Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Eight hundred and thirtieth IX escape plan

Eden, Machining Sector, Research Office.

On the table, the soul of the old man Lich has been integrated into the body of the dead old man Ford, which caused drastic changes in the body.


The corpse seemed to be extremely repulsed by the integration of the soul of the old Lich, and the whole body produced high-frequency vibrations.

The vibration was extreme, and with a "bang", it fell directly from the table. While tumbling on the ground, it frantically collided with surrounding iron frames, cabinets, processing tables, chairs, etc., making harsh noises.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The sound rang for a long time, then gradually weakened, and the corpse seemed to have no strength.

In the end, the corpse lay motionless on the ground without any movement.

After going on like this for ten seconds, the corpse's chest suddenly swelled up high, and the nasal cavity made a "hoo". Forcefully and greedily, he sucked a large amount of air into his lungs through the trachea, and took a long inhalation.

Then the cyan energy seeped out from under the skin of the corpse, covering the whole body of the corpse, quickly repairing the damage caused by the death of the corpse.



The corpse continued to breathe, and the interval between each breath became shorter and shorter, a little bit closer to the state of a normal person.

After a dozen or so breaths, the corpse's eyes opened suddenly, and it leaned on the ground, like a rusty robot, and stood up stiffly.

It was the Lich Old Man who was successfully resurrected!

The old Lich who had been resurrected successfully stood up and the first thing he did was to look at his new body.

Look at the hands, look at the legs, look at the bony torso. Touching the wrinkled cheeks, counting the incomparably yellow and rotten teeth left, he took a breath, smelled the strong bad breath, and showed a somewhat disgusted expression.

"This body is much worse than my previous body. Although I don't remember what my previous body looked like, I'm sure it must be better than the current one." The Lich old man frowned.

Afterwards, he touched his back again, and found that several ribs had cracks for some reason, and a large bump was inexplicably knocked out on the back of his head. This made his expression even more disgusted.

"How did this happen? During my resurrection, I don't remember any injuries to these places. Could it be that my corpse had these injuries before I died? Or, it was caused by the guy who wanted to trade with me. of?"

The old Lich kept talking to himself, frowning: "Damn, if it's really like this, it will take a lot of my soul energy to repair it. But for this resurrection, to forcefully match the corpse, I A large amount of soul energy was consumed, and the soul energy is almost exhausted at present.

Then the remaining small part of soul energy must be saved and not wasted casually. Therefore, in the short term, it cannot be used to repair wounds, and we can only think of other methods, such as using magic to treat.

Having said that, my body is not the extraordinary body of a wizard, but just an ordinary old guy. I don’t know how much time and resources it will take if I want to restore my former strength and cast spells, and using spells is not reliable.

In addition, I can't easily abandon this body and find another body, because that also requires a lot of soul energy. In this case, I really want to be restrained, and I am a bit disadvantaged. "

"However, since this is already the case, it is useless to say more." The old Lich sighed, thought for a while, his expression eased a little, and he said seriously, "Instead of complaining, it is better to leave here quickly. After all, it would be bad if the guy who wanted to trade with me came back later and blocked me."

After speaking, the Lich old man fixed his eyes and acted quickly. Controlling the new body somewhat unfamiliarly, he walked towards the door of the research room step by step.

He walked to the door with difficulty, stretched out his hands, grabbed the door handle, and opened it with difficulty.


The door opened.


The old lich stepped out of the door, very excited.

"Ha, I'm free, yes,

I am free! I can finally get rid of the shackles of that guy, sunshine, grass, insects and birds here I come! "

The old Lich was talking, he chose a direction at random and strode towards it.

But a few minutes later, he came back the same way.

The returning Lich old man turned his head to look at the surrounding buildings, frowning slightly, with a puzzled expression.

"It's just nightfall now? So, it's kind of dark and there's no sun?" the old Lich said to himself.

"But why are there no trees?" the Lich old man asked.

"I can't see bugs or birds either!" The Lich old man looked solemnly.

Suddenly, the Lich old man found that although he walked out of the previous house, he was free at no cost. In fact, outside the house, it seems to be a bigger cage.

Fortunately, the old Lich is quite knowledgeable. After looking around several times, he guessed the truth and said, "Could it be that this is a small independent space?"

After guessing the truth, the muscles on the Lich old man's face were slightly distorted: "Damn, in the era before me, spell props that can open up small spaces were extremely scarce. No, it's not scarce, it's because I have never seen it before." .

What is the identity of the guy who asked to trade with me before, to have such an item casually, and it's so big..."

"It doesn't matter, the point is, I can't get out! Do I really want to stay here and wait for that guy to come back? Then how can I explain to him?" The old Lich frowned deeply, pacing back and forth on the spot, thinking The direction to solve the problem, and finally really barely come up with one.

"Either..." The old Lich's eyes flickered, revealing a cunning look, "Or... I will find a way to destroy a large building in this small space, making that guy mistakenly think that an unknown accident happened.

That way, when that guy sees it, he'll try to restore the building instead of guessing that I did it. If I can't be found at that time, I will think that the body was torn apart by the destructive force, and the phylactery was damaged. I can find the right opportunity, hide in a certain corner, figure out how the other party enters and exits here, and then find a way to escape. Yes, that's it! "

The old Lich's eyes brightened, and he did what he said. When he turned his head, he locked his eyes on the largest building next to him.

That is the core of Richard Eden's building - the main laboratory!

The old Lich pursed his lips, slowly raised his hands, and aimed at the wall of the main laboratory.

The next moment, the old Lich's eyes became sharp, and a faint aura of destruction emerged from his body, and the entire Garden of Eden seemed to start trembling, as if the end of the world had come suddenly.

"Smash it for me!"

The old Lich yelled with incomparable momentum, and with all his strength, quickly released a powerful energy in his body.


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