Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 816: Strange Shambhala Town

It was the morning when Li Cha came to the small town of Shambhala, which couldn't be compared with the busiest evening time, but logically, there should be people coming and going on the street.

However, when Li Cha came to the small town of Shambhala, he could only see that the streets were extremely cold, without even a single person. It was as empty as a ghost town.

what happened?

With some doubts, Li Cha walked towards a tavern on the street, ready to inquire about the news.

As a result, when he walked to the door of the tavern, he found that the doors and windows of the tavern were tightly closed. He pushed the door hard, but it couldn't be opened at all. I took a brief look with my staring eyes, and found that it was blocked by a thick and long stick.

Weird thing!

It's fine if the tavern doesn't take the initiative to attract customers, so how can it forcibly prevent potential guests from entering?

Li Cha frowned, not wanting to waste time exploring slowly, he pushed his hand forward, the spell was cast, and the door of the entire tavern shook. Forcibly bounced the stick that was fixed inside, opened the door with a "snap" and walked in.

This time, the people in the tavern were really surprised.

As soon as Li Cha stepped into the tavern, he saw all the people sitting in the tavern standing up in unison, looking at him at the door with a bit of vigilance and a bit of panic.

A few people were particularly excited, and they grabbed the wooden stools they were sitting on with their backhands, and were about to throw them at him.

Several people grabbed the wine bottle on the table, raised it above their heads and began to accumulate energy, preparing to use it as a throwing prop to attack. As a result, he miscalculated the amount of beer remaining in the bottle, and the foaming barley beer poured over his head with a "crash", flowed down his neck, and quickly drenched his entire body.


The whole scene stalled for about five-thirds of a second, just long enough for the remaining beer in the beer to drain.

Five-thirds of a second later, the bartender, who was standing behind the counter and scratched his neck, came to his senses, waved his hand, motioned for everyone to sit down, and said calmly, "Everyone, don't be nervous, it's not a monster or a demon that came in." , are people... well, real people."


After hearing the bartender's words, the people in the tavern breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and sat back in their seats.

After sitting back in his seat, he was a little embarrassed by his fussy behavior for the first two seconds, but in the third second, he completely returned to the way Li Cha was before he came in—drinking, drinking, chatting, chatting indistinctly The voice drifted into Li Cha's ears.

"I'm scared to death. I thought those monsters rushed to the town."

"Me too, I almost fainted from fright. But fortunately, it was a misunderstanding. Seriously, if this goes on like this, I won't even dare to leave the house."

"Tch, what are you, I'm planning to move."

"Moving? Where the hell are you going to move? You don't work? What do you eat and drink?"

"That can take care of so much, let's save my own life first. Food and drink, and the little money I saved before, should be able to last for a while. Wait until the money is spent before thinking about other things..."

Li Cha glanced at the two people who were chatting, then glanced at a sloppy alcoholic who was drunk in the corner, thoughtfully. Then he walked towards the counter, glanced at the bartender standing behind the counter, and opened his mouth to ask some questions.

Before speaking, Li Cha flicked a finger on his right hand, and there was a soft "swoosh", and a silver coin seemed to be picked out of the air. The silver coin spun a dozen times in the air before falling to the ground, and with a "snap", Li Cha pressed it on the surface of the counter and pushed it in front of the bartender, but he didn't let go.

The bartender's eyes lit up when he saw Li Cha's actions. Before Li Cha could ask a question, he spoke first, and asked with great interest, "Anyone from other places?"

After hearing this, Li Cha was slightly taken aback, blinked his eyes, and said, "That's right, how did you guess that?"

"It's too simple." The bartender said a little ostentatiously, "I know most people in this town, even if they can't pronounce their names, they can be familiar, but you are an exception, naturally you are from another place. Of course , there is another most important reason, that is, the people here use copper coins the most.

If it is a silver coin, it will be deliberately cut to save money. An honest person like you who spends full silver coins can only come from other places. "

After a pause, the bartender asked again: "Let me guess what you are here for, no surprises, are you here to buy ore?"

Li Cha thought for a while, in a sense, he really had this purpose, so he said vaguely: "Almost."

"Oh, then you're out of luck." The bartender sighed, and looked at Li Cha with some pity, "You didn't come at the right time, you should have come a month earlier."

"Why do you say that?" Li Cha asked.

The bartender shrugged: "Do you need to explain it? You should have seen it on the street outside. The current town of Shambhala..."

At the end, he deliberately lowered his voice: "The current town of Shambhala... is not normal!"

"Not normal? I kind of want to know why it's not normal." Li Cha looked at the bartender and said, "If you can tell me the truth, then the silver coin under my hand is a thank you."

"It's a good deal." The bartender sighed, then leaned forward slightly, looked at Li Cha, and said tentatively, "Speaking of which, if a person like you can use a silver coin casually, anyone will According to the news, there must be no shortage of money, most of them are nobles, or rich businessmen.

Then I thought, if I were willing to tell you everything I know and answer all your doubts in exchange for your two silver coins instead of one, you wouldn't be angry, would you? "

"Okay." After listening to the words, Li Cha took a deep look at the bartender.

I can see that the other party is about seventeen or eighteen years old, not tall, just over 1.5 meters, with a few freckles on his face, and his appearance is below the passing line. But the other party's eyes are very bright, constantly turning in the eye sockets, appearing alert and cynical. Such a person may not have much profound knowledge, but he has insight into the world and knows how to maximize his own interests.

Staring at each other for a few seconds, Li Cha thought for a while, then chuckled and said, "If you can really do what you say and satisfy me, then I can give you three silver coins."

"Then it's settled." The bartender raised his eyebrows and said, "Please ask questions as much as you want. Um, or after I explain the recent events in Shambhala in detail, you can ask questions again?"


"In this case, it will start more than half a month ago..." the bartender quickly explained.

The bartender's language organization ability is very strong, and the description is vivid and not procrastinated, which makes people feel immersive. It seems that an excellent novelist told Richard in detail what happened in Shambhala in just ten minutes.

Only then did Richard understand the current situation in Shambhala Town.


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