Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 812: Flesh Containing Corrosive Energy

Seeing the demonized wild boar rushing towards him, Joseph's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic. He stretched out his arms, and a green light wrapped around his body, multiplying his strength. With a sound of "pa", he greeted the charging demonized beast with both hands, and "ta da da" retreated three steps, successfully choking the opponent's momentum, and then pushed the wild boar forcibly over three meters away.

The limbs of the demonized wild boar stopped after plowing four deep ravines on the ground. Feeling Joseph's strength, he became cautious. But it was just caution, not fear, and continued to stare at Joseph, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, the rest of the demonized creatures also rushed out of the fire one by one. Although they were all injured, they were not seriously injured. Instead, they aroused fierceness and looked at Joseph with grinning teeth.

"Why, you are not afraid at all, right? The flames can't make your minds clear. Well, I will have fun with you and let you die happily. In fact, I really want to use this way to teach you."

Joseph spoke, and under the watchful eyes of many demonized beasts, he slowly loosened the navy blue robe he was wearing, and took off his aristocratic coat. Afterwards, he rolled the clothes into a ball, turned them over with his hands, and put them into the space iron ring.

In this way, only a set of dark blue close-fitting clothes remained on Joseph's body.

"Okay, beasts, let's have a good look at my power." Joseph said, shouting loudly, the skin all over his body petrified, he stamped his feet, and rushed towards the nearest demonized wild boar.

The demonized wild boar rushed forward with a low growl, trying to knock Joseph down, but was easily knocked to the ground by Joseph.

Then Joseph reached out, and with a "snap", he grabbed a leg of the demonized wild boar.

"Get up!"

Joseph shouted, his body glowing with green light, and he lifted up the entire demonized wild boar. It made a full circle in mid-air and smashed hard to the ground.


The ground trembled, and a pit with a depth of more than 20 centimeters was born, and the demonized wild boar lay in it and moaned in pain.

Joseph saw that he didn't have any soft-heartedness, and his fists slammed down like a storm, constantly falling on the demonized wild boar.

Soon, the moaning of pain from the demonized wild boar disappeared, and it began to breathe in less and out more, and finally twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Joseph snorted coldly and looked around.

The rest of the demonized beasts were not frightened by Joseph's methods, and a black wild wolf rushed forward with a low howl.

After Joseph saw it, he waved his hand, condensed into a short and thick ice pick in the air, and shot towards the wolf's abdomen rapidly.

Who knew that the wild wolf's claws would smash the ice pick precisely, and then it would jump close to Joseph, and bite it down with its mouth open.


Joseph let out a cry of surprise, his eyes sharpened, and the next moment his hands stretched out at the same time, like iron tongs, and accurately grasped the upper and lower jaws of the wolf's mouth.

The wolf tried to close its mouth hard, trying to bite off Joseph's palm.

Joseph exerted force in the opposite direction, shouted "Open it", his arms burst out with a dazzling dark green light, and with a "click", the wolf's mouth and most of its head were broken off.

The wild wolf died instantly.


Joseph threw the wolf's body out like trash, and looked at the remaining demonized beasts.

The rest of the demonized beasts rushed forward angrily, trying to avenge their companions, but soon followed in their footsteps—one after another fell down.


After about a few minutes, the woods were quiet.

The corpses of beasts were lined up on the ground, each of them was extremely distorted and completely dead.

Joseph stood on the ground in the middle of the woods, looked around, took out the outer shirt and robe from the space iron ring, and put them on slowly.

In his opinion, he has already completed the mission this time, and he can go back and deliver it.

Speaking of which, this task is not difficult, after all, the target to be cleared is not strong in combat effectiveness. Compared to killing each other, it is more difficult to find each other. If he was lucky, he might be able to find him and kill him on the first day he came here.

mission accomplished.

Of course, if he was lucky enough to prevent these targets from appearing at all, he would not use this place.

He couldn't figure it out, this area has always been quiet, why there is such a group of ferocious demonized beasts that wantonly hurt people for no reason.

But since the task has been completed, he doesn't want to delve into it. As long as this kind of demonized creature does not continue to appear inexplicably in the future, he will have to find a way to investigate the specific reason.

Thinking of this, Joseph got dressed and turned to leave.

As a result, as soon as he took a step, he suddenly retracted, as if thinking of something, he slowly turned his head and looked to the side. After staring at a bush next to him for a while, the corners of his mouth curled up, and there was an expression of admiration on his face.

The next moment, Joseph looked at the bushes and said: "Yes, yes, very good, I almost forgot about you! It seems that you are really smart, and you hid when you saw that the situation was not good. However, you You should run away more decisively. Only by running away can you be safe, and if you stay, you will eventually be discovered by me. Why, are you going to hide in there all the time? Well then, I will personally ask you to come out!"

As Joseph spoke, he rushed to the grass and grabbed it with one hand.

The grass moved immediately, and a mouse jumped out and fled to the distance. It was the normal mouse that first lured Joseph into the encirclement.

But this time, it couldn't run.

With a wave of Joseph's hand, the ground squirmed, and a two-meter-high earth wall rose up, blocking the normal mouse from escaping.

The normal mouse turned quickly, and Joseph managed to get close to it, and one hand fell like an eagle's claw.


The normal mouse screamed, the hair on its body stood up, and the blue electric arc jumped.

Joseph snorted coldly, his palm was wrapped in a ball of golden light, and he grabbed it without fear. He successfully grasped the normal mouse in his hand, raised it to look at it seriously, his eyes were cold.

The rat with a normal body sensed the inevitable end, its eyes showed extreme hatred, and its body swelled like an angry puffer fish. Before Joseph could react, it exploded with a "bang", and a large amount of flesh and blood spilled on Joseph.

Joseph's face changed, and he quickly released an energy shield to block the flesh and blood. But because it was too hasty, some flesh and blood stuck to the hem of his clothes in the end.

The flesh and blood were not aggressive, and there was no change after touching the hem of the clothes. Joseph breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that the normal mice were different from the demonized spiders in the ruins. Afterwards, he frowned again, because he sensed that a very uncomfortable corrosive energy overflowed from the flesh and blood of a normal rat, and attached to his body and clothes.

In fact, he had already noticed this corrosive energy when he was fighting the demonized beast before, and a small part of it had already attached to his body, but it was obviously not as much as the self-explosion of a normal mouse this time.

If the amount of erosive energy that was attached was 1 before, it is at least 10 now, which has increased by an order of magnitude and must be taken seriously.

Is this the revenge of normal rats?

With this thought in his mind, Joseph frowned deeply as he looked at the dirty robe.

This was his favorite piece of clothing, it would be a pity if he threw it away because it was contaminated with corrosive energy. But if you don't throw it away, what should you do with it?

Joseph's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.


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