Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 779: Strange spellcasting material

"Squeak, squeak..."

A carriage carried Li Cha and Popo Bovich out of the hotel where they were temporarily staying, and drove towards the distance. Finally, it stopped on a street in the north of the city.

With a "bang", Li Cha jumped out of the carriage and looked at the nearby shops.

Popo Bovich jumped out of the carriage together, and said curiously: "What are we doing here? Aren't we going to get close to that target? Although I don't agree with getting close to each other, but if we really want to get close, we can Go and meet the other party, what's the use of coming here?"

Li Cha said: "It is true to approach the other party, but there are many ways to approach. We can be more active, or the other party can be more active, or we can let the other party be more active. If we adopt the third method, the other party It will minimize suspicion, which is why I am here."

"Huh?" He and Popo Bovich were still puzzled.

Li Cha didn't explain any more, and walked into the shop.

In the shop, there are several huge shelves against the wall, on which are placed a variety of goods, some are antiques, some are works of art, and some are weird spell-casting materials.

In front of the shelves, there is a tall counter. As if hearing a voice, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy stood up from behind the counter. The appearance is slightly delicate, but the body has been developed, the Adam's apple is protruding, and there is a fluffy beard at the corner of the mouth, which is a bit more yang.

The young man greeted him enthusiastically, and asked Li Cha: "My guest, may I ask... what do you want to buy?"

"I don't buy anything." Li Cha said calmly, the first sentence stunned the young man.

"and you……"

"I want to consign something in your store." Li Cha said, "I've inquired about it. Your store has a consignment business, right?"

"Yes." The boy nodded, "But we have to charge a certain percentage of remuneration."

"Of course there is no problem with this." Li Cha responded, "Let's take a look at the goods first."

Li Cha took out a small wooden box from his arms, put it on the counter, opened it, and said, "This is what I want to consign. It is a relatively special spell-casting material, and it is used by certain wizards..."

The boy looked into the wooden box, only to see that it was some gray powder with a strange pungent sour smell, which made people subconsciously disgusted. But with his experience, he can be sure that this should not be an ordinary thing.

if that is the case……

"That's right." At this time Li Cha suddenly said again, "While consigning this item, I have one condition, you must remember, that is..."


After a while, Li Cha and Bobo Weiqi handed over the materials in the wooden box to the young man and walked out the door.

The young man watched Li Cha and Popobovich board the carriage and leave, with a strange expression on his face. He looked down at the powder in the wooden box, fell into deep thought, and made a decision for a moment.


at dusk.

On a somewhat remote street in the south of the city, a small but exquisite courtyard is located here, which is the residence of the old wizard Xia Man.

At this time Xia Man had just had dinner, lying on a wicker chair with his eyes closed, enjoying the rare peace. His feet were stretched out in a basin of water, and the handsome boy Shishaer was rubbing him with moderate strength.

A few minutes later, Xia Man opened his eyes and slowly raised his feet.

The young Shar understood, and quickly picked up a clean white cloth to dry Xia Man's feet, and then handed over the soft boots to help Xia Man put them on.

After doing all this, Shar raised his head and said: "Master Xiaman, the carriage is ready, if you want to go out tonight, you can do it anytime."

"Not bad." Xia Man nodded in praise, very satisfied with the boy's actions. After a day of recuperation, the soreness in his body has completely disappeared, and he has gained a lot of energy, which is just right for him to "relax".

Standing up, Xia Man was about to walk out.

At this moment, someone knocked on the gate of the courtyard.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Xia Man was taken aback,

Look towards the courtyard gate.

The young Shar said very cleverly: "Master Xia Man, I'll go and have a look."

"Okay." Xia Man nodded.

After getting the consent, Shar quickly ran towards the door, opened a crack with a "squeak", and carefully looked outside, ready to see who it was.

The next moment, he saw another boy who was half a head taller than him appearing outside the door, his face changed instantly, and his voice blurted out: "Hass, don't you guard Lord Xiaman's shop well, come here What are you doing? Lord Xia Man has something urgent to do now, so please don't disturb him."

"Hmph! A flatterer!" The young Haas outside the door gave Shar a white look, and said disdainfully, "Why should I tell you something, I will report it to Lord Xiaman personally."

After speaking, before Shar fully opened the door, the boy named Haas pushed hard, barged in, and ran quickly to the room in the courtyard.

Shar's body froze, and he was a little afraid of Hass's rough movements, but he glanced at Hass's back, showed angry eyes again, and quickly chased after him.

The two teenagers, one in front and one behind, quickly came to the courtyard room.

Here, after seeing Haas, Xia Man was also a little surprised, and asked in surprise: "Has, what are you doing here so late? Could it be that something happened in the shop?"

"Yes, my lord." Haas said quickly, and as he spoke, he took out a wooden box from his arms, opened it carefully, put it on the table beside him, and explained, "My lord, today, there are two weird The customer came to the store and said they wanted to sell a piece of goods. But they didn't set a price for the goods, they just told me that they could sell them to interested customers. In addition, I have to write down the information of the customers who bought the goods and let them contact .”

"It's kind of interesting." Xia Man raised his eyebrows after hearing this, "From what I've heard, the other party doesn't want to sell anything at all, what's more likely is that the other party is not sure what his goods are, and wants to find someone who knows what he wants. people who know the information."

"That's my guess too." Haas echoed.

"Then let me see what they are consigning." With some curiosity, Xia Man looked at the gray powder in the wooden box. After a few glances, his brows suddenly frowned, and his eyes became serious.

After looking at it a few more times, there was a "huh" in his mouth, and his expression became very solemn.

"This material is unusual." Xia Man frowned deeply, "I can feel the weak energy fluctuations inside, and it is indeed a spell-casting material that powerful wizards would use. And it is not a spell-casting material in the ordinary sense, because the energy fluctuations are very It's cold..."

Xia Man kept talking to himself.

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