Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 796 No monster hunting!

Night falls quickly and then disappears.

When the sun rose again, the carriage stopped in front of a remote hill northwest of Deland.

Li Cha, Popo Bovich, and Joseph jumped out of the carriage. Joseph stepped forward, walked to a smooth stone wall, and pressed his hand on it.

When the spell was cast, the entire stone wall vibrated slightly, and with a "click", a crack as thick as a finger appeared, and then spread rapidly like a spider web.

About three seconds later, there was a "crash", and the entire stone wall collapsed, revealing a corridor entrance more than one meter high.

Joseph walked in without saying a word, and Li Cha and Popobovich immediately followed.

The three of them walked down the corridor for hundreds of meters and appeared in an underground cave.

The moisture content in the cave is extremely high, and the temperature is more than ten degrees lower than the outside. The humid and cold air is constantly rubbing against the exposed skin of the people, making people feel wet, and the heat is constantly being lost, which is very uncomfortable.

The cave is huge, and the sound of footsteps while walking echoed in the cave for a long time, giving people a feeling of uneasiness. At the same time, a somewhat sour smell filled the surroundings, making people hold their breath, as if they were in a garbage dump.

Joseph stretched out his hand and released a purple light group with a diameter of more than ten centimeters, illuminating a range of tens of meters around him, and said to Richard and Popovich: "Now, where we are, is The relic to be explored. This relic was accidentally discovered by a few peripheral members of the Truth Society a long time ago.

Because the danger level of this ruins was rated as level seven, and the members who discovered the ruins at the beginning were only second-level wizards, so they only explored a small part and gave up because of heavy losses.

However, they also provided some valuable clues, which can be used as a reference for us to avoid repeating the same mistakes. For example, they said that in this ruins, because of the special environment, there lived a kind of demonized lizard.

This kind of demonized lizard is about 30 centimeters in length, and it is not very aggressive. It can be dealt with by ordinary first-level wizards. However, it should be noted that they are extremely good at lurking, and their tails can automatically break like geckos and burst open. "

Speaking of this, Joseph's expression became very serious, and said: "Once the lizard's tail bursts, in addition to causing damage, it will also emit an extremely pungent blood mist. Blood mist is poisonous, and a small amount of inhalation can make people feel sick. The human body produces a strong vomiting reaction, and inhalation of a large amount may cause coma, so care must be taken.

The person who explored the ruins last time was approached by the lizard because of carelessness. When the lizard's tail burst, he suffered heavy losses and had to retreat. After that, the entrance was sealed, waiting for our arrival this time. This time we must pay attention to the surrounding environment, not to be approached by lizards, saving time has once again become a lesson for latecomers. OK? "

After Joseph finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Richard and Popovich.

Li Cha on the left nodded and gave a confirmed answer: "No problem."

On the right, Bobobo Weiqi was silent for a while before speaking out, pointing to a blue-gray lizard on his feet, and asked Joseph: "By the way, the monster you mentioned Could it be this kind of lizard? He seems to be right under my feet, but it doesn't look dangerous..."

Before Popobovitch could finish his sentence, the blue-gray lizard started to move, rolled suddenly, and broke away from Popobovitch's feet. With a "snap", the tail fell off and fled into the distance.

"Be careful!" Joseph reminded immediately.

As soon as the sound came out, there was a "bang", and the lizard's tail burst open.

I saw that the lizard's tail was like a large firecracker that had been ignited, and it was blown to pieces. Countless pieces of flesh and blood were shot in all directions, and the sharp penetration was no less than that of bullets. And between the pieces of flesh and blood, there is a green blood mist, which is hundreds of times stronger than the sour smell of the surrounding environment.

Popo Bovich reacted extremely quickly, activating a spell prop on his body, releasing a spell shield,

Somewhat thrillingly blocked the attack of flesh and blood. Then cast a wind spell to control the surge of air and disperse the green blood mist.

But during the process, he still inhaled a wisp of blood mist carelessly, and just after finishing his work, his face changed. Tilting his head and bending over, he spat out with a loud "wow".

Seeing that Popo Bovich just vomited, Joseph was not too worried. He turned his head to Richard and said, "See, this is the symptom of inhaling a small amount of poisonous blood mist. Although it is not fatal, it will still affect the combat effectiveness After all, it is more difficult to fight while vomiting, and we must try to avoid it. It is best to kill the demonized lizard when it is still far away."

Li Cha nodded: "Understood."

At this time, Bobobo Weiqi finally finished vomiting. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his mouth. He raised his head with an embarrassed expression, and explained to Joseph: "Well, I was really negligent just now. In fact, I His real strength is far more than that. When I have a chance, I will show it well, and you will understand."

Joseph nodded: "I believe."

"That's good."

"Shut up!"

At this moment, Li Cha shot out suddenly, shooting three ice picks, flying nearly 100 meters with precision, and hitting three approaching demonized lizards. "Puff puff puff" three times, nailing the opponent to the ground, cutting off the possibility of the opponent's tail-docking attack.

Joseph glanced at Li Cha, his eyes lit up.

Li Cha's shot power is not strong, but the accuracy is extremely high, which shows that he pays attention to efficiency.

Bobobo Weiqi looked at it, raised his eyebrows, and said to Joseph: "Actually, I can do this too. But I just took a step too late and didn't make a move. I'll show you next time."

"Okay." Joseph said, "Next time, I will definitely let you... swipe!"

Just in the middle of speaking, Joseph also shot suddenly, shooting four flaming energy daggers in a row, flying more than 80 meters, and bombarding the two lizards that were quietly walking forward. One of the flame energy daggers hit the air, but the remaining three energy flame daggers still successfully killed the two demonized lizards.

After finishing all this, Joseph glanced at Popovich, and said with a little apology: "Let's wait for the next time. After all, it is the most important thing to ensure that the demonized lizards don't get too close to us. I personally believe in your strength." Yes, wizard Bobobo Vecchi."

Popo Bovich: "..." He glanced at Joseph several times and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

A few seconds later, Bobobo Weiqi turned his head suddenly, with a faint blue light in his eyes, and looked at a stone that was a full 150 meters away.

"Ha, I saw that damned demonized lizard. I must make a move this time. Don't fight me." Bobobo Weiqi shouted loudly.

Raising his hand and flicking it, an apple-sized blue light cluster flew out roaringly, hovering above the distant stone. Dispel the darkness, illuminate the range of a few meters nearby, and mark it by the way, indicating that the target here belongs to it, and no monsters are allowed!

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