Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 775: A Completely Strange Era

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? When the old soul released from the Lich's phylactery asked Li Cha a question, Li Cha was looking at him seriously.

Hearing what the old man said, he thought for a while and replied, "Where you are, is one of my laboratories."

"Laboratory?" The old man's face changed slightly. He felt that the situation was a little different from what he had imagined, and said in a low voice, "So, you didn't specifically resurrect my Parton Academy apprentice? You didn't either, got The students I inherited?"

"No." Richard said, "For some research purposes, I used a small spell of the spiritual system to try to wake you up. It seems that the effect is good."

"Uh..." The old man's face became even uglier, and he muttered to himself, "The purpose of the research, what do you... want to do to me?"

"Nothing, just want to know some information, don't be too nervous."

"Then will you help me?" the old man asked.


"Resurrect me."

"Resurrect you?"

"Yes, resurrect me." The old man said seriously.

"Then what do I need to do?" Li Cha asked.

"This..." The old man hesitated for a while, as if he was trying to remember, and then showed a painful expression, and shouted, "Damn, I have been sleeping for too long, and some memories are blurred, but I have several ways to resurrect ways, try them all if you want.

The first is the soul transfer method. You help me choose a qualified body, let my soul transfer into it, and complete the resurrection. It should be noted that the body cannot be casual. First of all, you must be strong, otherwise you will not be able to bear my strength. In addition, there should be no obvious injuries, otherwise the vitality will be lost quickly during the resurrection process, resulting in failure.

The most important thing is that the body and my soul should match, and there will be no serious rejection. Such a body is less than the number of people with excellent wizard talent, and there may only be one or two in a city with a million people. But I believe that as long as you are willing to look for it, you will find it. besides……"

After talking for a long time, the old man paused slightly, and continued: "If the first method doesn't work, you can also try the second method. That is, the puppet body method. The premise of using this method is that the production I can’t remember the specific production process to make a qualified humanoid puppet, but you can prepare the materials first, that is, a large amount of gold, silver, crystal, and Dokestone..."

"And if the second method still doesn't work, you can try the third method..."

The old man talked excitedly for a long time, talking about seven or eight methods of resurrection before stopping.

After listening patiently, Li Cha twitched his eyebrows and asked, "Which one of the various resurrection methods you mentioned can revive you with a 100% chance?"

"This..." The old man pursed his lips, "It's really hard to say, because I've been in a deep sleep for too long, and many of my memories are incomplete, so maybe any resurrection method is not 100% successful. But It doesn't matter, I promise, if you are willing to try all the methods I said, there must be one or two that will work."

"Then you should be clear that any of the methods you mentioned is not simple, and requires a lot of manpower, material resources and energy." Li Cha looked at the old man and asked, "Then if I really do these , and what can I get in return?"

"Repayment, ha, of course you will be rewarded, and it will be extremely rich!" The old man said confidently, "First of all, you can get the goodwill of the entire Parton Academy, which is a world-renowned wizarding organization... ..."

Li Cha suddenly interrupted the old man: "Sorry, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be such a wizarding organization in the world. If you are not lying, there is only one explanation - you have been asleep for longer than you thought , this organization has disappeared into history."

"How is it possible!" The old man widened his eyes,

He screamed, showing an unacceptable look, "Patton College, so powerful, how could it disappear?"

"Nothing lasts forever." Li Cha said lightly.

"Then..." the old man was in a hurry, thinking hard, and said in the next moment, "What about the Kingdom of Wized? As I remember, Paton College has a very good relationship with the Kingdom of Wized. You saved me, Kingdom of Vized. It can also benefit you. Don't tell me that the Kingdom of Vizard has also disappeared into history. This is absolutely impossible!

The Kingdom of Wized is the most powerful country in the world, and all wizards are proud to be citizens of the other country. Do you know where the name Wized came from? That is the oldest pronunciation of the word wizard, the source of wizards. Therefore, Wized is also known as the kingdom of wizards. Such a country is absolutely impossible to destroy, absolutely impossible! "

When it came to the end, the old man was extremely excited, staring at Li Cha, afraid that Li Cha would say no.

And looking at the old man with round eyes, Li Cha did not say a word, or even speak, but just looked at him calmly.

This is actually the answer.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The stares at each other lasted for more than ten seconds. The old man changed from agitated to calm, then suspicious, and finally his face twisted and became painful.

Slowly closing his eyes and opening them again, the old man understood something, and confirmed to Li Cha: "The Kingdom of Vizhede is also destroyed, right?"

"Yes. The most powerful country at present should be the Soma Alliance in the north of the mainland. The other party can indeed be called a country of wizards, but it is obviously not the same as the Vized Kingdom you mentioned." Richard said, Tell the old man this cruel reality.

"Is there no inheritance left in the Kingdom of Vized? Even a small country on the edge of the continent?" the old man asked with his last hope.

Li Cha shook his head: "No. In fact, it's the first time I've heard the name Wized. Believe me, this name is very special. If I've heard it, I'll definitely remember it, but I haven't. "

The old man pursed his lips, his eyes darkened, he looked at the air in front of him, and after a long time he let out a wry smile: "So, is it a completely strange era now?"


"Alas." The old man sighed, and then lifted his spirits again, "Thinking about it seriously, in fact, there is nothing wrong with a new era. At least, my enemies must be gone, and all the good and bad things I did are gone. No one will remember. After being resurrected like this, you can enjoy your life.”

As he spoke, the old man showed a longing look.

However, Li Cha interrupted the old man's fantasy at the right time, and returned to the original topic: "Then, what can you pay for your resurrection? Since the organizations related to you no longer exist, how can I get What about the corresponding benefits?"

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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