Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 804 Mixed into the organization


De Lan, in a room in a two-story stone building.

Li Cha saw that the handwriting on the star pattern paper on the table had completely disappeared, and reached out to put the star pattern paper away.

The place where he is now is no longer the place where he temporarily rented with Popo Bovich. After returning from exploring the ruins, he was arranged by Joseph to a luxurious residence under the banner of the Truth Society.

Thinking about the words written on the star-patterned paper just now, he walked around the room a few steps, thinking that he should be able to help the black-faced old Oscar and Zong Hu, the guardian of the fourth-level wizard, escape from the predicament.

This is a good thing for him.

After all, the old man's background is not small. On the premise of paying a very small price, if he helps the other party, whether he can get rewards is the second. Most importantly, it may make the cooperative relationship between him and the old man stronger. At that time, he will really turn against the truth, and the old man may give him a lot of support.

He personally hates trouble, and he doesn't want to build an organization that is too large until it has developed to a certain level. However, it is not advisable to fight alone, especially when dealing with an existence like the Truth Society, so it is undoubtedly the wisest choice to win over other forces.

Of course, having said that, his focus now is not to turn against the Truth Society and how to deal with the Truth Society, but to use the performance of exploring the relics to successfully break into the Truth Society and try to figure out some secrets of the Truth Society.

If I didn't guess wrong, there should be results for these things tomorrow.

Li Cha had this thought in his mind.


Soon, the next day will come.

In the early morning, not long after the sun rose, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Li Cha walked to the door and opened it. Without any surprise, he saw Joseph standing outside the door.

Joseph held a 20-centimeter box in his hand. Seeing Li Cha open the door, he greeted him with a smile: "Morning Wizard Li Cha, I think you should know what it means for me to appear here now."

"My application to join the Truth Society has been approved?" Richard said.

"That's right." Joseph said, "After all, your strength is very strong, your performance in the ruins is also very good, and you have researched magic patterns, how can you not pass your application? By the way, Wizard Vic The application was approved."

After a pause, Joseph continued: "So, from today onwards, we are colleagues. I am here this time to bring you some things from members of the organization. How about we go in and talk?"

"Okay, please come in." Li Cha made an inviting gesture.

Joseph stepped into the room, put the wooden box on the table, and opened it. Take out a three centimeters square silver badge with a weird eye pattern, and hand it to Richard.

When Li Cha took the badge, he felt cold in his hand, and felt the faint mana fluctuations inside the badge, which should be a small spell to prevent camouflage. The eye pattern on the badge is a bit weird, very slender, and the pupil is approximately triangular. If you look at it for a long time, it seems that the pupil will rotate, giving people a sense of vertigo.

"Is it a deliberate design of visual misleading, plus a little undetectable illusion?" Li Cha thought to himself.

Joseph explained: "Wizard Richard, the one you are holding now is the identity certificate of the Truth Society. With it, it means that you are a full member of the organization. Although, this badge is more symbolic than practical. But I still hope you can take good care of it, after all, making it is more troublesome.

However, it's no big deal if you lose it, the worst thing is to make a replacement for you. In addition, if you work hard and get promoted to the core level, you will have a better identity certificate for you. "

While talking, Joseph showed the iron ring on his finger: "Here, this is it. I won't tell you the specific function first, so as to save you from being too surprised. However, I guarantee that you will feel that the thing is Great value for money."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Richard said. In my heart, I didn't expect it at all.

He is very clear about what Joseph said, which is the space iron ring.

If it was before, he might find it very useful, but now he has hundreds of them in his hand, and he can't even handle them. He has no interest in adding another one—and it's empty.

In fact, he really wanted to ask Joseph if the truth would reclaim this kind of space iron ring.

If it is recycled, and the price is right, he can sell a batch to the Truth Society.

Of course, he didn't ask this question in the end, but just slandered him a bit.

In order to reduce the possibility of being suspected, he carefully handled various details in the process of contacting the truth meeting. For this reason, all the space iron rings are put away, and they are all used secretly, so naturally there will be no mistakes in words.

At this time Joseph looked over and said: "By the way, Wizard Richard, besides the badge, I have something else for you. That is, after you sold the spell-casting materials to the organization, you should be paid. But this The reward is not gold coins or crystal coins, but exchanged for points that can be used internally in the organization."

"Points? What's the use of points?" Li Cha asked.

"In theory, points can be used for everything. You can think of it as a currency that only circulates in the organization. You can use it to exchange gold coins and crystal coins at a fixed rate, but not the other way around. Because the points Issuance, circulation, and exchange are all strictly monitored by the organization. On the one hand, in order to play a better role, on the other hand, to prevent certain risks. As for what it can be used for, you can take a look at this book book."

As he spoke, Joseph took out a book that was enough to stun people from the wooden box on the table.

After Li Cha took it, he casually flipped through a few pages and found that it was all-encompassing.

These include exchanging a series of spell props, spell-casting materials, and spell scrolls. For example, it takes 100 points to redeem a first-level wizard-level spell item called "Enamel Ring". Exchange for a "Mestrom Pollen" spell-casting material, a standard share of 5 points. It takes 250 points to exchange for a second-ring spell scroll of "Guardian of the Wolf Soul".

Alternatively, you can create tasks yourself and ask the rest of your organization to help complete them. The lowest level of a task requires 100 points, no upper limit.

Among other things, requesting special services from some members of the organization is also possible. For example, you can ask a member who is proficient in divination to help you find lost things through divination. For example, you can ask a member who is proficient in magic patterns to help you repair damaged spell props, etc.

After reading it, Richard asked Joseph a very crucial question: "How many points do I have now?"

Joseph quickly replied: "1000 points, of which 750 points are your reward for casting materials, and the other 250 points are your reward for exploring the ruins. Don't be surprised, everything in the organization is paid, it is absolutely fair and just, and you will not suffer .

So, if you want to earn more points, just keep doing organized tasks. Of course, you can use your proficiency in magic patterns to serve some members of the organization and earn points.

By the way, after you join the organization, you will return to Jialan City without accident, right? In Jialan, the organization is still relatively weak, and you can help the organization develop there. At that time, you will be given a certain subsidy every month. Although it is not much, it is better than nothing.

If you make significant contributions to the organization during the development process, such as recommending qualified people to join the organization, you will be rewarded accordingly. The organization is more interested in your previous process of obtaining spell-casting materials. If you can provide enough clues, there will be rewards, and there will be no less. You can consider it. "

After hearing these words, Li Cha nodded, flipped through the redemption book a few more times, looked at Joseph and asked, "The redemption items on this book, shouldn't be all of them? Is it true that I joined the core layer, will Are there more amazing exchange items?"

"Almost." Joseph smiled, "I can't tell you too much about the information that you can't reach the level, but I can remind you. That is, if you can enter the core layer and have enough points, a certain In a sense, you can achieve immortality."

"Eternal life?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows lightly, "It's interesting."

"If possible, I would like to ask two more questions." Li Cha said again.


"The first question: the box in the ruins before, I'm curious, what is the use of it, and how many points do I need if I want to redeem it?" Li Cha asked.

"This..." Joseph hesitated for a moment, "According to the logic, the relevant level of that box is also higher than your current status. However, it is possible to get it out from the ruins, after all, it is your credit. I can tell you about it. .

That box has a certain time-based spell effect, which can ripen some spell-casting materials put in it, so that the newly-picked spell materials are the same as those grown for more than ten years or decades. And the exchange points, at least 100,000. "

"Is that so?" Li Cha nodded, "Second question: how is the matter in the northwest yesterday? Is there any latest news?"

"What about the northwest, you don't need to hide this from you." Joseph said, "I have already found out that some people from the Soma Alliance wanted to spy on one of our important strongholds, but they were caught by a big shot in our organization. Discovery taught them a big lesson."

"So, they were all killed?"

"Um, that's not it." Joseph said with a stiff expression, "Some members of the mission were not very elite, and the other party was too cunning, and in the end they were seriously injured and escaped inexplicably during the pursuit."

"Okay." Richard said, "I suddenly thought, if I could participate in the hunt yesterday, would it be better?"

"I'm optimistic." Joseph was obviously dissatisfied with those who participated in the mission yesterday, "I believe that if you, Wizard Richard, will participate, even if the target will still escape, it will definitely not be so easy."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It should."

"My question is over, Wizard Joseph, do you have anything else to give me?"

"No more. If you don't mind, I want to go to Wizard Vicky to inform him about the approval of the application."

"OK, bye."


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