Xiao Ke grasped the thing in his hand, and explained in a serious voice: "Everyone! Do you see the thing in my hand? First of all, I want to tell you that it is not a candle.

As for what it is, you don't need to figure it out, as long as you know that it is a dangerous alchemy tool. It was bought from afar by our mine owner, Mr. Waltz, at a great price. Is it for speeding up the speed of mining, for the purpose of leveling the mountain under your feet in the shortest possible time—well, believe it or not. "

After hearing the words, everyone couldn't help whispering, some were surprised, some were skeptical, and some were disdainful.


Xiao Ke coughed lightly, interrupted everyone's doubts, and continued to speak: "I don't care what you think, but if you want to stay and get three times the salary elsewhere, you must learn to use this thing. After you have learned it, you must teach the rest, just like what I am doing to you now. Only in this way can you become a member of my team.

What I want to do next is to let you first realize the effect and power of the thing in my hand, and see if you are a real man in your body or a crying woman. Only real men can stay, and the rest of the softies are all rejected. "

After speaking, Sean took a deep breath, opened the second box on the right hand side, and took out a finger-thick column that was more than ten centimeters from it. Without explaining anything, he inserted it directly into his belt.

Then Xiao En waved his hand, carefully holding the candle-like alchemy tool, and led the crowd towards the pile of stones not far away. One of the heavy boulders had a round hole dug out at some point. Xiao En stuffed the alchemy tool into the hole, just enough to accommodate it, and he could also expose the alchemy tool's part similar to the candle wick for a few centimeters.

Didak watched Xiao En operate and guessed that the whole stone might have been hollowed out. Thinking about it, his heart beat faster inexplicably.

"Bang bang bang!"

After Sean placed the alchemy tools, he turned his head to look at the people who were following him, pointed at the simple bunker tens of meters away, and said seriously, "Do you see it? Wait a minute, I said run, you just go They all ran to the back with me, lay down on the ground and hid without showing their heads. Wait until I say it’s safe before standing up and moving around, understand?”

Everyone nodded.

Xiao En was dissatisfied and shouted: "Have your mouths been sewn shut? I want to hear a confirmed answer! Could it be that three times the salary can't let you uncles speak a word, or are you all dumb?"

"Understood!" Everyone immediately gave a confirmation answer.

Sean was still dissatisfied: "Speak up, I didn't hear you!"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted, pulling their necks, and the voice was deafening.

Satisfied, Xiao En nodded his head, his eyes fixed, his expression fixed, and he slowly pulled out the stick that was more than ten centimeters stuck in his belt.

The stick has a solid metal casing, and an extremely tight lid that takes Sean a few seconds to open. After opening it, I saw that there seemed to be some slow-burning flocculent filling inside. After contacting the outside air, there were traces of re-ignition, and a faint flame began to grow.

Sean waved his hand, signaling everyone to retreat slowly, while carefully moving the emerging flame towards the "candle wick" exposed by the alchemy tool.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Sean's hand was steady, but moved very slowly, constantly approaching the "candle wick", his face was so serious that he didn't dare to breathe.

This gradually affected other people. Everyone, including Didak and Bo Fei, became nervous and subconsciously held their breath.

Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds...


The stick in Sean's hand kept approaching, and finally the flame on it touched the "candle wick". After a faint sound, the candle wick lit up, and then passed down at a steady speed—not fast but not slow, it seemed that it would only take a while to burn the entire exposed candle wick.

When Sean saw it, he yelled, "Run!"


He turned his head and ran towards the simple bunker tens of meters away.

Everyone didn't react, and after seeing Xiao En running several meters, they ran along a little slowly.

Didak's reaction was much stronger, he grabbed Bo Fei's arm suddenly, and started to run wildly with all his strength - for some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt an extreme sense of danger in his heart, making him feel that he was being surrounded by someone next to him. The stone that was hollowed out and stuffed into the alchemy tool is like a monster, trying to stay away as much as possible.


With the sound of hurried footsteps, a group of people ran to the front of the low wall of the bunker in different order, and then, under the leadership of Xiao En, turned over and lay down.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

A group of people lay on the ground gasping for breath, then looked at each other in blank dismay. To be honest, they had absolutely no idea why they were running. Someone couldn't help but looked up to see what had happened to the stone where the alchemy props were placed just now, but Xiao En threw him on the ground with a violent shout.

Bo Fei was also a little curious, and wanted to look up, but Didak pressed his head down hard before he could raise it ten centimeters, and pushed it into the soil.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At this moment, Didak was lying on the ground tightly, and he could hear his heart beating fast, reaching a limit - partly because he ran too fast just now, and partly because of an inexplicable sense of danger.

This sense of danger is like a pair of hands tightly strangling his neck, making him suffocate, making him struggle, and making him desperately want to breathe air.

Gradually, the hands pinched closer and closer, making his whole body stiff, and also made him feel the boulder not far from the bunker very clearly, like a beast waking up and roaring upwards.


Suddenly, Didak felt that he really heard the voice.

The next moment, there was a "bang" sound, which shocked the sky!

Didak felt the whole earth tremble, and the world seemed to be suddenly unbalanced and tilted to one side. The sound of "咻咻咻" broke through the air, and the low wall around him made a muffled sound and kept shaking, as if something had hit it, as if it was being shaken by a storm and was about to collapse at any time.

And just when Didak was most worried, everything suddenly quieted down.

Surprisingly quiet.

All the dangers he felt before disappeared, and the hand holding his neck was released invisibly. Didak took a long breath and exhaled it again, experiencing an unprecedented joy and relaxation—unprecedented!



After a few seconds.

"Okay, it's safe, let's all stand up and have a look."

Xiao En uttered a voice, pulled everyone lying on the ground to stand up, and looked at the stone where the alchemy props were placed before, and everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes for a moment.

I saw a huge boulder with alchemy props placed in the distance. Under the action of a mysterious force, it was smashed into thousands of rubbles and fell in all directions—a large part hit the front of the low wall of the bunker, and some , it flew over the low wall.

It is entirely conceivable what would have happened if someone hadn't hid behind the low wall just now, or stood up curiously.

Thinking of this, several people's faces turned pale, and several people's bodies became weak, and some belatedly realized that they had just walked on the edge of life and death.

Sean made a sound, pointing to the scene in the distance and said: "Did you see it? This is the effect and power of the alchemy props you will use in the future! Let me tell you, this is the smallest one among them. If you join, the alchemy spells you will use The effect and power of the props will only be stronger than this, and will not be weaker than this. So now, are you ready to join?"


Everyone hesitated, their expressions constantly changing, thinking about this serious question. After a while, three people raised their hands out of reason, or timidity, to express their voluntary withdrawal.

Sean glanced at the three of them, not surprised, and said get out, and then kicked two people out of the team, telling the other party to get out as well—the reason was that these two people didn't listen to what they said just now, and they probed without authorization. Almost had an accident.

Nearly half of the people were driven away at once.

In the end, Sean was still dissatisfied, and his eyes kept scanning the remaining people, as if he was going to drive away half of them.

At this time, Bo Fei looked at the gigantic boulder with "no bones left" in the distance, he was a little apprehensive, swallowed his saliva, and whispered to Didak: "Brother Didak, why don't we go too, Hua Wen didn't lie We, this job is indeed a bit special. If we continue to do it, we may die a miserable death, no matter how much money we earn, it will be useless."

As a result, Didak did not respond after Bofei made his voice.


Bo Fei looked at Didak suspiciously, and saw that Didak was staring fixedly at the crushed stones in the distance, licking his lips lightly, and there was an indescribably strange excitement in his eyes.

"This is a job!" After a long while, Didak said to Bo Fei with a somewhat fanatical tone, "This job doesn't mean that you get three times the salary elsewhere, even if you don't pay for the food, I will I did it too! This job...is a real man's job, it's so exciting!"

Bo Fei was stunned, looking at Didak suddenly felt a little at a loss: "Brother Didak, you..."

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