Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 795 Level 7 Difficulty

the other side.

Kanon also left Delan City and went to an underground palace somewhere outside the city.

Entering the underground palace, Kanon kept his usual serious expression and walked through the corridors. Wherever he went, the low air pressure spread, and everyone he met bowed his head and said nothing—not because he was afraid, but because he didn't know what to say to the boss. Under Canon's special and serious aura, no one would have the idea of ​​having nothing to say. Even if there is really an important report, it will be concise to the limit.

In this way, Kanon went all the way without incident, and quickly walked back to the secret office that only belonged to him.

The office secret room is very large, covering a full fifty or sixty square meters, but the light is very dim. Originally there were many lighting crystals, but Kanon removed more than half of them for some reason, so almost half of the area in the secret room was in the dark.

Canon's desk is at the junction of darkness and light. Canon sits on it, with the front half of his body in the light, and his back is wrapped in darkness.


Canon sat on the seat, let out a sigh of relief, squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, and continued to maintain a serious expression.

Suddenly, in the darkness behind him, there was a slight sound of "click, click, click". Then a pair of blood-red eyes appeared, like the eyes of hell demons, so terrifying, as if they could suck away people's souls just by looking at them.

Kanon heard the sound, noticed it, and turned his head to look at the darkness behind him.

Those blood-red eyes looked directly at Canon, as if annoyed at being discovered, and rushed towards him with a "snap".

The opponent's speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye. He could barely see a white shadow rushing out of the darkness, easily crossing Kanon's body, and landed on the table with a "boom".

After the opponent landed on the table, he lowered his body and kept sniffing at the table with his nose. His three lips opened and closed quickly, and his snowball-like body jumped up and down. A short fluffy tail dotted behind his body. shake.

The opponent is...a rabbit?

Mmm, rabbits!

To be precise, it is a demonized white rabbit, so it has excellent jumping ability, and can accurately jump onto the table from the darkness several meters away.

Kanon looked at the demonized white rabbit, his expression was still serious, but his hand was slowly stretched out, approaching the big white rabbit.

The big white rabbit was not afraid at all, and jumped to a place closer to Canon very cooperatively, letting Canon's hand land on its body and caressing it slowly.

The soft rabbit fur slowly slid across the fingers, and in an instant... the rain fell on the dry pond, the breeze blew through the woods, a piece of feather floated across the lake, and the grass pointed out the soil... The huge pressure dissipated like a collapse.

Canon's serious expression gradually faded away, he lost the mask that maintained his majesty and identity in front of others, and his body relaxed.

Leaning back on the chair, the eyes gradually closed.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door, someone knocked on the door, and said: "Bang bang bang! Kanon is in charge, I have something to report!"

As soon as Kanon opened his eyes, he stopped stroking the rabbit. The rabbit jumped off the table and hid in the darkness.

Canon raised his head, his expression became serious again, and he shouted out the door: "Come in!"

"Yes." Immediately, a young blue-robed wizard walked in, trotted to Canon's desk, put down a stack of documents, and quickly reported, "That's right, Canon is in charge. We just learned that there seems to be a North Soma alliance. The man came to Teresa and just left recently, we don't know what he did, but we can be sure that he went to the northwest, probably passing through our absolute core city in the Southern Freedom Federation."

"Pompeii?" Canon asked with a straight face after listening to his subordinates.

"Yes." The blue-robed wizard nodded nervously as he took a deep breath.

"Is that so?" Canon thought for a while after receiving a confirmed answer, then looked at his subordinates and said, "Well, let me think about it, and I will give a solution later."

"Yes, then I'll go down first, steward?"


The blue-robed wizard who has been allowed to leave quickly,

After closing the door carefully, Kanon was the only one left in the secret office.

"Papa papa..."

The demonized white rabbit jumped out again, and this time it jumped straight into Kanon's arms. Canon raised his hand, stroked the rabbit's fur, and thought about things seriously.


The perspective turns back.

On the avenue outside the city of Deland, a broad four-wheeled carriage, pulled by two strong black horses, moved forward quickly.

In the four-wheeled carriage carriage, Joseph was facing Li Cha and Popobovich, telling the mission information.

"The task we are going to perform this time is to explore an ancient ruin, and its danger level is rated as seven."

"Level seven?" Li Cha asked, "Why is it level seven? What is this level based on?"

"The seventh level is based on the lower limit of the strength of the members who can safely perform tasks." Joseph explained, "In our Truth Society, the danger level is generally divided into nine levels-from level one to level nine.

Level one is the lowest level, that is, a low-level wizard can execute it safely. Level two, slightly higher, must be at the level of a mid-level wizard to perform safely. Or it is still performed by a low-level wizard, but it needs to increase the number of members.

By analogy, the seventh level represents the lower limit of the strength of the members who perform the task, which is a third-level low-level wizard, or a second-level wizard in a small team. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Then I will continue to talk about the mission." Joseph replied, "In this mission, the current assessment is level seven, but for careful consideration, it can also be regarded as level eight, so we three A senior third-level wizard executes.

Our purpose of entering the ruins is also simple, that is to go as deep as possible and find a magic item that may be left by the ancient wizard civilization. "

"A spell item? What spell item?" Popo Bovich was the one who asked the question this time.

"It's a box, not very big, but it can have special effects on the items put in it, and it will be of more important use to our truth." Joseph said vaguely.

"So, do you know exactly what it is?" Popobovitch grasped the key and asked, "You obviously haven't fully explored it, but you know this, which means that you have a lot of information about the ruins. Did it?"

"Is this..." Joseph hesitated for a while, looked at Popo Bovich, spread his hands and said, "Now, it's really hard to tell you what's going on. But after you join the Truth Society, sooner or later you will I know, trust me."

These words are actually similar to what Kanon said before, but at least they are not so unacceptable or embarrassing when they come out of Joseph's mouth.

"Okay then." Popo Bovich accepted, and said, "Then I'll wait until I join the Truth Society to figure it out myself, and now I'll explore the ruins first."

"That's best." Joseph said.

Li Cha next to him didn't speak, pondering over the small amount of information revealed in Joseph's words, and made some guesses.

The carriage continued heading northwest.


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