Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 828 Delayed detection

After withdrawing to a certain distance, the team members dispersed, walked to the temporary camp at the foot of the mountain in twos and threes, began to rest, and waited for the next work.

Didak didn't leave, but watched the new team come up.

These people are all wearing hard armor and carrying heavy iron shields, which seem to be moving like an iron lump.

The other party looked at Didak, and asked Didak about the situation of the demolition. Hearing that Didak said that all the alchemy props installed took effect, he was relieved, but he didn't let his guard down completely, and walked towards the scene of the demolition with his mouth pursed.

Didak looked at the other party, and it was very clear that these people had to find all the wreckage of the alchemy props before they could complete the work and notify the next team to enter.

Only in this way can we avoid accidentally delaying the effect of any alchemy item and killing a large number of people.

Correspondingly, the other party's job is obviously the most dangerous, even if the other party is dressed like iron bumps, most of them are just psychological comfort. According to his estimation, if these things were doubled in thickness, they would not be of much use in front of large alchemy props. Once something really happens, there will be no bones left.

However, because of this, the other party can get a super high salary that is more than five times that of ordinary places, and if they die unfortunately, they will also receive high compensation.

The members of the risk-dispatch team with a super high salary lasted for more than half an hour, finally finished the work and found all the wreckage, and after confirming with Didak, they left the venue out of breath.

Afterwards, a third working team appeared.

Everyone on the other side was carrying a bucket, which was filled with a pungent light blue liquid, and they didn't know what it was, so they sprayed it on the ore.

The work these people do, in Didak’s view, is the strangest and most meaningless. The only use may be to reduce some dust. He has repeatedly responded to Captain Sean, and he can remove these people or supplement his squad.

But Captain Xiao En said that this was specially arranged by the mine owner Waltz, and no one could move.

After the strange third team had been busy for several hours, spilling a large amount of weird liquid all over the work site and leaving, the fourth team finally made its belated appearance.

The fourth team is the team with the largest number of people in the entire mine. So far, more than 1,000 people have been hired, and it is under the unified management of Hua Wen and another team leader.

The work these people do is very simple, that is, to carry out the most elementary processing of the ore, load it into a carriage, and transport it down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a factory has gradually taken shape, where the ore will be processed by the hired workers for the second time - after screening, sorting, and cutting, it will be transported to distant places for sale.

As far as Didak knows, this is almost the entire working process of the No. 13 Mine.

In a sense, this workflow is more than ten times more efficient than the traditional mining methods of other mines, which is surprisingly high.

However, he didn't care too much about this. What he cared most about was only the first step of the process—the demolition work under his command.

Every time he does demolition work, he can experience the beauty of destroying everything with strength, and feel that his whole body has reached the pinnacle of pleasure. Of course, he didn't tell anyone this secret, not even his friend - Bo Fei who had become the team leader.

He was a little worried that according to the current mining speed, the entire mountain would be flattened, as if it really wasn't a joke of the mine owner Waltz. Given time, it will definitely come true, so how long can he do the same work?

I really want to keep doing it.

In the night that fell unknowingly, in the camp of the mine below the mountain, Didak turned over with this thought and fell into a deep sleep.


Didak fell asleep, and something more secretive began to unfold.

In the ore processing factory not far from the foot of the mountain, in the secret workshop, a very small number of special ores are selected for more refined multiple processing. It was ground into granules and put into a sealed lead box, and was quietly transported to an unknown place far away by a horse-drawn carriage.


Blue Lake Manor, study room.

Li Cha appeared here,

But he didn't stop, and soon entered the Garden of Eden.

After entering the Garden of Eden, Richard went to the dangerous function sector and walked into the underground building with the highest protection level.

In the completely enclosed laboratory, he successively took out several heavy lead boxes from the space iron ring. The lead boxes contained some special ore powder samples mined and transported from the small town of Shambhala—in fact, radioactive ore powder samples.

And the reason why he brought the specimen to the underground building is also very simple, that is to prepare to test its composition and determine what it contains.

This matter should have been done in more than ten days, but he abruptly postponed it until today. This is not because he procrastinates, but because only in this way can he understand some information more comprehensively.

It is true that there are radioactive ores in the mines of the No. 13 mine. It is the radioactive substances that create the demonized creatures and attract Joseph. That's why a series of things finally led him step by step to discover this precious resource and the raw material that could make nuclear weapons.

But to be clear, it is only possible to build nuclear weapons.


Not all radioactive ores can produce nuclear weapons, only some of them, such as ores containing uranium-235 and plutonium-239.

There are many radioactive ores containing these two elements, such as crystalline uranium ore, pitchblende uranium ore, uranium black ore, titanium uranium ore, silicon calcium uranium ore, copper uranium mica ore, vanadium calcium uranium ore, vanadium potassium uranium ore wait.

However, there are also some radioactive ores that do not contain these two elements, such as niobium yttrium ore, xenotime, silicon beryllium yttrium ore, brown yttrium niobium ore, niobium calcium ore, complex dilute gold ore, pyrochlore ore, easily decomposable Quartzite, Thoriumite, Allanite and more!

Therefore, it is necessary to determine which type of radioactive ore in the mine is, in order to determine whether the next step-research and manufacture nuclear weapons can be carried out.

In fact, even if it is determined that the radioactive ore contains uranium-235 and plutonium-239, there is no guarantee that it will go to the next step.

Because the amount of ore needed to research and manufacture nuclear weapons is very large, and it is necessary to ensure that a large part of the entire ore vein is similar to qualified ore.

This is the same as betting on stones. When you cut it with a single knife, it will be covered with green, as if you got a large piece of emerald. But when I continued to cut, I found that only one corner of the edge was green, and the rest was empty, so I could only rejoice in vain.

Therefore, he waited until now to have some ore samples extracted from the shallow veins for testing.

Only in this way can the test results be comprehensive.

So what do the overall results look like? Does it contain uranium-235 and plutonium-239?

Thinking of this, Li Cha moved.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Li Cha put on the chemical protective suit.


Li Cha opened the lead box containing the ore powder sample.


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