Seeing Pandora standing in front of him, Li Cha couldn't help covering his forehead.

Pandora didn't notice at all that there was something wrong with her current state, and asked suspiciously: "Li Cha, what's wrong with you, is there anything wrong?"

"You..." Li Cha wanted to say something, but he took it back as soon as he said it, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

From the space iron ring, he took out a piece of clothes he was wearing, threw it to Pandora, and asked Pandora to wear it. Li Cha thought in his heart: It seems that in the future, I need to prepare some clothes for Pandora to take with me, so that every time Pandora transforms, it will be red (anti-harmony) fruit. I just don't know if Pandora can skillfully use the space iron ring.

Thinking about this, Li Cha looked at Pandora and asked again: "Apart from what you said before, you have become stronger and will transform, have you changed after you woke up this time?"

"This..." Pandora thought seriously, "I'm becoming more confusing now, does that count? I don't know what's going on, but after I learn how to transform, as long as I maintain my current state, it's hard to see My special thing. The person I hit before was that he didn’t notice anything wrong with me before I shot. Even after I shot, he still looked like he couldn’t believe it.”

"That's not bad." Li Cha nodded.

Is this a permanent solidification of the annoid technique... Li Cha added in his heart.

"What about other things?" Richard asked again, "Has your ability to shape metal, and your ability to predict have improved?"

"This..." Pandora thought for a long time this time, shook her head and said in a depressed mood, "It doesn't seem to be. But..."

Then Pandora's tone changed: "However, I seem to be able to greatly improve my strength in a short period of time. If before the improvement, my strength was a standard value of 1, then after the improvement, it can reach between 2 and 2.3." Pandora It has not forgotten the mathematical knowledge taught before, and it is a very precise expression.

After finishing speaking, looking at Li Cha, Pandora added: "In this case, when I explode, I will be very powerful, and ordinary people will not be afraid at all."

"Really." Li Cha nodded after listening, but he was not very interested. There is no other reason, Pandora improves combat skills, not support skills.

For him now, after successfully developing the magic missile, no matter how much Pandora's strength has improved, it is only a few magic missiles.

Besides, he wasn't going to let Pandora participate in anything related to the battle. On the contrary, if Pandora improves his auxiliary skills, whether it is the ability to reshape metal or the ability to predict, it will be of great help to him.

Pandora looked at Li Cha's appearance, thought that Li Cha didn't believe it, and said: "It's true, Li Cha, I'm really very good now, I think I can fight even after I transform and break out. I passed you."

"Hit me?" Li Cha listened, looked at Pandora a little funny, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Really, I'm sure." Pandora nodded seriously, and there was a hint of eagerness in her eyes. It seems that because I have been asleep for too long, I can't wait to move around.

"I'm very confident." Li Cha glanced at Pandora, he didn't hit the other party, and of course he didn't really compete with the other party in a childish way.

Afterwards, he just put on a straight face, and said seriously: "Confidence is a good thing. Since you are so confident, then maybe I can consider teaching you some advanced mathematics knowledge. For example, learn integrals and geometry in depth."

After hearing this, Pandora's face was taken aback for a moment, then her face froze, and she stretched out her hand to defend anxiously: "That...Li Cha, I...I didn't mean that, I just..."

"It doesn't matter, whether you mean it or not, since you have confidence, I believe you will learn well, that's it."

Patting Pandora on the head, Li Cha walked out of the main laboratory, leaving a sentence: "I'll find you a study book that you can use.


Pandora stood where she was: "..." She suddenly wanted to sleep for a while.



Li Cha came out with a smile on his face.

He wasn't really in a hurry to find books for Pandora to study - continuing to teach Pandora mathematics knowledge was one of his plans, but he wasn't so frantic that he refused to waste a second of time.

He is now thinking more about how to arrange Pandora.

Maybe letting Pandora go to the mine to stay for a while is a good choice.

Not long ago, when he discovered that the crazy old man Ford broke into the construction site of the mine, he became vigilant and discovered a serious problem—the security force of the mine was too weak.

Although in name, Waltz has already begun to organize workers to defend, but it is only guarding against ordinary people. Really facing the wizard and the Truth Society with extraordinary power, it is not enough to watch, and even unable to detect each other.

It is impossible for him to stay in the mine all the time, if Pandora is allowed to go, it will fill the vacancy in this regard.

In addition, you can also let the old Lich, Ah Fu, go with you. The other party may not be able to provide support, but with his long life, he can provide some insightful opinions to reduce accidents.

In this case, there is really an extraordinary power sneaking in, and there is no need for Pandora and the Lich Old Man Ah Fu to stop it. As long as the two of them notice something, they can tell him later, so that he can know for sure.

In this way, at least he can be sure whether the Truth Council is investigating him or not. Or, let him know that he is really too sensitive.

Could it be that he is being too sensitive?

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly and pursed his lips.


In the north of Jialan City where Richard is located, near Da Delan Town, there is an underground space.

This is the secret branch of the Truth Society. In a separate room in the branch, Canon, the steward, is sitting behind his desk.

Most of the whole person was hidden in the dim light, with a straight face, looking through the documents on the table very seriously. Occasionally looking up at the corner of the table, the performance was relieved.

I saw, on the corner of the table, a big fluffy white rabbit lying there. The three-petal mouth keeps opening and closing, as if chewing something, and the red eyes are half-closed, looking lazy. More like a pet cat than a rabbit.

Glancing at the white rabbit, Kanon withdrew his gaze, put down the document he had finished reading, and picked up a new document to read. His eyes swept over, and after seeing the content above, his eyes suddenly became serious.

I saw that at the top of the document, there was a line of eye-catching characters written: A report on the strange current situation of the mine near the small town of Shambhala.

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