clean. After a good night's sleep, the whole life of the bear is perfect. This is really a very good night.

There is a beehive that fell from the sky, ha, really lucky, is there anything better in the world than this?

Just thinking about it, a beehive rolled out of the grass on one side and rolled to its feet.


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