Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 829: The Foundation of Research

After opening the lead box containing the ore samples, Li Cha's expression under the mask of the protective clothing was positive, and he quickly got busy.

First, a sample was taken, put into a large blue container, and the prepared lye was added into it. Let it react to remove impurities and obtain a purer sample. Afterwards, various liquids were added in turn to react with them until the other party formed a white precipitate in the light green liquid before stopping.

Afterwards, Li Cha took another sample, this time put it into a huge cyan container, and added the prepared acid solution into it to let it react and remove impurities. Afterwards, filter and crystallize the product, add a variety of liquids to react with it, and stop until the other party produces brown flocs.

After conducting two testing experiments, Li Cha took a short rest, wrote down a few notes on a papyrus scroll, thought for a moment, and took out a third sample. The third sample was leached with lye, and then put into a crucible to isolate the air and burn continuously, let it melt, and observe the situation.

Then came the fourth sample, this time Li Cha added yellow sulfur for a heating reaction...

For the fifth sample, Li Cha injected colorless nitrogen gas, controlled the temperature at around 400 degrees Celsius, and let it react...

In the sixth sample, Li Cha added pitch black carbon and raised the temperature to about 1250 degrees Celsius to allow it to react...

The seventh...


Li Cha was constantly busy, and he didn't stop in the middle of the night. He used ore powder samples to do various tests and experiments, and sometimes used various equipment for assistance.


Eventually hours passed.

Li Cha observed the last sample and saw that the other party was gradually forming precipitates in the light green acid solution, so he let out a sigh of relief. He took the sediment out, put it on a weighing instrument and accurately weighed the mass of the sediment, calculated on the papyrus for a while, and Li Cha solemnly filled in another string of data on the papyrus scroll form.

After finishing, Li Cha picked up the papyrus scroll form, repeatedly looked at the dense data filled on it, and remained silent for a long time. Then, hidden under the thick chemical protective suit mask, on his tired face, the corners of his mouth turned up a little bit, revealing a knowing smile.

"The result is not bad!" Li Cha, who was in the chemical protective suit, murmured, looking at the form, his eyes brightened.



very nice!

very good!

Through his series of tests, the results obtained so far have fully demonstrated that there is a rare uranium mine hidden under the hill where the No. 13 mine in Shambhala town is located.

The reserves of this uranium mine have not yet been fully verified, and the underground trend has not yet been determined, but the information calculated so far is enough for preliminary nuclear weapon research and manufacture.

As for how far nuclear weapons research and manufacturing can be carried out, it depends not only on the reserves of uranium ore, but also on whether various problems that may be encountered can be solved.

But no matter what, this is excellent, excellent, excellent news for now!


This news means that he has a certain possibility, through a series of efforts, to obtain the military weapon with the pinnacle of technology on the earth-nuclear weapon.

Li Cha's eyebrows raised involuntarily.

He is not sure whether nuclear weapons can fight against the so-called ninth-level wizards in the legend, but in his opinion, it is completely enough to deal with the fourth-level wizards that may be encountered. After all, when a nuclear weapon explodes, the core temperature is as high as several million degrees Celsius, and the impact force is unimaginably large. It can easily destroy a large city, and its comprehensive power is completely better than the meteorite that destroyed the White Rock Tower.

Once he obtains such a weapon, he will have the ability and confidence to confront any force in the current world—even the unfathomable Truth Society and the Supreme Order God Society.

In this way, although he does not have the idea of ​​unifying the world and dominating the world, it can greatly reduce the impact of unexpected factors on his various research and plans, and even speed up the progress, allowing him to achieve some of his goals more efficiently. Purpose.

As an example,

For example, the Truth Society has a lot of information about the ancient wizarding world, but it is strictly protected and does not want to disclose it. After some design, he stole the data for reading in some way, which greatly accelerated the progress of his various researches.

It's just that the good times don't last long, the truth will find out what he's doing, tear up his face with him, hunt him down frantically, and make him move around, unable to continue his research.

At this time, he can find a way to gather the many high-end wizards of the Truth Society who are chasing him to one location, and then throw a nuclear weapon over there.

After a roar that shattered the world, everything was quiet and harmonious.

Without accident, the hatred between him and the Truth Society will disappear. With luck, he might still be able to get more information about the ancient wizarding world from the Truth Society.

Of course, having said that, this is actually only one of the reasons for his research and manufacture of nuclear weapons, and it is a relatively small reason.

The reason for this is that he is very aware that although it is feasible to solve many things with absolute violence, it is not the most convenient way-there are many tricky ways to replace it.

For example, if he is also hunted down by the Society of Truth, he does not need to spend a lot of time to make a nuclear bomb and throw it there. He can find a remote place, hide in the Garden of Eden, and study it for a year or so with peace of mind. Can't find it.

He has never been a force supremacist, but a researcher. The main reason for his research and manufacture of nuclear weapons is to attribute the research itself.

In other words, because he studies nuclear weapons, he researches and manufactures nuclear weapons. Instead of researching and manufacturing nuclear weapons for the purpose of killing with nuclear weapons.

What is the purpose of his research?

This is a long story, a certain method, which is related to his attempt to decipher the current world and analyze the extraordinary power system of the current world.

In other words, the reason why he studied nuclear weapons was not a whim, it was completely planned long ago. This is the continuation of his previous research results, and it is also the necessary path for him to reach the end of his future research.

What did he study before?

There are many things he studies, which are very messy, such as the blood of gods, magic pattern spells, communication crystal balls, and so on.

But in fact, these things, traced back to the origin, all have a core point-that is the foundation of all current research things-it is this foundation that derives everything.

This foundation is the theory that he summed up when he was in the Emerald Kingdom of Smans Island not long after he embarked on the extraordinary path, and was used to initially explain the current world power system-the theory of superheavy nuclear stable island elements.

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