Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 784 Unknown substance?

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Another five minutes in the blink of an eye.

The glass bottle is hot, and the water in the glass bottle has boiled, but the black powder is still stubborn.

Joseph's face continued to be tense, his brows were frowned, and without explaining to Xia Man, he waved his hand to directly control the glass bottle to suspend in mid-air, and then released the magic flame to heat it up more violently.

The water in the glass bottle was tumbling violently, a large puff of white steam came out, and the black powder rose and fell, until after a long time, it seemed that a little bit was missing.

Joseph raised his eyebrows and was about to say something when Xia Man's reminder suddenly sounded next to him: "Be careful, Mr. Joseph."


Joseph was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a "pop", and the glass bottle burst into pieces because it couldn't withstand the high temperature.

With a "crash", glass shards flew in all directions.


Joseph snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the air suddenly surged and shrank sharply. Fragments of the glass bottle, boiling water, and incompletely dissolved black powder were quickly compressed into a ball, then flung into a corner——Joseph forcibly prevented a laboratory accident from happening with great strength.

But after doing all this, Joseph didn't feel complacent. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xia Man with a somewhat unsightly expression.

Xia Man felt uncomfortable being stared at by Joseph, and thought belatedly, he shouldn't have shouted that "be careful" before.

So should he leave now? Or should I leave immediately?

Xiaman was thinking, and Joseph suddenly said to Xiaman: "Wizard Xiaman, thank you for your reminder just now, otherwise it may be very troublesome."

"Don't dare, I just happened to happen." Xia Man said repeatedly.

"No, it's not a coincidence, it's because you are really good." Joseph corrected seriously, "My appraisal level may exceed yours, but you also have your advantages in terms of experience. Then you can help me well, what's wrong? Yes, please bring it up immediately."

"Uh, yes." Under Joseph's gaze, Xia Man bit the bullet and nodded, confirming in his heart that he really couldn't leave now.

Afterwards, Joseph didn't say anything else, and reprocessed the experimental materials in the crystal box.

As if in order to regain the lost face, Joseph used a series of complex operations, which made Xiaman dizzy.

But Xia Man also noticed that Joseph's face became more and more ugly as he continued to operate, as if he had encountered a very difficult problem.



After several hours.

Joseph put the powder in the crystal box into a bottle of golden yellow liquid, and saw that the liquid turned blue at first, then slowly turned red, and finally turned green, and it remained so.

Joseph resisted the urge to throw the bottle against the wall and smashed it, put the bottle back on the table, turned his head and glanced at Xiaman, took a deep breath, and restored his usual expression: "Wizard Xiaman, I want to tell you something Something. Although I don't want to admit it, the substance in the crystal box is indeed beyond my identification level, and I don't know what it is."

"Really? Don't you have any clues?" Xia Man said with a surprised expression, without any disguise, "Mr. Joseph, your identification level is the top in the organization. can't even determine what it is, then why not?" Who can?"

Joseph shook his head, let out a sigh of relief: "But I really have no clue, I can't identify this substance at all. It's not because of its complex composition, if it's just mixed with some irrelevant things, an hour ago I figured it out. The problem now is that its ingredients are very simple, but it is not of any known kind, and it has properties that have never been seen before, so it is difficult to determine what effect it has."


Joseph pursed his lips, and said seriously: "It seems that the two wizards from Jialan City are right, this is indeed a higher-level spell-casting material than 'devil horn powder'. It is very likely that it is the mysterious substance of Jialan City. People, researched it by ourselves. If we can't figure out what's the use,

Once it is used against us by the other party, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

"So, are we really going to invite those two wizards from Jialan City to join the organization?" Xia Man asked.

"This is the most reasonable approach." Joseph said, pausing for a while, "In this case, I have to go see Canon and report the situation to him."

After speaking, Joseph walked outside without any hesitation.

As a result, after taking two steps, he found that Xia Man hadn't moved, turned his head to look at Xia Man, frowned slightly and asked, "Why, Wizard Xia Man, do you have other things? Or, you don't believe my conclusion and want to personally Do you want to identify the materials in the crystal box?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, Mr. Joseph." Xia Man waved his hands in fear.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

"This..." Xia Man swallowed, and said tentatively in a low voice, "I just want to ask, since you are going to invite those two wizards from Jialan City to join the organization, and I am the first to contact each other. According to the regulations in the organization, I... am I rewarded?"

This is the real purpose of his running this matter all the time.

The reward, the reward of the organization, is his motivation.

Otherwise, he didn't want to come to see Joseph at all, and he didn't want to nod and bow at all.

The organization's reward is what he cares most about, and he must ensure that he can get it. Because after getting it, he will no longer worry about running out of money for the rest of his life, and he can enjoy it to his heart's content.

As for Li Cha and Popovich, he doesn't care at all whether they can really join the organization, whether they can really bring benefits to the organization, or whether they can really avoid losses to the organization. After all, he is only a peripheral member of an organization, and he doesn't know much about the organization. Naturally, he can't be said to be loyal, and only thinks about his own interests.

Hearing Xiaman's words, Joseph was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, first glanced at Xiaman coldly, and then said: "Don't worry, Wizard Xiaman, the rules set by the organization will always be implemented. This time you have credit , the organization will reward you, but don't worry, be patient, the reward will be delivered to you sooner or later."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."


Xia Man quickly walked out of the basement.

Joseph narrowed his eyes and watched Xia Man leave, and snorted coldly, very disdainful, but a little helpless.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down on people like Xia Man, but he had to let him become a member of the organization. After all, not everyone could be selfless and dedicated.

I hope that the two people he will invite, even if they don't have the spirit of selfless dedication, won't be as mercenary as Xia Man.

Joseph thought, stepped out of the basement, and left the mansion.


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