Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 807: The Abyss Invades the World: Breath of Death

Not far to the northwest of the small town of Shambhala, there is a hill with an iron mine on it. The scale is not small, but it is definitely not large, at best it is medium-sized.

There are dozens of similar mines near the small town of Shambhala. Because this mine was mined in the thirteenth place, it is called the No. 13 mine.

The owner of the No. 13 mine is Waltz, with a very elegant name, but in fact he is just an upstart.

Under his command, about a hundred miners were hired to mine ore, usually during the day and resting at night. The main reason for this is that the mountain where the No. 13 mine is located is too narrow, and the storage warehouse built is not large enough. If it is mined in three shifts around the clock like some large mines, it will not take long for the warehouse to explode. At the same time, it is also to avoid exhausting the mine too quickly, so that the water will flow for a long time.

But even if the ore is only mined during the day, it doesn't mean that at night, there is no one in the mine.

The miners had indeed left the mine to rest and have fun in the small town of Shambhala, but the guards were busy.

The guards hired by the mine patrolled the mine vigilantly, searched the mine from time to time, and held their breath to listen to the sound. On the one hand, it is to prevent people from stealing the ore in the warehouse, and on the other hand, it is to prevent competitors from digging mines privately to mine ore in the dead of night.

Among all the guards, the one with the highest status was a man named Hua Nuo.

He is about twenty years old, a little rough, his body is not very strong, on the contrary, his body is thin and tall, his face is pale, and he looks a little thin.

The reason why he has the highest status among all the guards is very simple - Waltz, the mine owner, is his uncle, and he is very important to him.

Hua Nuo did not disappoint his uncle Waltz's respect for him. He protected the entire mine with great care and was extremely responsible, winning the respect of many guards.


As night fell, the No. 13 mine was quiet.

After patrolling the entire mine with a few escort companions, Hua Nuo didn't find anything unusual and became a little relaxed. Several escort companions turned around and walked towards the resting hut. Hua Nuo originally followed, but stopped when passing the newly dug mine.

After thinking about it, Hua Nuo sent his companions back to the hut first, and walked straight into the newly opened mine.

Compared with the old mines, the newly opened mines will have many details that are not in place, such as the reinforcement of some unstable areas, the removal of small stones, and the repair of the ground.

Hua Nuo was going to go around a bit longer, write down the problems he found, and tell his uncle the mine owner when the time came to save any accidents.


Hua Nuo stepped into the mine, held a torch to illuminate, crossed the pits on the ground, avoided the precarious rocks above his head, turned around for a long time, and already had an idea in his mind. Just as he was about to leave the mine, he suddenly heard a "rustling" sound from the depths of the mine.

"Huh?" Hua Nuo turned around abruptly, and stretched out the torch towards the place where the sound came from. He saw nothing but heard the sound continue, and said vigilantly: "Who?! Where is who?!"

No response.

Hua Nuo frowned, and walked towards the depths of the mine, getting deeper and deeper, and finally stopped at a corner deep in the mine.

He found that the sound seemed to come from inside the stone wall of the mine.

"Inside the stone wall? Did you hear wrong?"

Hua Nuo pressed his body against the surface of the stone wall with some doubts, and listened hard.

As a result, as soon as the body leaned up, the stone wall collapsed because it could not bear the force, and a big hole was broken with a "crash", revealing another hidden mine hole inside, and the previous "squeaky" sound came from inside, become extremely clear.


Hua Nuo was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he used a torch to shine a light on the hidden mine in the stone wall, and instantly had a guess: Someone stole the ore!

Yes, someone stole ore!

Someone must have dug a mine secretly, digging ore without permission, that's why the current situation happened. He heard the "swish" sound,

It should be sent by the other party who stole the ore.

Damn it!

After making this guess, Hua Nuo suddenly became angry, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and stepped into the hidden mine, ready to see who was so bold.


Hua Nuo walked quickly in the hidden mine, walking more than 100 meters in one breath.

In the end, he didn't see the miners who were stealing the ore. What he saw were several pairs of oily green eyes that lit up in the darkness, and then a stench of rotting corpses rushed towards him.

Hua Nuo was startled.

The "oily green eyes" in the darkness were eating the corpse, but now they all stopped and cast their gazes at him.


Hua Nuo swallowed, looking at the "oily green eyes" slowly approaching him in the darkness, his body was a little stiff.

He didn't know what the other party was, but he remembered a rumor circulating in the small town of Shambhala recently.

Rumors say that there is a small mine. In the process of mining ore, the excavation was too deep. The legendary abyss was accidentally dug through and the demons inside were released.

The demons that were released were extremely ferocious and would kill anyone they saw. Many miners had lost their lives inexplicably.

"A demon..." Hua Nuo said, his voice was trembling, and his whole body was trembling.

Several pairs of "oil-green eyes" in the darkness kept approaching him. He was extremely nervous, and an inexplicable rage grew in his heart, which was a strong desire to survive born of extreme fear.


The closest pair of "oil-green eyes" in the darkness jumped up, like a black shadow, and rushed towards him.


Hua Nuo screamed, and with the torch in his left hand, he slammed at the opponent.

As a result, with a "snap", the torch was knocked into the air, and several sharp breaths drew towards his chest, as if preparing to tear him open.

Between life and death, Hua Nuo gritted his teeth, held the only weapon in his right hand—the dagger, and went forward with all his strength.


The sound of gold and stone symphony sounded, and a few sparks appeared in the darkness.

Hua Nuo blocked the fatal attack with difficulty, but he couldn't resist the powerful force that followed, and was knocked into the air with a "bang".


Hua Nuo fell to the ground, gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, feeling that there was no pain in his body. The tiger's mouth was broken, and the dagger fell to nowhere.

What made him most desperate was that the "oil-green eyes" in the darkness, seemingly unaffected, approached him again.

"Is it really a demon?"

Hua Nuo didn't have the courage to resist at this time, and he couldn't see the hope of successfully resisting. He glanced at the "oily green eyes" in fear, turned his head, and ran staggeringly towards the exit of the mine.

And just as he was running, the "oily green eyes" behind him caught up at a faster speed.


More than three minutes later.

"Ah! Ah! Don't kill me!"

Covered in blood, Hua Nuo yelled loudly, successfully ran to a place only a few meters away from the mine exit, and ran towards the outside of the cave with all his strength, as if he had seen the hope of life.

At this moment, a pair of "oil-green eyes" on his back seemed to have played enough, and they rushed forward, and threw him to the ground with a "snap", and bit down with sharp teeth, easily tearing his throat open.


A large amount of blood flowed out from his body, Hua Nuo's eyes widened, he twitched a few times and remained still.

The moonlight shone in from outside the cave, killing Hua Nuo's "oily green eyes" showed his figure, and he saw that it was a mouse.

However, compared with ordinary mice, it seems that it has undergone some kind of mutation, and its size is much larger, like a hound, with its oily green eyes constantly turning, revealing rare cunning and ferocity.

The mutated mouse easily killed Hua Nuo, licked Hua Nuo's blood, and then looked up to the outside of the cave.

The door of the rest hut in the mine outside the cave opened suddenly, and a guard who vaguely heard Hua Nuo's shout came out, looking around, looking for the source of the sound.

Behind the mutated mouse, the sound of "swiping, swishing, swishing" sounded. It was many companions approaching quickly, and then they rushed out of the hole together and started the slaughter.

This night was bloody.

The accident that night was black and terrifying.


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