Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 822 Start work at the entrance to the abyss

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Didak appeared in a tavern in the small town of Shambhala. This tavern was the one that Richard entered.

Didak is a man in his early thirties, about 1.8 meters tall, extremely muscular, and the protruding muscles under his clothes fully tell strangers that he is not easy to mess with.

But at this time, his condition was not very good, his hair was disheveled, his face was disheveled, sitting in a corner of the tavern, carefully counting dozens of beans in the bowl - this is his only food today.

"One, two, three... thirty-five!"

Didak made a sound, looked at the beans in the bowl and said, "Are there only thirty-five beans? Well, then we need to plan carefully. After all, we haven't eaten lunch and dinner yet. Then... take eighteen One bean for lunch, seventeen for dinner."

After a pause for a few seconds, Didak was a little entangled: "In this case, will the dinner be too small? There are only seventeen beans. If you don't eat enough for dinner and can't sleep at night, it will be uncomfortable. These days, just Sleeping against hunger. How about seventeen beans for lunch and eighteen for dinner?"

"Or..." Didak rolled his eyes, "Recount again, in case there are any surprises. If the beans are not thirty-five but thirty-six, it will be easier to divide."

Didak reached into the bowl and counted the beans again.

"One grain, two grains, three grains... thirty-three grains, thirty-four grains... thirty-four grains? Huh? Why are there only thirty-four grains? There were thirty-five grains just now, why did they suddenly disappear? One grain?"

It's not a surprise, it's a shock!

Didak's eyes widened, he looked around quickly, and finally looked down at the ground, and saw the lost beans lying there quietly - it turned out that during the counting process, he used a little too much force and accidentally pulled out a bean went.

The beans rolled to the ground, covered with a lot of dust, which greatly reduced the appetite.

Didak didn't care what he did, staring at the beans on the ground, he said firmly to himself: "Food that falls on the ground can be eaten in less than three minutes, um, it can be eaten."


Didak quickly picked up the beans and sent them into his mouth, without chewing them, and swallowed them with his saliva.



Didak showed a look of enjoyment, which belonged to the joy of eating.

After being happy, he looked at the beans in the bowl with a sigh and said, "In this case, you can only eat seventeen beans for lunch and dinner."

While sighing, the door of the tavern suddenly opened, and a short man about 1.6 meters tall ran in.

His name is Bo Fei, he looks twenty-four or five years old, and he is a good friend of Didak.

After running into the tavern, Bo Fei stood at the door and looked around. He saw Didak sitting in the corner, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly approached. Because the speed was too fast, he bumped into the table before stopping.

After the collision, Bo Fei didn't cry out for pain. He looked at Didak and said quickly, "Brother Didak, I've been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you! Why are you here?"

Didak carefully supported the shaky table, protected the bowl of beans on the table, looked at Bo Fei, and complained weakly: "If I'm not here, where can I go? This is the tavern with the cheapest food. My remaining half copper coin can only buy food here, and the rest of the place simply ignores me."

At the end, Didak gnashed his teeth and scolded: "Damn mine owners, they are really a bunch of cowards. Isn't there a rumor that the demons have left? It is true that there have been no more inexplicable deaths these days. Why not Start work?! My money has almost been spent, and if I don’t start work, I will starve to death.”

At the end, Didak thought of something, looked at Bo Fei, and said with some hope: "By the way, Bo Fei, do you have any money? If you have money, please lend me some and let me buy a Eat the fat chicken, and I will return it to you when I start working and have money." While talking, Didak thought of the deliciousness of the fat chicken,

Couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Bo Fei gave a wry smile, spread his hands and replied to Didak: "Brother Didak, don't you know my situation? I've already spent all my money. If I hadn't been spending time at my uncle's house, I starved to death three days ago. But recently, my aunt's complexion is getting worse and worse, and she has been avoiding me to eat, and I have been hungry for almost a day, so I can't help you at all."

"Then why are you looking for me!" Hearing this, Didak glared at Bo Fei angrily, "I thought you could have some good news for me."

"I do have good news for you." Bo Fei recalled the purpose of the tavern, and quickly approached Didak and said, "Let me tell you, Brother Didak, I just heard someone say that a mine has started. We're hiring."

"Really? Where?"

"Mine No. 13." Bofei said.

"Mine No. 13?" Didak was taken aback and frowned. "I don't think I've heard of this mine before. It's a small mine. Wait a minute, the name seems familiar to me..."

Didak's eyes widened little by little, and suddenly he slapped Bo Fei on the head, and said, "Damn it, isn't Mine No. 13 the place where demons first appeared in the rumors? More than a dozen people were killed. , blood stained the ground red!"

"Yes, that's right there." Bo Fei nodded.

"Then you still let me go?" Didak was angry.

"Brother Didak, don't be angry." Bo Fei quickly explained, "That place is indeed a bit dangerous, and the devil has indeed killed people there, but didn't you say that it has been quiet for many days recently, and the devil has already killed people there. Leaving the town of Shambhala."

"That's not okay, what if the devil is still there? I don't make fun of my own life." Didak said seriously.

"But..." Bo Fei spoke out, giving key information, "But it's one of the few places that are currently recruiting people. I've also heard that the salary is 50% higher than other places, and it's still paid daily."

"What!" Didak yelled, "Shu La" stood up all of a sudden, which shocked Bo Fei.

"You said that the salary is 50% higher than other places, and it's still paid on a daily basis, am I right?" Didak asked with confirmation with bright eyes.

"That's right." Bo Fei nodded vigorously.

"In this case, doesn't it mean that if I go to work today, I can get money to eat in the evening?"

"Yes." Bo Fei nodded vigorously again, "That's why I was in such a hurry to find you, otherwise I would be late and only get half a day's money. Or worse, if the other party recruits enough people, we will have no chance to make money."

"That's useless, let's go!" Didak said, picked up the beans on the table, raised his neck, and poured them all into his mouth.

After simply chewing twice, he straightened his neck and swallowed it forcefully with a "gudong". Then he waved his hand and walked out with Bo Fei.


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