"call out!"

With a sound, the ice pick issued by Li Cha precisely pierced the spider's body and nailed the spider to the roof of the cave. Although the spider is aggressive, its comprehensive strength is very weak, not even the weakest demonized creature. , ordinary people can kill, let alone Li Cha's.

After successfully killing the spider, Li Cha turned his head to look at Waltz, and saw that Waltz was still standing stiffly on the ground, motionless.


Li Cha patted the other party's shoulder lightly, and asked softly, "Mr. Waltz, are you alright?"

"Uh, it's fine."

"It's fine, let's move on."


After the brief conversation ended, Li Cha stepped forward, and Waltz followed behind, but his head was lowered, his eyes were dull, and his movements were stiff, like a corpse that had lost its soul.

After walking more than ten meters in this way, Waltz suddenly woke up as if awakened from a dream, yelled "Ah", turned his head to look at the place where the spider green liquid fell, saw that the ground was severely corroded, and said in a panic: "I...I Almost got killed just now?"

Li Cha couldn't help but glanced at Waltz, and said slowly: "Mr. Waltz, you are worrying too much. The spider just now is indeed different from ordinary spiders. It is aggressive, and the liquid it spews is more corrosive.

However, the amount of liquid it sprays at a time is too small, even if it is sprayed on your face, it will not kill you, at most it will disfigure you.

If it is sprayed on other places, maybe the clothes can block it. If you have the courage to fight, you can kill the opponent by picking up a stone just now, so... don't worry too much. "

"Is that so..." Waltz said, still a little uneasy, obviously he had no such experience in his previous decades of life.

The muscles on his face twisted, his expression was constantly struggling, hovering between a coward and a warrior, he didn't know whether to choose to turn his head and run away, or choose to go forward bravely.

After several seconds like this, Waltz gritted his teeth hard and made a decision. Looking around, he found something and ran to the side. Grab a heavy conical stone and hold it firmly in your hand, your eyes become sharper little by little.


Waltz took a deep breath, looked at Richard and said, "My lord wizard, I was indeed a little scared just now, because I have never fought before. But... I am not afraid now, let us continue walking. Next, I really encountered some demon, I must let him know how powerful it is."

Li Cha raised his eyebrows and praised Waltz: "I appreciate your courage, Mr. Waltz!"

"No, Master Wizard, it's not courage." Waltz shook his head and corrected him earnestly, "It's hatred! It's the hatred between me and the devil. I want to avenge my nephew Hua Nuo!"

"Okay." Li Cha spread his hands, and instead of continuing to struggle with this issue with Waltz, he took the other party to the depths of the mine.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters...

Fifty meters, one hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters...


The footsteps echoed, and then the footsteps disappeared. Li Cha and Waltz stopped because they had reached the end of the mine.

On the ground here, there are more than a dozen gnawed and highly decomposed corpses piled up. It seems that they were killed by some kind of monster and dragged here for food storage, but they were abandoned for some reason.

Other than that, there seemed to be nothing—no entrance to the abyss, no murderous demons, not even the acid-spitting spiders I encountered before.

Waltz looked around, obviously a little unacceptable to this situation, and said, "That's all? This is the end? Nothing?"

In fact, there is still something, but Waltz can't see or feel it.

Li Cha clearly felt that at the end of the mine, there was high-intensity erosive energy floating in the air, and the surrounding ores were constantly increasing the intensity of this erosive energy. Obviously, this was a radioactive mine.

His guess was confirmed.

This is the source of pollution, and this is the reason for the creation of demonized beasts.

Because of the radioactivity here, some creatures mutate, so they attack people. However, they were all killed because they were discovered by the Truth Council. Of course, if this place continues to exist, there will be new demonized beasts appearing after a while. The acid-spitting spider I met just now is an example.

Then, there is no need to explain what to do next.

The radioactive mines here, kept as they are, can only become the source of occasional killing machines. And if it is well developed and utilized, and everything goes well, it will become the driving force to promote his research progress, and become the source of powerful technology.

Is there any difference between the two?

Of course there is.

The biggest difference is that if the latter wants to, the power and efficiency of killing will be tens of thousands of times that of the former.

The former is simply to create killing, while the latter will rewrite the definition of killing, and can even rewrite the definition of many words, such as what is strong, what is invincible, and what is terror!


Li Cha looked around, took a deep breath, tried to suppress his excitement, looked at Waltz and said, "Mr. Waltz, let's go out, get out of here first."

"Let's go now?" Waltz still can't accept everything at present. He finally mustered up the courage to fight the devil, but the reality told him that there was nothing, it was just a joke.

Li Cha yelled at Waltz: "If you don't leave, what are you doing here? Do you want to stay overnight? Do you think the rotting corpse next to here smells good?"

After listening to Li Cha's words, Waltz turned to look at the corpses piled up next to him. His sense of smell had weakened a little due to high tension before, but now that Li Cha reminded him, his sense of smell returned to normal, and he immediately felt an extremely pungent stench pouring into his nose, making him unable to bear the urge to vomit.


Waltz retched, his face changed, and he stopped insisting immediately, obediently followed Li Cha out of the mine.


A few minutes later.

Richard and Waltz left the mine and appeared in the open space outside the mine.

Waltz looked at the entrance of the mine, his expression was still a bit complicated. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Li Cha and asked, "Master Wizard, you promised before that if I bring you here, everything goes well." , you will help me get out of the current predicament, right?"

"Yes." Li Cha nodded, but you didn't deny it.

"So, does your words still count now?" Waltz looked into Li Cha's eyes and asked.

"Of course, I always keep my promises." Li Cha replied softly.

"Then how are you going to help me?" Waltz asked.

"It's very simple. I have one thing to do, and that is to buy your mine." Richard said.

"Buy it?" Waltz was startled, then frowned, "What do you buy it for?"

Li Cha glanced at Waltz, looked around the mine and said softly: "Mr. Waltz, you have always been guilty of the death of your nephew Hua Nuo, right, so you want to take revenge. Then let me tell you, I will buy this mine to do What. What I want to do is to help you avenge your nephew Hua Nuo, I am going to take the whole mountain..."


"All, shovel, flat, done!"

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