After marking, Bobobo Weiqi straightened his expression and stood up straight. A short staff slipped out of his sleeve and grabbed it with a "snap". Hold your breath, raise your arms, and point the short staff at the distant stone location.


Popo Bovich opened and closed his lips and said the incantation quickly.

After a while, after the spell was finished, the end of the short staff trembled slightly, and four blue energy arrows flew out in a row.

The speed of the four blue energy arrows is not very fast, but they carry an indescribable sense of elegance. Like a feather, it drew a graceful arc in midair, spanned a distance of hundreds of meters, and fell near the stone, where there was nothing.

Just when the first arrow hit the ground and hit the air, a demonized lizard crawled out from behind the stone, and hit its head on the energy arrow.


The energy arrow pierced through the lizard's body in an instant, and the lizard froze suddenly, then remained motionless, losing all vitality.

Behind this demonized lizard, its companion didn't know what happened, and continued to crawl out from behind the stone without any influence.

The second energy arrow, which was slightly delayed, happened to land. Although it was slightly off, it only hit a calf of the demonized lizard, but the result was the same.

The second demonized lizard was stiff, motionless, and died quickly.

Then came the third, and the fourth.

A total of four demonized lizards crawled out, as if specially cooperating with Popo Bovich, they precisely hit the energy arrows and died in order.


Gorgeous display of spellcasting skills!

This is even more shocking than when Richard killed three demonized lizards with an ice pick. After all, not only did the distance increase a lot, but the target also increased by one.

Of course, to be honest, it would be easier to throw a burst fireball, but how could this reflect the level of the caster?

After finishing all this, Popo Bovich breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Joseph, and asked with a bit of pride: "How about it, Wizard Joseph, I really didn't talk too much, my strength is still good By the way, there is one thing, let me explain, that is, my name is Popo Bovich, not Bobobo Vici.”

"Bobobo Vitch?" Joseph muttered in a low voice, looking at Bobobo Vecchi, "I'll call you Wizard Vitch. I have to admit that your skills are more amazing than your name .To be honest, if the last detail is not handled well, it is already considered a master level."

"Huh?" After listening to Joseph's words, Popo Bovich frowned, "Why didn't you handle the last detail well? I released four energy arrows, but they accurately killed four demonized lizards!"

"That's the problem," Joseph said.

"Huh?" Popo Bovich was puzzled.

At this moment, Li Cha spoke out, speaking in the tone of a bystander, telling a very shocking reality: "There are...five demonized lizards behind the stone."

five? !

"Ah?!" Popobovich was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head suddenly, looking behind the stone.

His eyes widened, and he saw that a fifth demonized lizard really crawled out from behind the stone.

Yes, there are five demonized lizards behind the stone. He was too excited and counted them wrong just now. Therefore, a gorgeous spellcasting display suddenly became a fly in the ointment.

No, it's more than a fly in the ointment!

A flawed gorgeous display is no longer a display, but a shame!

Damn it!

At this time, the fifth demonized lizard was crawling on the wet ground. It didn't notice anything at first, until it noticed that its four companions were motionless, and finally realized something was wrong.


The fifth demonized lizard stuck out its tongue and sensed the disturbing and dangerous atmosphere in the air. Even though it didn't see Popo Bovich a hundred meters away, it still turned around decisively and ran towards the way it came from.

Richard and Joseph raised their hands, about to cast a spell.

Popo Bovich yelled: "Let me do it! I'm going to finish it off, and I'm going to take care of this slippery fish myself.


After speaking, he held his short staff tightly, and was about to release a powerful spell to completely kill the fifth enchanted lizard, but then suddenly said: "Hey, don't run, don't run, stop! Stop! !"

It can be seen that the moment before Popobovitch cast the spell, the demonized lizard fled into the darkness at an extremely fast speed and disappeared.

Bobobo Weiqi's expression was stiff at first, then he gritted his teeth, cast multiple strengthening spells on his body, and chased in the direction where the demonized lizard was escaping.

While chasing, he shouted: "Don't run, come back to me! I tell you, you can't run away! You can't escape."

Soon, Popo Bovich also disappeared into the darkness.

But in less than ten seconds, Bobobo Weiqi returned from the darkness faster than he disappeared. While running, he kept turning his head and looking back, cursing "I rely, I rely" in his mouth, as if something terrible was chasing him.


It wasn't until Popobovitch left the darkness that Richard and Joseph finally saw what was following Popobovitch, which were nearly a hundred demonized lizards. Like a legion, chasing Popo Bovich, its tail kept bursting, trying to give Popobo Vici a fatal attack.

If it was Popovich who was at his full strength, he would naturally not be afraid. The problem was that Popovich had only expected to chase a demonized lizard before, and he never thought of breaking into the lair of the demonized lizard. Therefore, he did not drink potions to improve his strength. He is currently only at the level of a first-level wizard. With the terrifying number of demonized lizards, he can only flee.

Seeing so many demonized lizards appear, Joseph's expression couldn't help but become serious. He glanced at Popobovich and said, "Be careful!"

Then he raised his hand and began to prepare powerful spells to deal with the current situation.

The lips opened and closed, the spell was uttered, and the surrounding air began to stir.

Joseph raised his hands above his head little by little, raising them to the highest point, causing the air above him to condense and swirl, forming a fiery red vortex, which looked a bit like a dark cloud—a dark cloud burned by flames.

"Bow your head!" Joseph reminded Popo Bovich, then flicked his hand, and under the control of extraordinary power, the vortex above his head flew out at high speed. Passing over Popo Bović's head, he blasted nearly a hundred demonized lizards behind him.


The whole body exploded, the vortex exploded, and in an instant, countless sparks the size of soybeans were shot out.

Sparks were like raindrops, hitting the demonized lizard hard, wave after wave, continuously. Like a sudden torrential rain in summer, it knocked over, burned, burned to death, and incinerated the demonized lizard into ashes.

Evocation fire-like spell·Firestorm!

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