Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 803 Amazing short message

The old man Oscar opened the wooden box, and saw inside was a rolled up star pattern paper, a small bottle of starry sky ink, and a golden quill pen.

"My lord, what is this?" The guard Zonghu looked over, a little puzzled.

The old man explained to the guard Zonghu: "You also said that we are almost safe now, and we will return to Soma soon. If this is the case, then let the things here have an end. The chess pieces that are placed must be To play a role, it is better for him to help us learn more about Pompeo, which is meaningful to us."

After speaking, the old man dipped a quill pen into the starry sky ink, wrote on the star pattern paper, and carefully wrote a line: "I have left safely, I hope you will follow the agreement, if possible, you can pay more attention to the Northwest A volcanic town."

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the old man, he wanted to directly write the name of the town—Pompeii. But thinking of some words that the recipient said to him "may be intercepted and cracked", he finally chose to replace it with "Volcano Town" cautiously.

After writing this line, the old man watched the handwriting slowly disappear, and he let out a sigh of relief after confirming that the information had been successfully transmitted.

He didn't realize that an invisible presence above his head suddenly left.

Zong Hu, the guardian of the fourth-level wizard, was too seriously injured, and his perception was greatly reduced in the non-combat state, so he didn't notice it either.

Seeing that the handwriting on the star pattern paper was getting weaker and weaker, and finally almost disappeared, the old man stretched out his hand to roll up the star pattern paper, and waited for the next opportunity to use it.

But as soon as the hand touched the star pattern paper, the star pattern paper gave a "buzz", the silver texture on the surface quickly lit up, and a new line of text was transmitted, replacing the text that had almost disappeared before.

The text sent was very simple, but the content was a bit shocking. It only read: "The message has been received, I wish you a safe departure. Also, be careful that there are hundreds of people intercepting you in the north."


Even if there is a city like an old man, his body trembles slightly, showing a look of horror. He tried to take a deep breath, trying to suppress the shock, but he couldn't suppress it. The more he thought about it, the more incredible he felt, and he couldn't help but say: "This!"

Zong Hu, the guard next to him, sensed something was wrong, walked over, and asked the old man, "What's the matter, my lord?"

The old man Oscar didn't hide it, and directly handed the star pattern paper to the guard.

The guard Zonghu quickly scanned the content on the star pattern paper, his eyes subconsciously narrowed, his eyebrows raised, and more blood suddenly gushed out from the wound on the right side of his chest.

But he didn't care about the wound, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if two lightning bolts flashed, and he looked towards the north when he lifted it up.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Three seconds later, the light in the guard Zonghu's eyes faded, he looked away, and frowned.

Then the body fell down, and one hand was solemnly pressed on the ground, as if feeling something.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds.

This time it took more than ten seconds before the guard Zonghu stood up with a complicated expression.

Realizing a certain possibility, the old man asked aloud, "Could it be that the words on the star pattern paper are telling the truth?"

"It's true." The guard Zonghu nodded and said with a serious expression, "There are indeed enemies blocking the north, and there is still a distance away. I can't see it with the 'God's Eye'. However, with the 'Breath of the Earth' It can still be vaguely detected, it is not clear whether there are hundreds of people in the number, but it is indeed quite a lot, far exceeding any group of enemies who intercepted us, it is likely to be a trap deliberately set up, waiting for us to crash into it."

"What does that mean?" asked the old man.

"The enemy's side means that they are more cunning than we imagined. As for the messenger, it means that we may have greatly miscalculated the other party. The other party can remind me that he can clearly know our situation, And know the enemy's deployment.

Either he broke into the enemy within a day, or he has amazing means that we don't understand. "Guard Zonghu replied.

"An astonishing method that we don't understand?" The old man murmured thoughtfully, guessing,

"Could it be what the other party said about the interception and deciphering of the transmitted information? Perhaps, the other party successfully intercepted and deciphered the enemy's transmitted information, figured out the enemy's deployment, and then told us."

"Maybe." The guard said, not sure.

"Well, anyway, the opponent seems to be far more than a pawn." The old man said, "Before, I wanted him to be more active, so I gave him a certain amount of respect. Now, it may be because of his strength, and give him more respect."

"Then, my lord, should we do what the other party says?" the guard Zonghu asked.

The old man smiled: "Don't ask me about this. I'm too far behind you for the battle, Zonghu. You can come here as you see fit. At best, I'm just a burden, and I can't help you much."

"Okay." The guard Zonghu took a deep breath and said seriously, "Then, my lord, next, we will stop resting and continue on our way. Try to avoid contact with the enemy and enter the Soma Alliance in a big circle, my lord." You might be a little tired."

"It doesn't matter." The old man shook his head, "I, an old fellow, have suffered enough, it's okay to eat a little more now."

"That's good. My lord, let's go."


After the words fell, the two stood up, covered up the traces left behind, turned quickly, and headed northeast.


After half an hour.

Two members of the Truth Society flitted through the air, lowered their altitude, and finally landed on the place where the old man Oscar and the guard Zonghu had stayed with a "snap".

A member scanned the surroundings, lowered his body, cleaned off a layer of soil on the ground, and found a group of blood that was almost dried up.

He twirled a handful, put it under his nose and sniffed, looked at his companion and frowned and said, "The smell of blood has faded a lot. It's been a while since we left. Logically, they should crash into the encirclement."

"But they didn't," said the companion.

"So, they changed directions."

"Changed direction? Could it be that they discovered our arrangement in advance?"

"Maybe, after all, the other party is a fourth-level wizard, so it's best not to underestimate him. Even if the other party has been injured by Director Rommel, it is not something we can deal with." The person who spoke threw away a handful of blood-stained Tu, said seriously to his companion, "This situation must be reported up."

"Okay, I'll report." The companion said, took out a crystal ball from his pocket, injected mana, and the crystal ball quickly flashed a few lights.

After doing this, the two got up, chose a direction and flew after them, hoping to find more clues.

As for whether you can really find it, it depends on luck.


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