Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 785 This is the main continent

After several hours.

In a certain underground complex, in a wide secret room, Joseph appeared here.

In addition to Joseph, there was another person in the secret room, and that was Canon, the steward whom Joseph wanted to meet.

Kanon at this time has not changed much from when he ambush the necromancer Shande. Tall and thin, with a rigid face, there is no emotion in his eyes. Wearing gray clothes, with his back to Joseph, he squinted at a map hanging on the wall of the secret room—the map of the main continent.

It can be seen that the map of the main continent is roughly divided into four parts.

In the south is a loose political body called the Southern Freedom Confederation.

The area of ​​the Southern Freedom Federation occupies about one-sixth of the main continent. It is composed of hundreds of small kingdoms, principalities, city-states, noble fiefdoms, and autonomous cities, including Jialan City and Great Teresa Town. Because there are no strong forces, there are no ambitious politicians. Most members (cities) get along with each other in a friendly way, and there are very few frictions and conflicts.

In the north is the largest political body in the main continent, the Soma Alliance.

The area of ​​the Soma Alliance occupies nearly half of the main continent, and there are many kingdoms, principalities, and autonomous cities in the territory, but they are all subject to the rule of the Soma Alliance in name.

Logically speaking, it is simply unreasonable for a political body as powerful as the Soma Alliance not to take action against the Southern Freedom Federation. In fact, the Soma Alliance has never done anything to the Southern Freedom Federation for decades.

This is mainly because the Soma Alliance has just been established less than 30 years ago. Before her, there were originally four kingdoms of similar size standing side by side. Until one of the kingdoms, a rare ruler appeared in a hundred years. He used amazing means to join forces, defeated and annexed the other three kingdoms one by one, and finally became the Soma Alliance, which was almost unprecedented in the history of the mainland. a huge country.

The consequences of doing so are obvious, and the most unnegligible point is that the newly established Soma Alliance has continued civil strife. Because of the lack of enough time to integrate, there was a serious conflict between the three conquered kingdoms and the peoples of the conqueror's kingdom.

For this reason, the rulers of the Soma Alliance devoted most of their energy to maintaining internal governance, so as to prevent the alliance from disintegrating overnight, and had no intention of tempting the Southern Freedom Federation at all.

The Southern Freedom Federation is also very aware of this, knowing how bad the internal situation of the Soma League is.

On the bright side, the Soma Alliance is the winner of the four kingdoms conquest battle, successfully annexing three kingdoms of similar size. But the remaining diehards of the annexed three kingdoms have not given up hope of restoring the country so far.

After the kingdom fell, they each occupied an area with harsh environment and easy to defend and difficult to attack within the Soma Alliance. water swamp. They are in these three places, constantly evolving, trying to one day recapture what was lost.

Naturally, the Soma Alliance cannot tolerate this situation. At the beginning, the Soma Alliance originally wanted to take advantage of the strong military power at the beginning of the founding of the country to wipe out these three lawless places with absolute force.

However, the enemies in these three extrajudicial places are extremely cunning and tenacious. With the help of the geographical advantage, they taught the Soma Alliance a hard lesson - tens of thousands of troops were severely damaged, and nearly a thousand powerful magic knights was killed, and the founding emperor was seriously injured and died in a sneak attack by assassins.

After the founding emperor passed away, the new alliance emperor resolutely stopped the policy of forceful attack in order to avoid greater losses. Turning to siege, the three extrajudicial places will gradually lose blood and perish under layer upon layer blockade.

In order to ensure that this method can achieve the greatest effect, the new emperor established a capital in the vicinity of the icy sea and snow fields, the chaotic mountains, and the black water swamp, which were called the northern capital, the southern capital, and the eastern capital respectively.

In addition to the original central capital, the Soma Alliance has a total of four capitals, and the emperor of the alliance will take turns living and handling state affairs in the four capitals every year.

Guaranteeing the normal progress of the siege and preventing the counter-offensive of the three lawless places has lasted for nearly thirty years.

Having said that, apart from Beidu, Nandu, Dongdu, and Zhongdu, the Soma Alliance actually has a fifth capital—although it is not a capital city in name, many Soma people regard her as Xidu.

That is the gray stone fortress built on the southwestern border to resist the invasion of the Kingdom of Sika.

This is the Great Steel Wall of the Soma Alliance, where the most elite army and the most powerful Magic Knights of the Soma Alliance are stationed.

It is also because of the existence of Greystone Castle that the Soma Alliance, the emerging first political body of the main continent, is isolated from the former first political body of the main continent and the current second political body, the Kingdom of Sika.

To the southwest of the main continent is the Kingdom of Sika.

The area of ​​the Sika Kingdom occupies about one-fifth of the entire main continent. It has a long history. Before the establishment of the Soma Alliance, it has always been the most powerful country on the main continent. It is awe-inspiring and outward-looking.

For a long time, the Kingdom of Sika has been the civilization center of the entire continent, where there is the best wizard academy on the main continent, the most exquisite arts and crafts, the most popular poetry, and the most beautiful costumes.

Compared with the Sika Kingdom, the former Four Great Kingdoms are not too bad, but they are always slightly inferior.

But after the establishment of the Soma Alliance, everything changed.

Overnight, the Soma Alliance became the new center of the main continent. More and more free wizards gathered towards the Soma Alliance, and businessmen were more willing to do business in the Soma Alliance, and gradually abandoned the Sika Kingdom. The Kingdom of Ka has unknowingly become a second-rate country.

Therefore, the Sika Kingdom regards the Soma Alliance as a thorn in its side, and has repeatedly had frictions with the Soma Alliance on the border. Had it not been for the existence of the Greystone Fortress and the restraint maintained by both sides, the southwestern border of the Soma Alliance would have been a sea of ​​flames long ago.

However, many people know that the current restraint is only temporary. There is destined to be a big battle between the Sika Kingdom and the Soma Alliance. No matter who wins or loses, it will affect the entire structure of the main continent.

In the comparison of these complicated situations, the last part of the mainland - the area on the northwest corner is somewhat inconspicuous.

It is called the Northern Wilderness. The land is barren, the mountains are everywhere, and the environment is harsh. It occupies less than one-tenth of the main continent, and the population is less than one percent.

Except for some rare ores that are occasionally produced there, people are aware of this place, but most people ignore it subconsciously.

There, besides the original inhabitants, the only outsiders there were hermits, or ascetic wizards, or heinous prisoners, who were driven there to work in chains in the mines until they died.

This is the main continent, and this is the map of the main continent.


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