Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter eight hundred and fortieth six supervisors

Canon blinked his research, read it quickly, and read it for a long time.

After a long while, Kanon finished reading and held the document in his hand with a pensive expression on his face, as if he was thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, the big white rabbit on the table seemed to have sensed something, raised its head vigilantly, and looked towards the closed door. Then the big white rabbit made a light "pop", and kicked hard on the table with its slender and powerful hind legs. The whole body jumped up, like a bird drawing a circular arc in the air, and lightly jumped into the dark corner of the room, hiding.

"Huh?" Kanon was taken aback when he saw the white rabbit's movement, then subconsciously put the document in his hand on the table and looked towards the door.

The next moment, the door of the room opened without a knock, and a person walked in.

Kanon looked at the person who was coming, and wanted to get angry, but when he saw clearly the next moment, he stood up with a "swipe". He bent down and greeted respectfully: "Director Rommel!"

The person who came was the supervisor Rommel, and the most eye-catching thing was the incomparably gorgeous golden robe of the other party. Of course, there is also the unfathomable and powerful aura of the other party, even if it is only faintly exuded, it is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

After listening to Kanon's greeting, Rommel who walked in nodded and responded, but didn't say anything else, just kept scanning the room where Kanon was.

Kanon was a little puzzled, endured it for a while, and asked aloud: "Director Rommel, what's the matter?" As far as he knew, the supervisor Rommel has been busy in the Pompeii branch in the distance recently. will come to him.

After hearing Canon's words, Rommel finally spoke out, announcing shocking information as soon as he spoke, saying: "There is an inspector sent from the headquarters, who may want to come to you."

"Inspector?!" Kanon's eyes widened slightly, and he wanted to call out, but he opened his mouth wide and quickly closed it without losing his composure. After that, he tried to use a calm tone and said: "Inspector, didn't you come here not long ago, why... came again?"

"This is also where I am strange. The frequency of inspectors coming here is a bit high." Rommel said, and after a while, he said softly, "Perhaps, this is the meaning of the Master 'Grey Fog'. After all, it is now The master 'Grey Mist' is on duty, not the master 'Fehn'."

Canon opened his mouth, but did not answer. Because this topic is not something he can participate in, even if he wears a silver ring and has the status of a manager, he is still not qualified.

Kanon's eyes couldn't help turning quickly, his thoughts drifting.

Within the organization of the Truth Society, the so-called inspectors are a rather special existence.

Generally speaking, according to the organizational structure of the Truth Society, the lowest-ranking members are those with black iron rings, who are regarded as lower-ranking members.

Among these people, the more prominent and powerful will become the team leader.

The more prominent and capable team leaders will become the team leader.

If the captain goes up, he is at his current level, a steward with a silver ring.

The steward has the right to lead a branch and manage a relatively independent area, so he is considered a middle-level employee.

Further up, people with golden rings, such as Rommel, are called supervisors, and they are considered high-level in the organization. They are in charge of the management of an entire region, and they are the main components of the organization. When encountering a dangerous situation, they even have the ability to communicate with the gods and summon divine punishment, of course, in rare cases.

As for the golden ring, there is still a certain distance from the top floor.

On the top floor is the manager with colorful rings.

There are very few such existences, they jointly manage the operation of the entire organization, and most of the time they will not show up directly. In order to ensure the concentration of power, among them, the system of taking power in turn is implemented. In a cycle, there is only one chief executive with a colorful ring, who will be elected as the highest authority to manage the personnel of the entire organization. The rest of the seven-color ring managers will assist the highest authority in management.

When something needs to be decided, it will be discussed and discussed by all the colorful ring managers.

The highest authority has the final say.

Of course, the right to make the final decision cannot be abused. If more than one-half of the seven-color ring chiefs do not understand, they can communicate with the silver priest. The silver priest is the servant of the gods, who will convey the current situation to the gods, and then the gods will issue an oracle to resolve the dispute.

This is the complete framework of the Truth Council from bottom to top.

The reason why the inspector is special is because the inspector is not included in this framework.

The inspector wears a blue ring, and his strength may not be very strong, at most he has some rare spells. Their status is completely lower than that of the supervisors of the Golden Ring, and even some supervisors of the Silver Ring don't like them, but they are directly responsible to the highest authority.

They do not belong to the executive force of the organization, but to the supervisory force. What they do is to check whether the members of the organization have dissent, check whether the information reported by a certain branch is true, check whether a certain area is stable, or whether there are some hidden dangers that have not been discovered yet.

In a sense, the existence of inspectors is very important to a huge organization like the Truth Society.

The only problem is that the inspectors sometimes "find fault".

This is related to Caizhihuan's rotation system.

Because Cai Zhihuan is in power in turn, each Cai Zhihuan will have his own descendant and confidant, even if there is no one, there will be someone who is more optimistic. They will be given certain support within the scope of their ability, so that they can complete the tasks assigned and implement the plans they want to implement.

And in the next cycle, after the new Caizhihuan becomes the supreme authority, there will definitely be different tasks and plans to be implemented.

They will naturally have to make some adjustments.

They will not deliberately suppress members, because this will arouse the anger of the gods-the gods do not allow selfishness, revenge and other behaviors to exist. But this does not affect, the new supreme power will send inspectors to check some branches and regions more. Once a problem is found at that time, it will be properly criticized, ordered to modify, and then reduce resource support.

After so many "technical adjustments", the entire organization will gradually undergo some macro-level changes to achieve the respective goals of different color rings.

For these, the gods have no objection, after all, everyone has to be punished for doing something wrong.

The question is, who doesn't make mistakes?

No matter who it is, as long as it is inspected enough times by the inspector, there will eventually be problems. This is why everyone does not like to see the inspector.

And now, the Inspector is coming.

Thinking of this, Canon's expression kept changing.


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