Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 789 Identity Test

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Hearing the voice of "Welcome", Li Cha raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not make exaggerated things like Popo Bovich Be wary of movements, and walk into the door with a calm expression.

After walking in, you can see that it is a typical gravekeeper's hut, which is very simple: a wooden bed, a cabinet, a wooden table, a few wooden chairs, a stove, a copper kettle, and a water storage Can, a box for sundries.

The copper kettle was burning on the stove, as if it was boiling, a large amount of white steam came out of the "puff puff puff", the lid of the pot was pressed against it "squeaked", and the spout made a sharp whistling sound .

A black-faced old man walked to the stove, lifted the copper kettle, walked to the wooden table, and poured water into a gray pottery bowl with a gap.

Afterwards, he took out a heavy piece of black bread from the cabinet, held a somewhat rusty table knife in his right hand, and "squeaked" like a saw, sawing off a slice of bread about half a centimeter thick with difficulty.

Break the sawed bread crumbs into small pieces vigorously, and put one piece into a bowl filled with boiling water. It can be seen with the naked eye that the black bread cubes softened a little bit when they came into contact with boiling water, and after a while, they changed from hard to soft.

The black-faced old man sat on a chair, inserted a piece of bread with a fork with a broken tooth, blew on it, put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Afterwards, the black-faced old man soaked more bread cubes into the boiling water. While waiting for the bread cubes to soften, he finally raised his head and looked at Richard and Popovich who had walked into the room for a long time.

"Nice to meet you." The black-faced old man said, "I'm sorry to make you wait for a while before talking to you. However, considering that you were late for more than half an hour, I think we are actually talking flat."

Popo Bovich blushed slightly, fully aware of whose reason he was late, and opened his mouth, not ashamed to explain.

The old man didn't seem to care much about this matter, and said again: "Okay, since you are here, let's stop talking nonsense. You should have seen my phantom in your residence, so you should I also know that my name is Oscar, so I won’t introduce myself anymore, let’s get down to business.

The reason for looking for you is very simple, that is, I know that you will join a relatively mysterious organization recently. And I am somewhat interested in this organization, I hope you can be my insider, cooperate with me, and understand the information of this organization. What do you guys think? "The old man asked very directly.

"The organization you are talking about is the Truth Society?" Popobovich asked aloud.

"Yes, that's it, what's the problem?" the old man asked.

Popo Bovich stopped talking, his eyes rolled and his expression changed rapidly.

More than just a problem? There is a big problem!

He couldn't figure out the identity of the old man at all now, and he wasn't sure if the old man was really interested in the Truth Society, or the people from the Truth Society were testing him. If the answer is wrong, there will be big trouble.

Thinking of this, Bobo Bo Weiqi couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Cha, wondering if Li Cha had any good ideas.

In fact, Li Cha also had concerns about Popo Bovich, but his expression was relatively calm. He glanced at the old man and asked, "You asked us to be your insider, I understand. But one problem is, what is your identity?" What? I have some doubts, you may be someone from the Truth Society who deliberately tested us, so we can't promise you casually."

"Why, do you think I will be a member of the Truth Society?" The old man shook his head, "But I am not a member of the Truth Society. In fact, I am not even a member of the Southern Freedom Federation. I am from the North. I am only interested in the Truth Society. I will stay here, and it won't be long before I leave.

If you two really doubt my identity, I can provide some proof, but it will take some time. In short, regarding my identity, you two can rest assured that I will not deceive you. "

Li Cha looked at the old man and clearly felt that the temperature of an accessory on his chest remained unchanged.

Lukewarm, he suddenly said: "Don't worry? Well, after hearing what you said, I am indeed relieved. But, I am relieved, and you may be worried."

"What?" the black-faced old man asked, somewhat puzzled, "What should I worry about?"

"Don't you think the timing of our appearance in your line of sight is too coincidental? You wanted an insider, so we showed up, and then we came here very cooperatively, just like the intentional arrangement."

Li Cha looked at the old man seriously and said: "Maybe you are indeed not a member of the Truth Society, don't doubt that we will be members of the Truth Society? You are interested in the Truth Society and want to investigate the Truth Society, and the Truth Society It may also be aware of your presence and counterattack.

In your eyes, we are potential insiders, but in the eyes of the Truth Society, we may be bait, designed to lure you, a big fish from the north, into the bait. What do you think of it? "

"Me!" Hearing Li Cha's words, the black-faced old man cried out in surprise, and his face changed instantly. However, because the skin is too dark, the change is not very obvious, only a little sharpening of the eyes can be seen.

Li Cha felt more real, he could clearly feel a small accessory under the clothes on his chest, a sudden burst of winter-like chill, which made his hairs stand on end.

The black-faced old man stared at Li Cha, as if he was about to strike at any time. Bobobo Weiqi stayed on the side nervously, his hand had already been quietly stretched into his bosom, ready to take out medicine to deal with it at any time.

On the other hand, Li Cha smiled "heartlessly" and looked at the black-faced old man.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood something, and said: "No, you are not the bait of the Truth Society, you are testing me, right?"

"Ha." Li Cha responded, "It seems that you have seen through my tricks that I can't put on the table. Yes, I am indeed not the bait of the Truth Society. On the contrary, I and the people next to me are all from the Truth Society enemy."

"I?" The black-faced old man became interested, "Enemy? Can you tell me why?"

"It's very simple. The truth will hurt the people around us." Richard said seriously, pointing at Popo Bovich, "For example, his friend died at the hands of the Truth Society. And one of my partners was also killed by the Truth Society." The other party was so injured that he was still unconscious.

For this reason, we wanted to take revenge on the Truth Society, but as we learned more about the Truth Society, we became clearer that we should not do it blindly, because the other party's organization is huge and mysterious. Maybe it's better for us to hide our identities, sneak into the other party's organization, and make a decision after finding out the other party's details. "

The black-faced old man was skeptical, looked at Li Cha for confirmation and asked, "Is this true?"

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