Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 806 Unexpected place, the small town of Shambhala


Li Cha followed Popo Bovich and returned to the ground, his feet landed on the ground with a soft sound.

Watching Popo Bovich leave, Li Cha shook his head, then walked into the stone building of Blue Lake Manor, and entered the study in the stone building.

After entering the study, Li Cha sat down at the desk, took out the quill, ink, and scroll, and began to write.

Before exchanging combat skills with Popo Bovich, although the time was short, we also collected a lot of information.

for example……


"The casting distance of 10,000 meters can indeed effectively avoid the enemy's visual detection during the day. However, considering that the time of the battle is near dusk in the afternoon, the light is not completely sufficient, and it is partially covered by clouds, so it is absolutely necessary The casting distance of meters cannot be regarded as an absolutely safe value.

If it is in a very unfavorable combat environment, such as twelve o'clock in the noon, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the casting distance must be increased.

Generally speaking, due to the limitation of physiological structure, the clear vision distance of the human eye is 25cm. For people with normal vision, the resolution can reach the level of 1/2,000 to 1/5,000, that is, objects with a size of one meter can be resolved at a distance of 2,000 meters.

The wizard can improve his eyesight through some spells. Under the premise of reasonable improvement, it is more appropriate to expand the casting distance to 20,000 meters, that is, 20 kilometers.

On Earth, the average distance at which fighter pilots can visually spot enemy aircraft in air combat is 8,000 meters, and 20,000 meters is strictly beyond visual range combat. This is also one of the important indicators of third-generation combat on Earth—limited beyond-the-horizon combat.

And the spell missile, which satisfies this distance--20 kilometers range, has successfully got rid of the title of close-range combat bomb and has been promoted to the ranks of medium-range bombs.

Mid-range spell missiles are obviously more powerful and more complicated than short-range spell missiles. More stored free energy elements are needed to maintain flight, and more magic pattern spells are needed to control the flying posture. In this case, the volume will be increased to realize the function.

If enough data can be collected, the flight process of the magic missile can be modified in a targeted manner, and the acceleration and steering capabilities of different states can be provided to track the target. If the mid-range spell missile is used to deal with the enemy, as long as the opponent is within a reasonable strength range, the mid-range spell missile will create a no-escape zone. That is to say, as long as the magic missile successfully locks the target, it will definitely hit, and it will not deviate from the past by a slightest difference like today's Popo Bovich.

Speaking of deviation, the explosion fuse of the spell missile should also be upgraded. The current magic pattern of the bullet is to simulate the effect of triggering the fuze. In other words, the spell missile must have actual physical contact with the target before it can be successfully detonated.

This kind of fuze effect is currently sufficient, but the effect will obviously be better if it is upgraded to a near-firing fuze. In other words, the spell missile does not need to have actual physical contact with the target, as long as it approaches a certain preset range, it will automatically explode.

In this case, if the enemy still wants to try to evade the magic missile with a narrow margin, after upgrading the fuze, the magic missile will give the opponent a big surprise.

Proximity fuzes can be classified according to their working mechanism, such as magnetostatic proximity fuze, electrostatic proximity fuze, acoustic wave proximity fuze, pressure proximity fuze, optical proximity fuze, etc. Which direction to choose specifically as the fuze upgrade method needs to be studied in detail.

In addition to this, there are many other places that need to be studied in order to better improve the fighter model.

The first point is that the way of perception should be upgraded. As the casting distance increases, the enemy cannot perceive normally, and one's own perception also has certain obstacles, which need to be resolved.

The second point is the upgrade in speed. The greater the casting distance, the longer the time to successfully open the distance, and the higher the difficulty. If the speed cannot be significantly improved, it will not be easy to suppress the enemy with the casting distance.

The third point, you can properly consider the stealth performance to reduce the possibility of the enemy using special spells to lock...

fourth point……



Li Cha kept writing.

If there is no accident in the next period of time, this will be the main thing he spends time on besides the Truth Society.

Well, if nothing unexpected...


Accidents always happen in unimaginable times and places, which surprise or frighten people. The specifics are all about this accident and what it brought.

Sometimes, it will bring death to people, and sometimes, it will bring unimaginable wealth.


Jialan City is a city surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is well known.

Because of this, it is rich in various minerals. Richard brought the housekeeper Jialie to settle here. Through the precious minerals here, he solved the problem of energy storage spell materials and successfully produced the first miniature spell tracking missile.

However, not everyone thinks that the minerals rich in Jialan City are very valuable.

For example, nobles who have mining rights, they simply regard minerals as commodities stored in mountain warehouses, rather than mining them, they think more about how to sell them at a high price.

The miners who mine for a living regard minerals directly as a commodity that allows them to earn money. They are responsible for digging this commodity out of the mountains and exchanging money from the mine owners for their livelihood.

Just swap out minerals for wood, cobblestone, or something else, and it doesn't make much difference.

Thirty miles to the west of Jialan City, in the continuous mountains, there is a small town called Shambhala.

There is incense in the name of this small town, but it has nothing to do with incense.

In the small town, various buildings are arranged in disorder, without a planned layout. The sewage flows horizontally, the filth is everywhere, and the stench is unpleasant. In the alley behind the tavern, it looked like an open-air latrine, the walls were covered with yellow urine stains, and the ground was hard and black excrement and vomit.

And in this harsh environment, tens of thousands of miners live. They work in dozens of mines of different sizes near the town, selling their strength in exchange for meager salaries.

Older miners with families lived frugally and sent their hard-earned money home to support their wives and children. Young miners without families, on the other hand, will spend a lot of money, throwing money in taverns, casinos, or the bellies of third-rate and inferior warblers.

If there is no accident, the small town of Shambhala will exist like this for many years, waiting until the nearby mines are emptied, and then moved to a new place to re-establish.

However, an accident happened suddenly.

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