Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 824: The Master Behind the Scenes

After speaking, Didak pulled Bo Fei, and squeezed from the back to the front of the crowd, using all his strength to rush forward. For a while, people were turned on their backs, and shouts and curses continued.

"Hey! Who squeezed me!"

"Damn, which shameless touch my ass, let go!"

"Damn it, someone stepped on my foot, lift it up, I'm wearing new shoes!"

"Bang bang..."


Although hungry, Didak still has obvious physical advantages and is very explosive. Based on this, he took a lot of effort to protect Bo Fei, and managed to squeeze to the front amid the sudden boos from the crowd.

Then he rushed to the desk where the hired miners were registered, and met the person who registered.

Didak saw that it was a middle-aged man with a sallow face, looking at him with somewhat pitiful eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Didak didn't understand, and didn't bother to think about it. He pulled Bo Fei next to him, and said to the sallow-faced man, "Hey, your No. 13 mine is recruiting people, right? It’s 50% more than other places, right? If that’s the case, the two of us sign up now, my name is Didak, his name is Bo Fei, please write our names.”

The sallow-faced man glanced at Didak, gently put aside the quill pen dipped in ink in his hand, shook his head, and said with a helpless expression: "Sorry, I can't write your names."

"Why?!" Didak stared at the other party. If he didn't know how to write, he really wanted to grab the quill and write the name himself, and questioned the man with the sallow face, "Aren't you just writing names? , Why can’t you write when we come to us, I have a grudge against you?”

"That's not true. It's just because, just now, the number of people hired has been recruited enough." The sallow-faced man looked at Didak, sighed and said the bad news, "You haven't heard the boos of the people just now?" Well, it was at that time that we recruited enough, and that’s why you were able to squeeze in front of me so smoothly. Anyway, I’m sorry, but I can’t write your names, and the mine can’t hire you.”

"This!" Didak was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and became irritable, wanting to hit someone very much. Of course, he knew very well who could hit and who couldn't, so he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his emotions.

Looking at the man with the sallow face, he rubbed his hands together and begged, "Well...there's really no other way? I came here with great difficulty, why don't you help add our names? Just treat it as a random trick. It's not a problem anyway, is it?"

"The problem is, the batch before you already recruited too much." The sallow-faced man sighed, "According to the words of the mine owner of Huawenzi, originally he just wanted to hire 300 people in the early stage. Increase to five hundred. Now there are enough people for the No. 13 mine, so you can either go to other places now, or wait a while and come here to try your luck."


Didak suddenly fell silent after hearing the words. After a while, he turned around slowly and watched the crowd slowly disperse. Many people began to return to the small town of Shambhala, and couldn't help clenching their fists.

"Damn it!" Didak vented his emotions and shouted to Bo Fei, "It's all the fault of that ugly bastard named Thomson in that tavern. If he didn't make me angry, we must have had a chance when we got here two minutes ago." Hired. If he can make us owe money to eat, I regain my strength, even if it's behind your back, I can get here ten minutes ago, the chances are better! Now, I really want to give him a good meal !"

Bo Fei raised his feet, patted Didak's shoulder, and comforted him: "Brother Didak, don't think too much. Now that it's all like this, let's think about other ways."

"But, what can you think of?" Didak asked.

"Why don't you go to the other mines? What if they start working suddenly?" Bo Fei said with hope, but he knew very well that the chance was very small.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, saying hello: "Hey, Didak, Bo Fei, what are you two doing here?"

"Huh?" Didak's and Bo Fei heard the voice,

Turn quickly to look at the person who made the sound.

I saw that the other party looked seventeen or eighteen years old, very young, very short, like a girl. There are freckles on the face, which is not attractive at all, and at best it is not ugly. However, the other party's eyes were very bright, and he was looking at the two of them with some surprise.

"Hua Wen, it's you!" Bo Fei called out first, and asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"Yeah, Hua Wen, why are you here?" Didak asked in confusion, "Shouldn't you be in the tavern? I didn't see you in the tavern, I only saw a bastard called Thomson, he Is it true that you stopped working in the tavern?"

"It's true." Hua Wen nodded with a smile.

"Then you come to work in the mine now?" Didak said, his eyes suddenly became worried, and he looked at Huawen's body, "You were beaten out by the tavern owner because of some mistakes, right? Even so, you You should also go to other taverns to find opportunities, you shouldn’t come to the mine. After all, the work in the mine is dirty and tiring, and your small body can’t handle it.”

Bo Fei echoed, "Yes, your strength is not as good as mine."

"Ha!" Huawen laughed out loud, not angry, looking at the two of them and said, "Didak, Bofei, I want to explain one thing to you, that is: I was not beaten by the boss because I made a mistake, I was Take the initiative not to come here to the mine."

"Why?" Didak asked.

"It's very simple, here, it has more future than that shabby tavern."

"Just by mining?" Bofei questioned.

"No, no, no." Hua Wen shook his head, "You may be mining, but I am not, I am managing mining."

"Huh?" Didak and Bofei looked at each other, but didn't react for a while.

"Let me tell you in detail." Hua Wen said, "A few days ago, I met a big man from out of town who came to a tavern, told him some news about the small town of Shambhala, and made a small fortune easily.

It's nothing, after that the big shot seems to be very satisfied with me, I don't know what he said to Hua Wenzi, the mine owner of the No. 13 mine. The owner of the mine, Hua Wenzi, approached me and asked me to help him manage the people. The salary he offered was five times that of the tavern. There are additional rewards for doing a good job.

Naturally, I won't be long-winded, I just left the tavern and came here, it has been several days. Have you seen the people who registered to hire miners? They are basically found by me, and they are all under my control. "

"This!" Didak and Bo Fei were stunned for a moment when they heard Huawen's words, and then looked at Huawen with bright eyes.

Didak rubbed his hands and said, "Hua Wen, so you manage the entire No. 13 mine?"

"Uh, I can't say that. In fact, I am only part of the manager. The real manager is the owner of Hua Wenzi mine." Hua Wen said.

In fact, there are some things he didn't say.

In his opinion, the big man whose name he had come into contact with before was the real person in charge. After all, Huawenzi's No. 13 mine was about to close down, but the big man paid attention to it and reopened it. The momentum is bigger than before, if it has nothing to do with the other party, he will never believe it.

However, since the big man arranged this way, there are obviously some reasons. As smart as he is, naturally he won't spout speculations everywhere, even if it's a friend who has a good relationship with him.

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