Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters rush forward

In the process of walking out, Didak took big steps and a very fast speed, almost three steps combined into two steps, and two steps combined into one step.

As a result, he had just walked more than ten steps, passed the counter, his legs went limp, and his whole body went limp to the ground.

Bo Fei saw it, and hurriedly supported Didak with his hands, so as to prevent Didak from falling to the ground.

Panting heavily, Bo Fei asked Didak: "Brother Didak, what's wrong with you, are you sick?"

"You're just sick!" Didak choked, took a breath, got rid of Bo Fei's support, and explained, "I just ate too little recently, and I was so hungry that I didn't have the energy. The lady who stood up just now Urgent, walking too fast, I almost fell down by accident."

"Then can you follow me to mine No. 13 now?" Bo Fei glanced at Didak and said worriedly, "If you can't walk, I can't carry you on my back." Didak's body, Almost the size of two Bo Fei, Bo Fei really did not lie.

After hearing what Didak said, he curled his lips and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine after a short rest. If I can eat something now, I'll recover faster. That's right!"

At the end, Didak thought of something and turned to look at the counter.

Inside the counter, a bartender was turning his back to him, carefully wiping the shelves behind, Didak said, "Hey, Hua Wen, bring me a fat cock, put it on my account, and wait for me to come back at night There will be money to pay."

After hearing Didak's words, the bartender turned his head and looked over, revealing a pockmarked acne-prone face, frowned and glanced at Didak, and said, "Who is Huawen? I'm Thomson."

Didak was taken aback, his expression froze, he stared at the other party for several seconds, and said in surprise, "Hey, your... name is Thomson? But... Where is Hua Wen? My friend Hua Wen, why isn't he here?"

"Chinese?" The bartender behind the counter with a face full of pimples frowned even deeper, "Who are you talking about in Chinese?"

Bo Fei leaned over, obviously he knew Chinese very well, and said to the bartender, "That's the man who stood in your position and did your job. He is seventeen or eighteen years old, with blond hair, and a little shorter than me, but He looks a little better than you. Before you, he worked as a bartender for several years, you should know him?"

The pimple-faced bartender behind the counter showed a clear expression after hearing the words: "So you were talking about that guy, yes, I do know him."

"Where did he go?" Didak asked.

"I don't know." The pimple-faced bartender shrugged. "Anyway, he's not working in the tavern. It's because he stopped working that I can come here."

"This..." Didak was stunned, obviously a little hard to accept the news, but his twitching abdomen reminded him what was most important, so he looked at the pimple-faced bartender again.

"Well, now that I know that Hua Wen has left, I'll come to you, Thomson." Didak said to the bartender, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Didak, and Bo Fei is next to me. Both are regulars at the tavern and have always had good credit.

Now the two of us happen to have no money with us, but we are a little hungry, so can you... Can you bring us a fat chicken from the kitchen first, count our debts, and pay it back when I get the money at night. "

After speaking, Didak looked at the pimple-faced bartender expectantly.

The bartender looked at Didak after listening to the words, thought for a while, and refused with a straight face: "I'm sorry, no!"

"You!" Didak's expression froze, and he became irritable, and asked, "Why not? When Huawen is here, I can do this."

"Hmph! Chinese is Chinese, I am me, you know!" the bartender with the acne face snorted coldly, and said angrily.

While speaking, he threw the rag for wiping the shelves on the counter, made a soft "snap", and looked at Didak with great momentum: "It's his business that you can owe money at Huawen, but now Here is my decision, understand, if I say no, then I won’t! If you don’t have money, don’t eat, go wherever you come from, poor ghost!”

"You!" Didak's face flushed instantly,

Staring wide-eyed at the bartender with the acne-prone face, he became angry from embarrassment, and was about to hit the bartender in the face with his fist. But in the middle of the fight, seeing the yellow and white mixture all over the opponent's face, he couldn't help but turn his fist into a grab, grabbed the opponent's collar, wanted to lift him out from behind the counter, and kicked him hard with his feet.

At this time, Bo Fei came to his senses, grabbed Didak, and persuaded him: "Brother Didak, don't get excited, it's fine if he doesn't let us owe our bills and eat. Let's go to the mine to sign up first, and we can get it after work." After the money, eat whatever you want!"

"I'm not angry that he won't let me pay the debt, I just can't understand his tone of voice, which was not the case in Huawen before." Didak said with red eyes.

"I know, I know, okay, okay, Brother Didak, let's just ignore him, let's leave quickly, otherwise if the mine recruits enough people, we will have no place to go."

"This..." Didak froze and hesitated, and finally calmly overcame his anger, glared at the bartender behind the counter, and walked out of the tavern with Bo Fei.

Watching Didak and Bo Fei leave, Thomson, the pimple-faced bartender who was slightly startled, rolled his eyes with disdain. Then he took a long breath, pressed his chest, looked at the door of the tavern, and said to himself in a cold voice: "You two bastards, poor ghosts, you'd better starve to death! If you can't starve to death, come here when you have money Eat, I will let you eat my saliva too!"

Didak and Bo Fei didn't know the bartender's words, otherwise they would beat up the bartender with all their might. They appeared on the way from the small town of Shambhala to the No. 13 mine.

This is a relatively flat road, normal walking, more than an hour is enough. But because of hunger and weakness, the two took several breaks halfway, and walked for nearly two hours before arriving at the place.

When the two struggled to reach the foot of the No. 13 mine, it was almost noon, and then the two rubbed their eyes and looked ahead, almost thinking that they were delusional.

I saw that nearly a thousand miners who were about to sign up were crowded in front of the tables in front of them.

Obviously, after hearing the news that the No. 13 mine started construction and offered a high price, it wasn't the two of them who were moved, but others.

The money is touching, and the salary increase by 50% has made many miners in a difficult situation crazy.

In the face of poverty, potential rumors and dangers are nothing at all. After all, no matter how bad it is, it is death. Under the premise that they may starve to death today, many people will not think about what will happen tomorrow.


Bo Fei swallowed his saliva, looked a little apprehensive at the dark crowd, and said to Didak with a pale face: "Brother Didak, there are too many people! We seem to have no chance of being hired."

"It's too early to talk about this now, let's squeeze in first." Didak looked a little calmer, looked at the crowd, gritted his teeth slightly, and said harshly, "I thought that the rumored demon would scare many people, I never thought there would be so many people who are not afraid of death! If that’s the case, I won’t care so much, just charge with me!”


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