
Delan is a well-known city in the south of the main continent. It is not very far from Jialan City, and the straight-line distance is only more than a hundred miles. It's just that on this land of more than one hundred miles, there are two small mountains, a forest, and countless large and small bandits hiding in the mountains and forest.

Therefore, although Delan and Jialan City are not far apart, there is not much communication. There are only a few business groups that come and go to trade and exchange needs every month. These business groups have a large number of guards, and some business groups even have wandering low-level free wizards and magic knights. Only in this way can they get rid of the harassment of many bandits and sell goods that are missing between the two cities to make huge profits.

In other words, what the businessmen who organize these business groups are doing is licking blood on the tip of a knife, which is very risky. Once they have the force, they can't make the bandits along the way have enough fear and fear, and the consequences will be disastrous. As long as the first bandit group jumps out, attack them and cause certain damage. The rest of the thieves, like sharks smelling blood in the sea, will swarm over and bite them to pieces.

This kind of thing has happened many times.

But no matter how many times such things happen, the trade between Delan and Jialan City has never been completely cut off. It is the Delan businessman who is never afraid of sacrifice and no money to make.

This is a quality of all Teland merchants.

This quality can be said to be bad because of greed, or it can be said to be excellent because of tenacity.

In any case, it is precisely because of this quality that Delan can develop step by step to where he is today.

Delan's real name is Delan Town, which means that he was originally just an inconspicuous small town. The small town is very poor and barren, except for food, it hardly produces any goods that can be sold for money. However, through the development of generations of Delan merchants, Delan town has finally become one of the famous commercial centers in the southern part of the mainland.

The current Delan is far more prosperous than Jialan City and more than half of the cities in the southern part of the main mainland. It is no longer worthy of the name to continue to call her "town", and many people add the word "big" before her name —Great Teresa.

Of course, more people directly call her - De Lan.



In the center of the city, on one of the busiest streets. A four-story stone building stands tall, with bright red and yellow paint on the outside, exquisite relief carvings, and extremely gorgeous decoration.

This is a well-known gold selling cave in Delan. It is the favorite place for unmarried male nobles, rich people, and romantic youths. Here they can enjoy heavenly enjoyment.

No, what they got was an enjoyment that surpassed heaven.

It was early in the morning, and an old wizard in a clean white robe came out of the Golden Cave, his steps faltering.

His name is Xia Man, and he is over sixty years old. For ordinary wizards, this age is not too old - although wizards cannot greatly delay their own lifespan, they can guarantee a healthier life than ordinary people through some spells, which will gradually show after the age of seventy. Visible aging.

Xia Man is different. He is only in his sixties, and his face is full of frowns, which is not even better than some well-maintained nobles. Because he is only a first-level low-level wizard, he is not proficient in many spells, coupled with his greed for enjoyment and excessive indulgence, he has become what he is now.

But Xia Man didn't regret it at all, he felt that this was his life.

Because of the wizard's lack of talent, he had given up the idea of ​​continuing to be promoted many years ago, and put more energy into the pursuit of fun. In his opinion, it is more wonderful to pursue worldly pleasures than to explore the truth in the wizarding world boringly.

After all, in the world of wizards, no matter how many spells and mysteries one has studied thoroughly, it is impossible to experience the feeling of being carefully served by a teenage girl on the bed.

That kind of softness, that kind of softness, that kind of moistness.

Tut tut!

Xia Man squinted his eyes and recalled the experience in the night,

The expression on his face was very satisfied.

However, after taking two steps, the muscles on his face twisted slightly, and the wrinkles on his forehead formed the word "Chuan".


Xia Man coughed twice, and felt her waist suddenly hurt badly.

In fact, not only the back pain, every bone in the whole body seemed to be creaking, almost falling apart.

It seems that yesterday was indeed a bit excessive and should be restrained.

However, that girl named Caroline is really attractive.

With various thoughts in his mind, Xia Man approached a carriage parked on the street.

Seeing that there was no movement in the carriage, he frowned, raised his hand "bang bang bang" several times, and pounded on the outer wall of the carriage.


Immediately, there was a sound in the carriage. A handsome boy of fifteen or sixteen years old poked his head out and glanced at Xia Man. He almost rolled down and landed with a "bang".

The boy put on a flattering smile, and quickly greeted him: "Master Xia Man, you're here, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah." Xia Man nodded lightly, his sore body made him too lazy to say anything, he just said, "Go back."

"Yes, you get into the carriage first." The boy said, and as he spoke, he knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and straightened his shoulders.

Xia Man was not too polite, he was completely used to it, he stepped on the boy's shoulder and padded it, and then he stepped on the carriage, bent his head into the carriage, and lay down on the soft cushion in the carriage.

He could feel the warmth of the mat, it must be at night, the boy was lying on it and secretly sleeping. He was a little displeased by this, but it was completely unnecessary to lose his temper over such a trivial matter. After all, this young man named Shar was very pleasing to him, and he didn't want to be too harsh.

At this time, the young Shar poked his head in, took out a hot towel soaked in water from nowhere, and handed it to Xia Man. Xia Man wiped his face and hands, and then covered his face, feeling warm, and the aches and pains all over his body were relieved a lot.

The young Shar said: "Master Xia Man, take a nap in the carriage to recover your spirits, and I will drive back to your mansion. On the way, I will slow down and be steady so as not to disturb you. When we arrive After the mansion, I will wake you up again. How do you think?"

"Well, good." Xia Man slowly raised his hand, expressing his agreement, adjusted his posture on the blanket of the carriage, fell asleep comfortably, and said nothing more.

The young man stepped out of the carriage, started the carriage, and drove the horses to the distance, leaving the bustling street.

Not far away, on the second floor of a hotel on the street, two pairs of eyes were watching the carriage leave.


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