Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 821 The world of the rich is unimaginable

"It's all leveled?" Waltz was a little surprised and puzzled after hearing Li Cha's words, and asked, "Why are they all leveled?"

Richard didn't explain, but just said: "Mr. Waltz, you don't need to know the specific reason, just promise me, I will give you a large sum of money to buy your mine, which can completely solve your current predicament. "

"This..." Waltz's expression changed, and he hesitated.

But after hesitating for more than ten seconds, he agreed aloud: "Okay, I agree."

After all, he doesn't have deep feelings for the No. 13 mine, it's just a tool to make money. After the massacre, in his eyes, the No. 13 mine had become an unknown place, and he was eager to sell it.

"By the way." After getting Waltz's consent, Richard said again, "Mr. Waltz, before buying your mine, I have a request."


"That is, I bought your mine and I don't want others to know. I hope that the nominal owner of the mine is still you. If possible, I hope you can help me manage the mine and handle affairs. Of course, I I will pay you accordingly." Richard said.

Waltz looked at Li Cha, frowned and said, "So, Mr. Wizard, are you going to hire me?"

"You can say so."

"But the price of hiring me is not cheap." Waltz said earnestly, "You should have seen the situation in Shambhala Town now. I just want to get the money and leave here as soon as possible. If you must keep me, then I ask Get paid double for this position."

"I'll pay you three times." Li Cha said lightly after hearing this, and didn't take it seriously at all, "If you can meet my requirements, five times the reward is fine, and even after the matter is over, I will give the mine The control of the land is back in your hands. At that time, there may be no minerals that can be mined and sold, but the land can also be sold for a lot of money.”

After listening to Li Cha's words, Waltz's mouth couldn't help opening, his expression became complicated. After a long while, he looked at Li Cha and said quietly, "Are the rumors true? Is it true that a wizard like you, my lord, is not short of money?"

"Actually, wizards are also distinguished by the poor and the rich." Richard said, thinking of Popovich, he said slowly, "Most wizards are poor, maybe better than normal people, but they are just It’s just better than normal people, and the few are the rich. Fortunately, I happen to belong to this category of rich people.”

"Alright then." Waltz had nothing to say, because he couldn't figure out whether Li Cha was simply stating the facts or indirectly showing off his wealth.

Being paid by others and being loyal to others, I stood still and thought for a while, Waltz entered the status of being hired, and looked at Richard to express his opinion: "Master Wizard, if you really want to hire me to manage the mine field, leveling the entire mountain, then there is one thing that I must make clear to you.”

"What? Please tell me." Li Cha asked.

Waltz replied seriously: "That is, it may be difficult to hire enough miners when you are in Shambhala. After the previous massacre, the miners in the mine ran away and refused to come back. Undoubtedly the Devil's Lair.

Although I went into the mine just now and made sure that there is no danger inside, it is still too difficult to convince the miners. Furthermore, inexplicable attacks have been happening all the time, and more and more miners have lost their lives. It has been a little quieter in the past two days, but people are still panicked, and many people have no intention of working. In this way, if you want to hire qualified miners, you have to go outside the small town of Shambhala. "

Li Cha listened to the words, thought for a few seconds, shook his head and said to Waltz: "Mr. Waltz, it doesn't need to be so complicated. First of all, I want to tell you one thing, that is, the attack will never happen again from now on. Yes, because the culprit of the attack has been dealt with by my companions—other wizards."

"It's been dealt with?" Waltz's eyes froze for a moment, then blinked, he became excited, and asked with shortness of breath, "It's really dealt with? What is the culprit who keeps attacking people and killing Hua Nuo? Is it true?" Is it a demon?"

"Not the devil,

Just some beasts with extraordinary abilities, we call them demonic creatures. They are indeed dangerous and ferocious to ordinary people like you, but they are not strong enough for us—once they attract our attention, there is only one dead end. "Li Cha said.

"Is that so..." Waltz opened and closed his lips a few times, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what to think.

"So!" Li Cha took a deep breath and said to Waltz, "I think, if there are no accidents, after waiting for a few days, people in Shambhala town will find that the attack is no longer going on, and their panic should be relieved. Miners will also become less difficult. Of course, if employment is still difficult, miners still resist and fear here, and do not want to work here, and the solution is simple.

I have always believed that money is the easiest way to solve things in any world. Money may not solve all problems, but it can solve most problems. If miners don't want to come, raise wages. First it is 50%, if 50% fails, it will be doubled. Doubling or not, just double, triple!

I have heard such a saying before: If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, it will be active; if there is a 50% profit, it will take risks; It dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even the risk of hanging its head.

Now, I will give a 300% interest. Even if the miners are not tempted, I believe there will be intermediary businessmen tempted. Then they will take the initiative to help us hire miners from other places and hand them over to us, and you—Mr. Waltz, then you will be responsible for managing everything in the mine according to some of my plans. "

"I—" Waltz looked at Li Cha, his mouth grew very big, and after a while, he asked Li Cha seriously, "Master Wizard, you should not be a rich man among wizards, right?"


"You should be the richest of the rich, the wealthiest handful of wizards." Waltz said seriously.

"Oh, in a sense, you can also say the same." Li Cha didn't deny it, and thought for a while, "Actually, to me, money is just a tool. When I want to use it, it never lets me It’s nice to be disappointed.”

"Uh..." Waltz responded, looking at Li Cha with a complicated expression.

He couldn't help thinking that when he was the richest, it seemed that there were only a few thousand silver coins in total. And these silver coins, in Li Cha's eyes, may be just a fraction, or...not even a fraction.

He really couldn't imagine the world of rich wizards...


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