Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 790 This is what I want too

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Bobobo Weiqi on the side is also skeptical, turning his head to look at Li Cha. :"This is real?"

His friend Mike suddenly disappeared, and it is certain that he has something to do with Truth. As for one of Li Cha's partners being knocked unconscious by the truth, he really can't guarantee it. After all, he has never seen Li Cha's comatose partner, so it is possible to make it up or not.

But having said that, Li Cha was indeed merciless when he attacked the people of the Truth Society. Even if the Truth Society didn't make Li Cha's partner unconscious, there should be other hatred. After all, Li Cha can't try to sneak into the Truth Society just because of pure curiosity or research purposes, right?

Li Cha didn't answer the black-faced old man's words, nor did he explain Popo Bovich's doubts. He just seriously felt the temperature change of the small jewelry under the clothes on his chest.

Following what he said just now, the part of the trinket facing the old man suddenly became hot. According to the previous test, it was basically certain that it was because what he said made the old man feel kind.

In this way, one positive and one negative can basically confirm that the identity of the old man is not disguised.

Taking a deep breath, Li Cha looked at the black-faced old man and said, " doesn't matter if what I said is true or not, but I can guarantee one thing, our cooperation can really proceed now."

"Huh?" The black-faced old man frowned slightly, then reacted, looked at Li Cha and said, "So, you were still just testing me just now?"

"In our cooperation this time, I was on the disadvantaged side, so I had to use some small tricks that were not on the table to ensure that I would not fall into the trap. I think, as a big man from the north, you will understand." Li Cha said to the old man.

The old man chuckled lightly: "I'm not a big shot, but understanding is understandable, at most I sigh—maybe I underestimated you. Originally, I just regarded you as someone who could barely become a pawn. Come, have some surprises."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Richard asked.

"It's indeed a good thing." The black-faced old man didn't deny it, "but then again, apart from sighing, I still have some doubts, that is, how can you confirm that I didn't lie to you through a few words? In the words, I didn't reveal How much information, right? The change in my expression cannot be used as a basis for judgment, after all, it can be disguised with a little training."

"This." Li Cha said, lightly pressed the "feather of judgment" under the clothes on his chest, and said slowly, "I naturally have my own method, of course, in my opinion, it's just that I can't put it on I won’t go into details about the countermeasures.”

"That's up to you." The black-faced old man said, "If you don't want to say it, I won't force you. After all, our focus is on cooperation. Next, let's discuss in detail the content of the cooperation."

"Yes." Richard said, looking at the old man and asking, "Before you said that you wanted me to be your insider to find out information about the Truth Society for you. This is my unilateral contribution. Regarding this, I want to make Clearly, what good can I do?"

"What benefits do you want?" the old man asked back.

Li Cha raised his eyebrows: "Can I mention it casually?"

"Of course." The old man waved his hand very generously, and then paused slightly, "But I believe that you are a smart person and know what kind of conditions are more appropriate."

"Okay." Li Cha pondered for a moment, then spoke.

"First of all, I want to give me and the person next to me a disguised identity. Although, in order to sneak into the Truth Society without being suspected, the two of us have already made some preparations and made some disguises, even if the Truth Society If you investigate, you won't find anything wrong in a short period of time. But over time, if the truth will investigate too deeply, some flaws will still be exposed and need to be repaired.

I think, since you plan to let the two of us be insiders, you must have done similar things before, are very familiar with the process, and must be prepared for the disguised identities. Well, I'm not going to spend any more energy,

The flaws that may be exposed have been repaired. With your help, it will save a lot of trouble. "

"In addition, in the future cooperation, I may encounter some troubles. At that time, I will ask you for some support. This support includes but is not limited to spell scrolls, spell materials, confidential information, and precious materials. I hope you can do your best. supply."

"Also, I'm not sure how long I can lurk in the Truth Society, but I think there is a great possibility that I will turn against the other party actively or passively in the end. At that time, I must be prepared enough to deal with it. The other party has retaliated, but it would be better if you could help. Speaking of which, since you want to arrange for us to enter the Truth Society, you will also be hostile to the Truth Society, so it will be beneficial and harmless for you to help me."

After speaking, Li Cha paused, then looked at the black-faced old man and asked, "Okay, these are my conditions for the time being, what do you think?"

"Very reasonable." The black-faced old man commented.

"Then how many are you going to agree to?" Li Cha asked.

"All." The black-faced old man replied.

"All?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, stared into the black-faced old man's eyes and asked for confirmation, "Are you serious? There is nothing to modify?"

"Why do you want to modify it? Your conditions are indeed very reasonable." The black-faced old man said, and said slowly, "The first one is to provide you with a disguised identity to ensure that you can stay safe for a long time. I am the beneficiary , there is no reason not to do it. And, you guessed it right, I do have preparations for the identity to be used in disguise. Instead of wasting it, it is better to use it now on the two of you to play a role in time.

As for the second and third items, it’s okay to agree to you, because whether it is the support of the second item or the helper of the third item, it is a matter of the future. I believe that you must have obtained some information during the lurking process at that time. Based on the information you provided, I will give you an equal amount of help. This is also considered an exchange of equal value and a fair transaction. "

"It seems that you are more intelligent than I imagined." After hearing this, Li Cha already had an understanding of the old man. The other party is obviously very confident and is not prepared to control everything. It is more about giving him enough freedom to play, and believing that this will lead to better results.

He is happy to see the success of this, because in this case, he and the old man will be regarded as a real cooperative relationship, rather than a nominal cooperation and an actual order.

In this way, he will really consider long-term cooperation with the old man in the Truth Society. Otherwise, he will only temporarily reach a cooperative relationship with the old man, and after he has found out enough information from the old man and received enough help from the old man, he will kick the other party away, or even more simply - drive the truth to confront the old man, He makes a profit in the middle.

Thinking of this, Li Cha looked at the old man and said seriously: "It seems that our future cooperation will be very pleasant."

"Actually, this is the result I want." The black-faced old man responded with a smile.

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