Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 791 There is a city called Pompeii

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Afterwards, the cooperative conversation continued in a harmonious atmosphere, and Li Cha and the black-faced old man reached a lot of consensus.

Finally, when the conversation came to an end, the old man reached out from his arms and took out a small cloth bag and put it on the table.

"What is this?" Li Cha asked.

"Open it and have a look." The black-faced old man said.

Without hesitation, Li Cha picked up the cloth bag, opened it, took out the contents, and saw that there was a piece of paper and a small glass tube of ink inside.

Paper and ink are not ordinary.

The first is paper, not the common papyrus or parchment, more like white silk. The color is snow white, the touch is smooth, soft, and has a certain degree of elasticity, which almost makes people suspect that it is human skin. But the strange lines on the surface clearly prove that this is not human skin, but a more mysterious creation.

The ink is dark gray, mixed with some colorful light spots, which makes people think of the endless night sky and the stars dotted in it.

The black-faced old man explained aloud: "The paper you got is called star pattern paper, and the ink is called starry sky ink. They are both extremely precious magic props, and the combination of the two can play a special role.

To explain briefly, you write words on star pattern paper with star ink, and soon I can see your writing on the corresponding star pattern paper in my hand—exactly the same, no Any mistakes.

I write words on the star-patterned paper in my hand, and it will also appear on your star-patterned paper. And the handwriting will disappear automatically after a while, as long as there is enough starry sky ink, you can write repeatedly, and we will use this method to communicate in the future. "

Li Cha's eyes lit up after hearing the black-faced old man's explanation, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: Isn't this the wizard world version of the fax machine?

This is much better than the communication method of the necromancer Shande. After all, Shande's communication method requires a finger as the price. After all, Shande can only communicate in the same way ten times.

Uh, if the toes are also available, the number of times can be doubled to twenty times.

But in any case, the communication method of star pattern paper is far stronger than Shande's finger bones.

The black-faced old man looked at Li Cha without speaking for a long time, and asked aloud, "Why, what are you thinking?"

Li Cha came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about the mechanism of the star pattern paper you gave me. According to what you said, write words on a piece of paper, and after a while, you write on another piece of paper. You will see the same text, which is obviously a process of information transmission.

And if there is a transmission process, it means that it can be intercepted and cracked in a certain way, so if the method used is correct, maybe when you see me write the text, other people can also see it. "

The black-faced old man raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and said: "Your perspective is really unique. Before you, no one thought about this possibility. I don't deny it, you said It makes sense, but cracking star pattern paper is not easy, otherwise star pattern paper and starry sky ink would not be so precious. At least for now, you shouldn't have to worry too much about leaking secrets."

"Okay." Li Cha agreed, saying this on his lips, but he quietly wrote down a note in his heart: on the progress map of the spell system cracking, add communication spells, try to analyze it in spare time, maybe There are no small discoveries.

At this time, the black-faced old man said: "Okay, we are here. Everything has been negotiated, and the rest is how to implement it.

The disguised identity you want, I will make some adjustments based on the information you have provided so far, and someone will send the information to you in a few days. I promise, as long as you don't take the initiative to expose, others will definitely not find out your details.

In this way, you can sneak into the Truth Society smoothly, learn their information, and then tell me with star pattern paper, and cooperate with me for a long time. "

"Okay, then I'll take my leave." Richard said.

"Go slowly,

I don't give it away. "The black-faced old man said.

Li Cha nodded his head lightly to say goodbye, turned around, and walked out the door with Popo Bovich.


Watching Li Cha and Popo Bovich leave, the black-faced old man lowered his head, and ate the soft bread with a fork with a broken tooth.

"Ba ha ha ha..."

While eating, the door creaked, and a person walked in, the guard of the black-faced old man.

The guards with the terrifying power of a fourth-level wizard have been staying around the hut to prevent Li Cha from harming the old man, but in the end nothing happened, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the guard walked into the hut, glanced at the old man, and asked aloud, "My lord, how did you talk with those two people?"

"It's going well, very good." The old man said, "They are better than I expected. Although I don't regard them as an important arrangement, they may give me some unexpected surprises."

The guard heard this, and asked with concern: "In this case, the matter is over, so can we go back to the north?"

"Almost." The old man nodded, and said while eating the soft bread, "According to the matter finalized in the conversation, we still need to disguise the identities of those two people. But I don't need to do it myself, just let the rest do it, they We will do better, we can go back. Well, by the way, on the way back, I want to take a look at that volcanic city, is there any problem?"

After hearing the old man's words, the guard's expression changed slightly, and he asked tentatively, "Your Excellency is talking about the small town called 'Pompeii'?"

"Yes, it's 'Pompey'." The black-faced old man nodded. "I heard that that is the core of the Truth Society in the Southern Freedom Federation. I want to see what it looks like."

The guard's expression became solemn, and he said seriously to the black-faced old man: "My lord, that is indeed the core of the other party. I am not afraid, but I am responsible for your safety, my lord, so I must say that it is too dangerous to go there, I hope my lord Change this attention and go straight back to the north."

"So serious?" The black-faced old man frowned, and couldn't help but give way, "Then I don't go into the city, but just take a look outside, how about just passing by?"

"This..." The guard hesitated, looked at the black-faced old man for a while, and said: "Well, I will accompany the old man and pass by 'Pompeii' once. It is best if nothing happens. If there is an accident, I hope that the adults will listen to my arrangement."

"Don't worry, I'm not a foolish old man." The black-faced old man smiled, and ate the soft bread again. After eating for a while, he invited the guard, "By the way, you haven't eaten yet, do you want to eat?" Come a little?"

The guard was taken aback, glanced at the extremely fluffy bread, and subconsciously shook his head: "I'll forget it, my lord."

"Alright then." The old man shook his head in disappointment, "I almost forgot that at your level of strength, you don't need to eat at all."

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