Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 776 Warning, once!

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? "This..." The old man frowned, thought of the problem, thought for a while, looked at Li Cha and asked, "Do you have any questions?" Heard a word?"


"Knowledge is the most precious wealth and the most powerful force in this world. Those who master it will benefit everywhere."

"I haven't heard of it. But I've heard the saying 'knowledge is power', so it must be similar."

"Well, that would be much easier. I admit, I can't let others do you good, but I can do you good myself. Although, many of my memories are blurred, but some knowledge is preserved. As long as you can successfully resurrect Me, I can teach you the knowledge, how about it?"

"It's a good deal." Li Cha nodded and agreed, "But I'm worried about one thing, that is, after I successfully revive you, what should you do if you go back on your word?"

"You can trust my character, and I will not break my promise." The old man said seriously.

"Considering that we have been in contact for only ten minutes, and I don't know anything about your past, you don't even know your own past completely. I don't think there is any guarantee for this."

"I..." The old man was at a loss for words, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"What I think is that you tell me the knowledge first, and then I will resurrect you. After all, every method of resurrecting you requires a lot of investment. I must ensure that the investment will not suffer a loss before I will actually take action." Richard said.

"But... how can you guarantee that after I hand over the knowledge to you, you will definitely resurrect me?"

"Actually, I can't guarantee the same." Li Cha said calmly, "Just like what I told you before, our contact time is too short and we don't know each other's details at all, so the promise is meaningless. If it is true If you want to make a promise, you are gambling. When gambling, I always like to take the initiative and want to prevent myself from losing. That’s why I made the previous request.”

"So we've reached a stalemate?" the old man said.

"You can say that."

The old man suddenly became anxious: "Don't you think about it again? You know, after you resurrect me, I will give you not only knowledge, but also my wisdom! Let me tell you, I was a very knowledgeable wizard when I was alive. , can help you solve various problems.”

"you sure?"


"Well, why don't you take a test."


"There is such a puzzle." Richard said, "There is a creature in the world that has four legs when it is a child, two legs when it is an adult, and three legs when it is old. What is this creature?"


After a while of silence, the old man became a little annoyed and said: "Nonsense, how can there be such a creature? How can there be such a puzzle, it is completely made up by you!"

"Then why don't I ask you about the grand unified theory of the universe, or the value of pi?"


"Forget it." Li Cha shook his head, denied his own thoughts, looked at the old man seriously and said, "I don't want to waste too much time with you, I just want to tell you that your so-called wisdom is useless to me, what I really need You can't give me wisdom.

Of course, if you are willing to tell me something about your time, I will be very happy. However, this does not match the price and risk of resurrecting you. So, our deal is still difficult to close. "

Shaking his head, Li Cha seemed to have lost interest.

The old man was in a hurry and couldn't help saying: "Don't, boy! In fact, I can give you a lot of things other than knowledge and wisdom. To give you an example, if you really resurrect me, I will be able to Restore some of your combat power, and then it can help you attack the enemy together. Think about it, an ancient necromancer who helps you fight, what a face!"

Li Cha took a deep look at the old man.

The old man was seen a little hairy: "What's wrong with you,

Don't you agree with what I said? "

"Let me tell you such a story."

"what story?"

"Once upon a time there was a programmer, er, a brick mover. He went to take a bath by the river, and suddenly he met a frog. The frog jumped in front of him and told him that he was a princess cursed by a witch. As long as he Kissing herself, she can turn back into a princess. In order to repay, she can be the other party's nominal lover for a day.

The worker refused and put the frog in the bag directly. The frog was in a hurry, and while jumping in the bag, he raised the conditions and said. Give her a kiss, and after she turns back into a princess, she can be his lover for a month and allow her to continue kissing her.

The worker still refused, and the frog raised the conditions again and said, give her a kiss, and after she turns back into a princess, she can be his lover for a year, and he can do anything to her. As a result, the workers still refused. "

Listening to Li Cha's story, the old man was fascinated and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Li Cha said: "The princess who was cursed into a frog was also very puzzled, and angrily asked the worker why. The worker told the frog that he already had a lover, and he didn't need the princess to be his lover. Talking frogs are even more rare, after he has one, he will perform everywhere, and he will definitely make a fortune."

After Li Cha finished telling the story, the old man was stunned. After a long time, he said suspiciously: "You don't mean to say that that frog, right? scold me?"

"Actually, I just want to tell you again: I really don't need what you provide me, and I want you to provide it, but you can't provide it. I didn't think about forcing your surplus value, it is already It's kinder, so...don't bother me until you change the terms of the deal."

After Li Cha finished speaking, he went straight to the console and got busy, leaving the old man aside.

The old man was silent for a while, feeling a little insulted, and shouted loudly: "Hey, boy, do you mean that I owe you a favor now? Let me tell you, I am really a powerful wizard, you'd better be polite to me Dot. You'd better..."



Li Cha suddenly threw two things over and landed on the old man's table, interrupting the old man's words.

The old man looked and saw that it was a book and a golden mask with teeth marks.

"What is this?" the old man asked suspiciously.

"In a sense, it can be regarded as your companion." Li Cha replied without looking back, "Specifically speaking, it is a container for the soul.

In the golden mask with tooth marks, there is a soul about your age, but after I asked a few questions, it seemed to elicit some reactions from him, and then there was no more sound.

On the other side, there is also a book spirit in the wizard book of "The Chapter of Monroe". After I asked him some questions, it seemed that his thinking limit was exceeded, and he didn't respond at all.

By the way, by the way, the question you tested earlier - what are four-legged, two-legged, and three-legged creatures, was actually asked by Shu Ling. The answer is also very simple, that is people.

That's about it, I show them to you to remind you, don't mess with me, don't try to be the third same existence. "

"I..." The old man's face changed completely after hearing this, and he glanced at Li Cha, as if he saw a scourge, and lost his voice in shock, "You... who the hell are you!"

Li Cha shrugged and did not answer. He took out the "Demon Horn Powder" given by Shan De from the space iron ring and began to study it.


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