After more than an hour.

Richard and Waltz left the town of Shambhala and went to the place where the No. 13 mine was located outside the town.

In front of a small mountain, Waltz stopped, pointed to a winding mountain road next to him, and said, "Go up this road, and you will be able to reach the No. 13 mine in a short time. I'm here waiting for you."

"Huh?" Li Cha looked at Waltz and asked, "Why, Mr. Waltz, you won't go up with me?"


Waltz took a sip of wine, took a deep look at Li Cha, then lowered his brows and eyes, and said: "Master Wizard, I am different from you. You have extraordinary power, but I am just an ordinary person, even I can't compare to ordinary people, after all, I am not young anymore.

More than half a month ago, in the mine on this mountain, more than a dozen young men, including my nephew Hua Nuo, were killed overnight. In my opinion, this kind of force is completely irresistible.

You are a wizard, so you naturally have the confidence to protect yourself, but how can I protect myself when I encounter the power I mentioned before? Are you pinning your hopes on you to help me? Forget it, I still don't want to trouble you, Mr. Wizard, just wait here. "

"Actually, if you go up with me and you are really in danger, I will protect you. Of course, if you don't want to go, I won't force you." Li Cha said to Waltz, "After all, the initiative is yours , if you want to stay here and wait, just wait. But are you sure that it will be safe under this mountain?"

"This..." Waltz froze slightly, trying to explain something, but suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Li Cha didn't continue to argue with Waltz, and walked up the mountain along the side path.



With the sound of footsteps, Li Cha walked along the mountain road to the No. 13 mine on the mountain, and carefully looked at the appearance of the mine. As he was looking at it, suddenly there was a faint panting sound behind him.


Turning his head to the back, Li Cha saw Waltz, who had insisted on staying down the mountain, running up panting and sweating profusely.

"Why, Mr. Waltz, you don't insist on your own ideas anymore?" Li Cha looked at the other party and asked.

Waltz opened his mouth and gasped for a few breaths, tried to get back to normal, and said to Li Cha: "Okay, Mr. Wizard, I admit that what you said before makes sense. I have thought about it, and I promise to take you out of the small town of Shambhala It would have been a mistake to come here, for my safety would not be guaranteed if I came out of the tavern.

In this way, instead of staying at the foot of the mountain and betting on my luck, I might as well follow you. I hope Sir Wizard, you can keep your promise, and you will really protect me in case of danger. "

"I will." Richard said, then turned his head to look at the five mine holes opened in the mine ahead, and asked waltz, "You came just in time, as a mine owner, you should know better, those who kill people Which mine did the monster come from? Tell me, so I won’t have to explore mine by mine.”

After hearing Li Cha's words, Waltz's expression twisted slightly, obviously bringing back bad memories. But after a while, he still raised his hand, pointed to the mine on the far left, and said, "It's the No. 5 cave over there—it was newly opened not long ago. It was fine a few days ago, but suddenly Something went wrong. My nephew, Hua Nuo...was found dead at the entrance of the cave."

"Is that so, my condolences." Li Cha comforted him, and walked towards the No. 5 hole that Waltz was pointing at. Waltz followed quickly, and the two went straight into the mine.

The mine was very empty, and after walking in, the sound of footsteps echoed continuously.


Richard and Waltz continued to go deeper, and stopped in front of a stone wall after a while, where there was an obvious breach, exposing another mine behind.

Pointing to the hole in the stone wall, Li Cha asked Waltz: "Mr. Waltz, do you know what's going on?"

Seeing the breach, Waltz was obviously a little surprised: "Hey! This... shouldn't be! The mines have been planned long ago.

There shouldn't be such a breach, at least not at first, otherwise I would definitely know.

This breach should have appeared later... After the massacre, I took a few miners and only dared to clean up the corpses of Hua Nuo and the rest. I didn't dare to enter here at all. I really don't know what's going on ..."

After a pause, Waltz became vigilant, and asked Li Cha: "My lord wizard, tell me... Could this be the passage to the abyss as mentioned in the rumors? Could it be that the devil came out of it? And then killed Hua Nuo and the rest of the mine guards?"

In the end, Waltz's face turned a little pale. It is true that he has some brains, but his vision has not escaped the limitations of his identity and strength, and he is still afraid of legendary things like demons—a typical example of scaring himself.

Li Cha looked at Waltz, shook his head lightly, without any fear, and said softly to Waltz: "Is it the entrance to the abyss? Is there a demon living there? It's useless to think about it outside. Go in and have a look." Just know."

As he spoke, Li Cha entered the breach, Waltz froze for a moment, gritted his teeth, and bravely entered the breach.


After entering the breach, I saw that this was another mine that was slightly smaller, and it was not much different from the mine outside. The only difference may be the faint stench in the air, which makes people think of a lot of carrion piled up together.

Li Cha smelled this scent, frowned, raised his vigilance, stepped forward, and Waltz followed suit.

After walking about tens of meters, Li Cha raised his eyebrows and stopped suddenly, as if he had discovered something, and reminded Waltz, "Be careful!"

"Huh?" Waltz was puzzled, and then he heard a "rustling" sound from the top of his head, as if some insects had crawled over.

Waltz suddenly raised his head and looked up, and saw a black spider the size of a palm hanging there, as if it had been waiting for a long time, it opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of green liquid.

After Waltz saw it, his body stiffened, and his mind went blank for a moment, and he didn't know what to do to deal with it.

Seeing that the green liquid was sprayed on his face immediately, Li Cha made a move.

A faint light flashed on Li Cha's body, and his strength was greatly improved. He grabbed Waltz's body and lifted it vigorously, like picking up a child, and lifted it to the side easily.


The green liquid fell through the air and spilled on the ground.

Waltz was successfully saved, but without any joy or rejoicing, he seemed to be stupid, standing still on the ground.

At this time, the spider on the top of the head saw that the blow could not be done, became angry, and made a "squeak" whistle, and was about to attack again.

Li Cha was not polite, his eyes narrowed, and when he raised his hand, an ice pick condensed in his hand. With a strong flick, the ice pick flew out like a dart and flew towards the spider.

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