Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 827: Stone Breaker

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

At noon, outside the small town of Shambhala, on the hilltop of the No. 13 mine.

The sun was shining on the earth, and the top of the mountain was quiet, only vague figures were running.

The person who ran was Didak. Although it was the cold moon of November in late autumn and early winter, and the temperature was not very high at noon, he was still sweating profusely at this time.

Didak's expression was extremely serious, and he quickly ran past the explosive spots where large alchemy props were placed, carefully checking for any mistakes.

Running down the hundreds of meters of pre-blasting line, the sweat on his face poured into his eyes.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

Didak ran behind the low wall of a bunker at the end, let out a long breath, and wiped his sweat casually, not completely relieved. He raised his head, looked to the side, looked at the team members behind several bunkers not far away, and shouted: "Every team, check the situation again, and report to me after the inspection!"

"Yes, Vice Captain Didak!"

After listening to the words, many people immediately turned out from behind the low wall of the bunker, ran to the bomb site, and checked. After the inspection, he waved to the leader of his team.

The team leader reported to Didak in turn:

"A group of safety!"

"Second group is safe!"

"Three groups are safe!"


"Nine groups are safe!"

"Ten groups are safe!"

After all the teams reported, Didak had an idea in his mind, and turned to look at the person in charge of the entire team behind him—the captain, Sean.

"Captain Sean, all three inspections have passed, do you think it is proceeding according to the procedure?" Didak asked.

Xiao En, who is in his forties, nodded in satisfaction. He saw what Didak did, and said: "Didak, you did a good job, even better than I thought. Even better.

Before you came, I was quite fond of Barry for your position, but in the end I promoted you. Now, tell me with your actual performance that I did nothing wrong.

So, stop talking about it, follow what I taught you, and proceed according to the procedure. I trust you, you can't go wrong. "


Didak's expression was solemn, he turned his head to look at the team members who were ready, and shouted:

"Prepare for the first level of demolition! All teams, gather team members. The peripheral team checks whether there are any irrelevant personnel within the range!"

"A group is gathered!"

"The second group is assembled!"


"The ten groups are assembled!"

"After the inspection by the peripheral team, there are no irrelevant personnel, and the next level of preparation can be carried out."


"Okay!" Didak took a deep breath, "The second-level preparations for demolition, the peripheral team evacuated, and the working team distributed fire sticks!"

"Peripheral teams began to withdraw and did not respond."

A dozen or so watchmen yelled, ran quickly into the distance, and disappeared after a while.

Then the team leader behind the low wall of each bunker opened an iron box, and distributed the so-called "fire sticks" inside to each igniter in turn. After the distribution is over, report quickly.

"A group of fire sticks has been distributed."

"The second group has finished distributing fire sticks."


"Ten groups have finished distributing fire sticks."


"Okay!" Didak's expression became extremely serious, "The third-level preparations were demolished, and all the igniters left the bunker and went to the predetermined location to report."

The members of each group skillfully climbed over the low wall and ran to the predetermined position.

"A set of reports is complete."

"Second group..."


"Ten groups of reports are completed."


"Huh!" Didak took a deep breath, "Break the ultimate preparations, turn on the fire stick, and listen to my password. After my password is issued, the ignition action must be completed within two seconds, and then you must leave regardless of whether you succeed or fail." Fire position, evacuate behind the parapet of the bunker. Understand?"


With the sound of answering, dozens of lighters opened the lid of the fire stick,

Faint flames emerged from within.

"Three! Two! One! Fire!" shouted Didak.

Dozens of fire igniters moved the flames from the fire sticks towards the lead wires of the alchemy props placed, quickly ignited them, and then quickly hid towards the low wall of the bunker behind them. They are no rookies anymore, they have experienced the same thing many times before, and they know very well that if they want to survive, they should not hesitate.

At this time, Didak kept shouting: "Retreat, run! Run!"

"Get down! Hide behind cover! Don't look up!"

"By the way, remember, don't put your whole body on the ground! Use your arms and legs to suspend your body, and do the plank movement that Mr. Waltz said, so as to avoid shocking your body."

After a while, only Didak's voice echoed on the entire mountain, and everyone was extremely nervous and leaned over behind the low wall of the bunker in a strange posture, waiting quietly for something.

Slowly, Didak's voice also disappeared, and everyone was waiting for something together.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

After three seconds of complete silence, the world suddenly became noisy from silence.

No, not noisy, but roaring!


First, there was a bang, followed by continuous, countless bangs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The explosions were all in one piece, and it was almost impossible to distinguish each other. The ground entered a high-speed vibration mode and was trembling crazily.

The sound of "咻咻咻" continued to sound, and many gravels bombarded behind the low wall of the bunker, and some gravel flew out from above the low wall and fell around.

The duration of this situation is very short, only a few seconds before and after, but it is very long, and the people behind the bunker feel as if they have stayed at the mouth of a terrifying beast for as long as a century.

Eventually, the roar died down, and the world became quiet again.

But soon, Didak's shout sounded again. He leaned over behind the bunker and shouted at the top of his voice: "Each group counts the number of spells and props that are in charge of each segment."

After a while of whispering, the group leaders began to report information:

"A group of seven alchemy props is installed, and there are seven explosions, all of which will take effect!"

"The second group installed eight alchemy props, and it is confirmed that there will be eight explosions, all of which will take effect!"


"In ten groups, six alchemy props are installed, and six beeps are confirmed, all of which will take effect!"

Fortunately this time, the number of beeps reported by all groups matched the number of installations. But even so, Didak waited for another full minute before standing up from behind the bunker's low wall.

After standing up, Didak looked forward, and saw that a large piece of stone wall had completely collapsed at this time, turning into a large piece of ore of various colors, and the landform changed drastically.

Although he has experienced it many times, he couldn't help but feel excited when he saw it at this time, and sighed: "It's really exciting!"

After sighing, he turned his head and shouted to everyone in the team: "Okay, our work is over, everyone started to leave the field for a rest, and notify the emergency team to come and check."

After speaking, Didak waved his hand and led everyone away to the distance.

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