Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 811 Spell nuclear weapons, and nuclear weapons


Li Cha tapped on the desktop to diverge his thinking.

In previous experiments, the energy waves emitted by the crystal ball were indeed disturbed by similar electromagnetic pulses.

From this aspect, it can also be seen that energy waves have some properties similar to conventional electromagnetic waves, and the specific situation needs to be further studied.

The electromagnetic pulse is undoubtedly powerful, which made him think of the magic-breaking orb used by the Supreme Order God Society.

At the exchange meeting in Deep Blue Fort back then, under the meteorite in Baishi City, there were powerful destructive effects similar to electromagnetic pulses. The only difference from the electromagnetic pulse is that what is affected is not the electronic equipment, but the magic source of the wizards-the more mana stored in the magic source, the more serious the injury, because he took the path of the apocalypse wizard to survive .

In this case, has the Zhixu Shenhui or the Truth Society fully mastered the "electromagnetic pulse-like" technology?

That's why they act recklessly. After all, the "electromagnetic pulse-like" technology represented by the magic-breaking orb is equivalent to the magic nuclear weapons in the current wizarding world.

They have mastered this technique, and they crush most wizards. Naturally, they have no fear in their hearts, and thus frantically carry out their conspiracy that they don't know the specific content of.

If you want to stop the opponent, if you want to be an enemy and defeat the opponent, the only hope may be the real nuclear weapon technology.

You must know that nuclear weapons have a strong electromagnetic pulse effect. The first time an electromagnetic pulse effect was discovered on earth was in an airdropped nuclear explosion. Electromagnetic pulses are a by-product of nuclear weapons, which are more destructive than electromagnetic pulses.

If the electromagnetic pulse is a sharp scalpel that suddenly injures people silently, then nuclear weapons are heavy hammers that fall from the sky, destroying everything violently and irresistibly in a huge momentum.

But nuclear weapons are not so easy to research and produce.

This peak creation of human technology, just raw materials, is a huge threshold.

Without enough radioactive raw materials, no matter how much technology you have, it is just a fantasy.

Finding radioactive raw materials in the current wizarding world is more difficult than finding coal and oil. After all, the reserves of radioactive raw materials in the earth's crust are only two parts per million, and the current world must not be much higher. luck.

And luck is the worst thing to estimate.

It may appear suddenly, or it may never appear.

let it go.

Li Cha thought, holding a quill pen, withdrew his divergent thoughts, and continued to write the summary of the communication crystal ball on the papyrus scroll.



About the same time.

In the west of Jialan City, in a forest near the small town of Shambhala.

Joseph was wearing a navy blue robe, and his body was wrapped in a layer of purple energy. He quickly shuttled through the woods, closely chasing a black figure in front of him.

The black shadow was fast and flexible, constantly changing direction and trying to get rid of Joseph. After several attempts and found it was useless, he ran straight to the depths of the woods.

Joseph let out a low cry, a cyan energy flashed across his body, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed towards the shadow.

At this moment, there was a howling sound from the left side, and a bone spur shot towards Joseph's body like an arrow.

Joseph was a little surprised, but he reacted quickly. He slammed his body to avoid it, and then quickly lowered his height. It fell to the ground with a "bang", turned his head, and looked vigilantly at the place where the attack came from.

With a "crash", the grass moved, and a mouse came out. The mouse was about the size of a calf, with a row of meat buns growing on its back, the meat buns were split open, and inside were sharp bone spurs. It was this bone spur that attacked him just now.

Following the appearance of this mouse, there were repeated noises all around, and more than a dozen strange creatures appeared one after another.

Half of them look like mice, with increased body shape and partial mutations, such as elephant-like tusks,

There are more glands that spray acid, and the skin can secrete venom, etc.

The other half are other creatures, some are wild wolves, some are foxes, some are mountain badgers, some are wild boars, their appearances are different from the original ones, they look extremely fierce and dangerous.

At this time, the black shadow being chased by Joseph stopped running away, and turned around to look over.

I saw that it was also a mouse, the only one that looked relatively normal.

The opponent was about the size of a civet cat, with a slender body and a thick black tail dangling behind the body. He raised his head and stared at Joseph with cunning and vicious eyes, not like a mouse at all, but more like a human being.

Seeing the eyes of the normal mouse, Joseph raised his eyebrows subconsciously, then looked around and chuckled.

"It's interesting, is this the encirclement specially set up for me?" Joseph said slowly to the normal mouse, "Then I really underestimate you, you are so cunning that you don't look like a wild beast at all.

I'm kind of thankful I made it in time and took a few days to catch you. Otherwise, if you run away, it will really become a climate, and the entire town of Shambhala, including a large area nearby, will be affected, and it will be much more troublesome to deal with it at that time. "

The normal mouse seemed to understand Joseph's words, opened its mouth, showed its sharp teeth, and made a "squeak" sound.

Immediately, all the beasts surrounding Joseph took an attacking posture, as if they would pounce on Joseph at any time, and eat Joseph alive.


Joseph chuckled again, looked at the normal mouse without fear, and said, "Why, you want to threaten me? Or, to demonstrate to me? I admit that you are indeed powerful, but that is only for ordinary people. Or for low-level wizards. For me, it's different. In my eyes, you are just a group of inexplicably crazy beasts, vulnerable. You think you are surrounding me, but in fact, you are surrounded by me. Yes. Why, don’t you believe me? Well, let me show you my strength.”

After finishing the words, Joseph's eyes narrowed, the short staff slipped out of his sleeve, and he held it with a "snap".


With a strong wave of the short staff, many fist-sized fireballs were born around his body. After a slow rotation, they shot like a meteor shower at the demonized beasts surrounding him, and began to bombard him indiscriminately.

"Boom boom boom!"

A large flame was born, devouring the figures of many demonized beasts.

However, Joseph knew that a simple round of attack would not be able to kill all the demonized beasts, so he took a long breath and began to prepare for the second round of attack.

As a result, at this moment, a roar came from the flames, and then a demonized wild boar rushed out like a locomotive and rammed towards him.

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