Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 817: Town Events

The small town of Shambhala is a small place that is hardly known.

Because the tens of thousands of miners living here have no right to speak at all and cannot make their own voices.

Having said that, most miners actually don’t care about this—they don’t care whether Shambhala’s name is famous or not, they don’t care whether they are known to others, they only care about one thing, and that is whether they can get their salary on time .

Before getting their salary, they worked desperately, and after getting their salary, they spent their lives desperately, waiting until the money ran out, and then working hard again.

It's a cycle, and it's the norm for many people in the small town of Shambhala.

This would have gone on for a long time if there were no accidents, but the accident happened suddenly and disrupted it all.

The accident first happened more than half a month ago. I don't know what happened. A rumor spread everywhere overnight.

The content of the rumor is horrifying. It is said that during the mining process, some miners accidentally dug the entrance to the abyss and released the demons inside. After the demons came out, they hid in the darkness, and they would start killing every night. In just a few days, more than a dozen unlucky ghosts were killed.

At first, most people just took the rumors as rumors and didn't believe them, just like the many rumors that have often been circulated before.

For example, it is rumored that a wandering warbler in the north of Shambhala town is a Siamese twin with two heads. One grows in its normal position and the other grows on the back. Therefore, when Liu Ying was doing business, she resolutely refused to let customers take off her upper body clothes, no matter how much money they gave. In the end, a curious customer successfully took off Liu Ying's upper body clothes after paying ten times the usual price, and found that there was nothing there except an ugly burn mark.

For another example, it is rumored that a narrow alley in the south of Shambhala town is a place of death, where the god of death often lingers, and whoever dares to enter casually will take away his soul. As a result, many people went together to see what the god of death looked like, but nothing happened. It was only later that I found out that the alley led to the back door of a tavern, and the rumor was deliberately released by the tavern owner to prevent people from urinating in the alley.

Because of these lessons, people don't take the demonic rumors too seriously.

But soon, reality taught people a lesson.

On a very unusual night, a massacre suddenly occurred in a place called the No. 13 mine around the small town of Shambhala. The dozen or so guards guarding the night died tragically, and none of them survived. It was as if a demon had really come out of the abyss, and the spirits had come, and a feast had begun.

After that, things became more and more terrifying. For more than two weeks after the No. 13 mine incident, people in other mines continued to suffer inexplicable attacks. Either seriously injured, or tragic death, or worse - no bones left.

Under such circumstances, everyone's heart was pressed with a stone, and they became panicked and frightened, and they became convinced of the rumors.

Up to now, people's panic has reached a limit, and many mines have to stop working. The workers who were suspended from work did not dare to live alone in the house, but chose to gather in one place. Only by relying on many companions can they temporarily suppress the fear in their hearts, so there are so many people gathered in a tavern early in the morning, so Li Cha's sudden barge in will make the people in the tavern react extremely violently.


"That's about it." The bartender let out a breath, ended his narration, and looked at Li Cha calmly.

Li Cha listened to what the bartender said, thought about it, and guessed that the so-called demon should be the demonized beast buried in the woods outside the town. These demonized beasts caused casualties in the small town of Shambhala, and because they successfully attracted the attention of the Truth Society, they were finally killed by Joseph.

It can be said that the town of Shambhala is actually safe now, but considering that Joseph killed the demonized beast in the past two days, the reaction of the public is delayed, and the truth cannot be known.

So the previous vigilance is still maintained.

Li Cha wanted to tell the bartender the truth, but considering that even if he told the other party, the other party would not really believe it, he finally didn't bother. He just looked at the other party and asked, "You said, the first evidence to convince everyone of the rumors was the massacre at the No. 13 mine, right?"

"Yes, do you have any doubts?"

"I have no doubts, but I would like to know something about the current situation of the No. 13 mine. For example, how is his mine owner, and where can I contact him? If there is a chance, I would like to chat with him." Richard said.

In his opinion, the No. 13 mine is closely related to demonized beasts, and maybe the so-called radioactive ore can be found there, so he naturally has good reasons to take a look.

After listening to Li Cha's words, the bartender raised his eyebrows, as if a little surprised, and confirmed: "Are you serious? Do you really want to find the owner of the No. 13 mine?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No problem, I just want to tell you that you don't need to look for him, he is in this tavern now." The bartender said.

"In this tavern? Where?" Li Cha asked.

"Here, that's the guy." The bartender didn't show off, and pointed to the distance.

Li Cha looked over and saw that the person the bartender was pointing at was the drunken alcoholic who he had noticed before, drinking in the corner.

"It's him?" Li Cha was a little skeptical, "As a mine owner, how could he be so down and out, he doesn't even look like a miner, could it be because of the massacre at the mine?"

"Yes, it's because of the massacre in the mine." The bartender said, "His name is Waltz, and I heard that he was a poor man. But he suddenly made a lot of money and bought ten No. 3 mine, became a mine owner.

A person like him can be regarded as a nouveau riche. Naturally, the money will not be too little, but because he is not good at management, it will not be too much. The most important thing is that he has no background. His main asset was the No. 13 mine. After the massacre, it was abandoned and the main source of income was cut off.

The relatives of the guard who died in the massacre would not let him go easily, demanded a large amount of compensation from him, and emptied his savings. The rest of the competitors didn't show any sympathy for him, and took the opportunity to use tricks to design him. After several twists and turns, he went bankrupt.

You've also seen that now he spends his days drinking away his sorrows. He is extremely depressed, and no one does not dislike him. Originally, I thought he was nice, after all, I would pay for every drink. As a result, I started to owe money recently, which caused me to be scolded several times by my boss, so I didn't like him much anymore. "

"Is that so?" After listening to the bartender's explanation, Li Cha nodded, and was about to walk towards the distant waltz.

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