Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 840: Little Devil

One second, two seconds, three seconds...


After a full three seconds, the main laboratory in front of the old man Lich did not change. Instead, a long voice sounded behind the old man Lich. Then the surrounding air became cloudy, almost suffocating.

The old Lich's expression was very serious. In the turbid air, he gradually couldn't maintain it and gradually collapsed. In the end, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, revealing an extremely embarrassed expression.

Embarrassing, really embarrassing!

For the old Lich, for a moment just now, he forgot the situation he was in, and thought he was a powerful Lich who could easily destroy the town, so he used all his strength to attack.

In the end, he was indeed a lich, but he was not powerful at all now. So not only did he not destroy the target he chose, but because of his current physical problems, the long voice just now was produced, and the surrounding turbid air was produced.

Touching his face, the old Lich felt a little hot.

I fanned the air with my hands to remove the surrounding air, let out a sigh of relief, and said to myself: "Well, fortunately, there is no one here. If there is no one, I don't know what I did just now. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay, it's okay...Gah!"

Halfway through the old Lich's words, his voice stopped abruptly, and he noticed something.

After all, he is a lich, even if he is currently limited by the physical body of ordinary people, he still has several special abilities, including the perception of the soul.

He sensed that a soul was quietly approaching him.

That is……

"Who!" The Lich old man shouted, quickly turned his head to look at the approaching direction, his eyes became sharp again.

A few seconds later, under his sharp yelling, a little girl in purple appeared in his field of vision.

The little girl's expression was very vigilant, a little terrified, and a little puzzled. She stared wide-eyed and didn't say a word.

Seeing the other party, the old Lich couldn't help being taken aback, and then recalled that he heard a little girl shouting in the research room a few days ago.

"Could it be you?" the old Lich asked, raising his eyebrows.

The expression on his face subconsciously softened a little, lest he frighten the little girl, he tried his best to become calm, and asked, "Hey, girl, are you locked up here by a guy like me?"

The little girl did not answer the old man's question, but continued to look at the old man Lich with confused and puzzled eyes.

The Lich old man was a little distressed, and subconsciously helped the little girl give an answer: "It seems that you are indeed locked here, so it seems that that guy is really too much, even the little girl.

Having said that, why did he lock you up here? What use are you to him? "

The little girl looked at the old Lich and said nothing.

The old Lich shook his head, reluctantly gave up asking, turned his gaze back to reality, looked at the little girl and said, "Okay, I won't ask you any more questions, and now I'll find a way to take you out of here together. You know what? , I have a plan that may be successful. To make this plan succeed, the first step is to create as much damage as possible, do you want to help me?"

The old Lich looked at the little girl and blinked encouragingly.

The little girl stood where she was, unresponsive, noncommittal.

The old Lich was a little helpless, almost thinking that the little girl's IQ was abnormal, but in the end he still wanted to try again.

Scanning the surroundings, he saw a tall pot standing next to him, but he didn't know what to do, so he walked over.

With a "click", the old Lich forcefully pulled out a joystick from under the pipe. Weighed it, and felt that the weight was okay, and walked towards the little girl.

"Girl!" The old Lich walked up to the little girl and said seriously, "You take the thing I gave you now, and then help me smash all the things that can be seen around, okay?"

As he spoke, the old Lich pushed the joystick into the little girl's hand.

As a result, the moment he put the joystick into the little girl's hand,

He heard a word from the little girl's mouth, as if he said with a bit of anger: "Scared!!!"

"Scared? Huh?"

The old Lich was puzzled, and was about to ask about the meaning of this syllable, when suddenly he felt that the world he was in turned upside down—the soles of his feet became the top of his head, and the top of his head became the soles of his feet—he seemed to be singled out by the little girl in front of him. He raised his hand and slammed it hard to the ground.


The Lich old man fell to the ground and was thrown to the ground, dizzy and dizzy. After several seconds, he stood up staggeringly as if he was drunk, looked at the little girl, opened his mouth wide, and didn't quite believe what happened just now.

Was it really the little girl who hit him just now?


The other party is just a child. He didn't notice any abnormality from the other party's body. The other party should be just a very ordinary child. How can he be so powerful?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The old Lich shook his head vigorously in his heart, but the little girl in his sight walked towards him furiously with frowns.

"You are not Li Cha, and you are not a good person! If you want to cause damage, then you will be beaten!" The little girl said seriously with a straight face.


The old Lich was stunned, his thoughts went blank for a moment, and then he realized that he was picked up by the little girl again, and fell hard to the ground, even harder than last time.



The old Lich fell to the ground, and the whole ground seemed to tremble.

In the past ten seconds, the Lich old man slowly stood up from the ground stiffly, looked at the little girl, and exclaimed: "You...what is your identity? How do you have such great strength? Hell, if I hadn't used the little soul power left to buffer it, I would be dead now, you know?!"

Facing the old Lich's shout, the little girl showed no mercy, and just continued to frown. After thinking about it, he stepped closer again, and then reached out to grab it.



A few minutes later.

In the Garden of Eden.

At the corner of the main laboratory, the Lich old man was lying on the ground, unable to move his feet, and crawling on the ground with only the strength of his hands.

One meter, two meters, three meters...

The old Lich almost crawled around the corner like an earthworm, looked back, and was slightly relieved to find no figure of the little girl.

Just as he was about to continue crawling forward, he suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with his body. His feet seemed to be grabbed by an irresistible force, and he retreated a little bit uncontrollably. No matter how hard he grabbed the ground with both hands, it was of no avail.

"Ah!" The old Lich turned his head and saw the little purple-clothed girl who had brought him nightmares reappeared, and couldn't help shouting, " little devil, let me go! I and You have no hatred, why do you keep holding on to me!

Oh, I see, this place belongs to you, right? The guy who has been trading with me is only your subordinate. This can explain how powerful you are at such a young age!

Well, I know your details now, let me go, or I will never end with you! Yes, I'm not done with you! let me go, ah, don't..."

In the end, the old Lich's tone became desperate and terrified, but he was completely unable to prevent him from being dragged back. After that, amidst the old man's miserable cry, there was a loud muffled sound.


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