Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 778: Infiltration


Popo Bovich yawned big, rubbed the gums from the corners of his eyes, watched the carriages on the street go away, turned his head to Li Cha, who was also watching, and asked, "Hey, are you sure, our The target, just choose this old guy?"

It's already a cold month in September, and more than half a month has passed since meeting Li Cha in the ancient castle.

In the past half a month, I "wasted" more than a week in Jialan City, finally arrived in Delan, and investigated for another week.

In the end, after a series of clues, several targets related to the Truth Society were locked, but Li Cha was going to choose the most unbearable target to start with, which made Popo Bovich very dissatisfied.


Yawning again, Popo Bovich said, "Let's not comment on this guy's style of life. His strength alone is too weak, right? I suspect that some younger third-level wizard apprentices will be able to defeat him." .

Such a person can also get in touch with the core of the Truth Society? Can you get in touch with the secrets of the Truth Society? I don't really believe it. I think the one-eyed man in Dongcheng is much better than him. If it really doesn't work, it's fine to choose that idiot from Xicheng. "

Li Cha was very energetic at this time compared to Popobovich. He didn't look like he couldn't wake up, nor was he infected by Popobovitch's continuous yawns.

After listening to Popo Bović's words, he responded very seriously: "I admit that the strength of this target is too weak. But, this is exactly the reason why I chose him."

"how to say?"

"What we have to do is try not to attract the attention of the truth. It is natural and convenient to start with a powerful target, but it is also easy to arouse the suspicion of the other party. It is better to start with a weak target. As for the other party's life style Well, heh, he is an enemy to us, the more unbearable he is, the more beneficial he is to us?"

"That's true." After listening to Popo Bovich, he couldn't help nodding, agreeing, and then asked, "However, you can be sure that we can really infiltrate the Truth Society and understand the Truth Society through him. information?"

"Actually, it's very difficult for us to do this through him alone." Richard said, "However, the Truth Society is a relatively strict organization with a complete set of upper and lower levels. Through him, we can communicate with his superiors." Get in touch. Through his superiors, get in touch with the higher-level people, get in touch with the Truth Society step by step, and finally infiltrate it.”

"How do you know so much?" Popo Bovich frowned. "By the way, after we came to Delan, the investigation time is almost the same? Why, you know these things, but I don't know?"

"You forgot, I have been preparing for a while in Jialan City."

"Then no matter how prepared you are, you can't just know about Delan City in Jialan, right? Or, you have something to hide from me?" Popobovic frowned.

Li Cha spread his hands and looked at Popovich with a smile, but did not answer.

Bobobo Weiqi curled his lips: "I knew it, you have something to hide!" He said so, his teeth itching with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

He is now in a weak position, so he can only cooperate with Li Cha obediently.

I'm a little frustrated...

thought Popo Bovich.

Li Cha turned his head and looked out the window again, looking at the gradually bustling street outside the window, blinked, thinking about something.


Richard admitted that Popo Bovich was not wrong, he was indeed hiding something.

He will know more things than Popo Bovich, the reason is very simple, that is, he has obtained several black iron rings from the hands of the Truth Society.

There are some materials in the Black Iron Ring. After sorting out and analyzing them, I have a vague understanding of the Truth Society.

Because of this, he realized that there are some differences between the Society of Truth and the Society of Supreme Order.

The biggest difference is that the quality of members of the Truth Society is lower than that of the Supreme Order God Society.

On the east coast, every member of the Supreme Order,

It can't be called a strong one, but it is definitely an elite, and it is very difficult to deal with. And, each has a space ring and the ability to resurrect. If he hadn't possessed the "gloves of destroying the world", he wouldn't be an opponent at all.

In the main continent, although the members of the Truth Society are not low-level, their real combat effectiveness has not increased but decreased, giving people the feeling that they are not very professional, like miscellaneous soldiers. And there are only a few of them who have the space ring, and the resurrection ability has not been verified, but it is very likely that not everyone is qualified.

However, there is also one place where the Truth Society is far superior to the Supreme Order God's Society, and that is the large number of people.

Yes, there are many people.

From the fact that the opponent sent dozens of people before and after Shande was hunted down, it can be inferred that the scale of the Truth Society is definitely larger than the Supreme Order God Society on the east coast.

Combining all this, Richard has a guess:

The Truth Society and the Supreme Order God Society are probably indeed an organization, at least two branches under one organization.

However, the Supreme Sequence God Society can be regarded as a dispatched agency, which was established to perform relatively special tasks and has a clear goal.

Because the tasks of the Zhixu Shenhui are very difficult, the members are all carefully selected, have undergone special training, and are relatively professional. Therefore, the investment is relatively high. After a person dies, he will not give up easily, and will pay a certain price for resurrection.

The Truth Society is more like a maintenance organization or an expansion organization.

After all, the east coast is only a small part of the main continent. On this side of the thousands of mountains, the main continent has a vast area.

Many kingdoms and alliances stand side by side, there are countless wizards, geniuses emerge in endlessly, the strong hide dragons and crouching tigers, and there are also a large number of magical knights-this kind of established armed team that can confront wizards head-on.

No matter how powerful the Supreme Sequence God Council is, it cannot be like it is on the east coast—defeating all forces and acting recklessly, it can only develop silently in secret.

Thus, the Truth Society was born.

Compared with the Supreme Order God's Association, the truth will be looser, with fewer core members, and pay more attention to absorbing external members to strengthen itself.

If the Supreme Order God's Society is an elite team composed of internal members, then the Truth Society is a mass organization composed of internal and external members.

Considering that most of the external members may not have received professional training, so they are of higher rank, but they may not be able to access the core secrets, and may not be more powerful than the internal members. Without the black iron ring and some weird spells, it can be completely explained.

Therefore, Sander was besieged by a group of wizards in order to survive. If it were a wizard from the east coast who came to hunt him down, Sander might have died several times before he escaped to Jialan City.

And if this is the case, considering the characteristics of the Truth Society, it is completely feasible to infiltrate the Truth Society and understand some information about the Truth Society. Difficulties do exist, but as long as you do it with your heart, you are likely to succeed. After you succeed, you can get enough benefits.

In contrast, if you tried to infiltrate the Xushenhui on the east coast, even if you infiltrated it under the extremely strict organizational framework of the other party, you would be throwing yourself into a trap.

Then take advantage of this rare opportunity to infiltrate the Truth Society and see what secrets this organization has.

Looking out the window, Li Cha pursed his lips.


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